Mapping the Realm

Mapping the Realm

Sanctum of Wrath (Yamaoka Estate)



  • Member Posts: 2,194

    Dread. The feeling of absolute dread. The way the Sanctum rises up in the middle evokes a place of great power. There is danger with many small places to hide. The danger makes you feel small and insignificant.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3

    Please, please, please remove the "variable Shack spawn" feature from this map. This map is already rather confusing to navigate because the main building lacks identifiable "front" and "rear" sides. Allowing the shack to spawn on different sides makes it even more frustrating and confusing to play.

    1) make the shack spawn in only one location; 2) move the main building slightly off-center in the opposite direction of the shack; 3) add exterior visual cues to help players identify where the "front" and "rear" parts of the building are -- replace the 2 copy-and-paste staircases with 1 prominent staircase that leads into the middle of the map.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Alost great balanced cause too many svr sided structures and i think it needs a grafic and layout upgrade more like in rpd were layouts fitting great into map more than wood walls all over

  • Member Posts: 203

    I apologize for bringing up something unrelated to map generation, but personally, I find the heads of the Jizo statues in the map objects to be excessively large. The Jizo statues I see in Japan typically have smaller heads. Many of them have proportions similar to the image here.

  • Member Posts: 3,009
    edited March 2024

    I've seen a jungle gym spawn next to shack with the perfect window orientation to create one of the worst loops I've ever seen in this game, and I've hated this map ever since. I think that match single-handedly killed my desire to play Ghost Face.

  • Member Posts: 13

    What's great about Sanctum of Wrath:

    • Consistent map generation makes it easier for newer survivors to know that there is one guaranteed central generator.
    • Main building functions as a line of sight blocker without impeding the killer's pathing too much.
    • 3 path options for killer to decide which approach option is best when traversing the map.
    • Probably the most balanced instance of verticality in the game.

    What's bad about Sanctum of Wrath:

    • The bottleneck lacks any and all strong pallets. Survivors forced to traverse the center of the map go down very quickly. Injured survivors caught in the middle of the map have no where to go.
    • Only one generator in the map makes experience killers decide which half of the map is worth defending because one side can sometimes have 4 generators while the other only has 2.

    Suggested changes

    • Maybe two central generators would make defending the central generator or traversing the map more appealing, rather than defending one side.
    • Shrink the outskirts of the map.
    • Add one more pallet to the middle to help survivors at least be able to make it to the other side more often.
  • Member Posts: 13

    I like this map. The main building gives the killer an advantage because it's so unsafe and acts as a vantage point, which sometimes can feel pretty oppressive, but I don't mind that necessarily.

    When I play survivor, I always like getting these I shaped maps with the narrow middle section, because it makes it really clear to me which gens need to get done first (bang out the middle one straightaway, then make sure the next two to finish are on opposite sides of the map and you're golden). Reading others' comments on this point though, I can appreciate how this design can also be very frustrating if your teammates don't have good situational awareness and carelessly create a 3-gen.

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