
shizzy_Pooh Member Posts: 52
edited March 11 in General Discussions

I just went against a p100 huntress that tunneled and camped downed bodies at 4 gens, and snipped us from half way across the map, yea she really needed that buff she’s getting 🙄


  • Meghead56
    Meghead56 Member Posts: 19

    Well, I had a Huntress cheater who downed us before we had chance to move. Also played against her 3 times in 4 games. Shame that I had escape cakes so I lost huge amount of bloodpoints.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    I mean they did say "out of hatchets with no locker in sight?" So they assumedly thought she didnt have enough hatchets on some maps. Poor dredge suffers more than her on that.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,455

    But what about 'Trapper has no traps in sight?!'

    More traps in lockers plz...

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    No Survivors asked for it but plenty of Huntress mains did. I’m not a big fan of losing because maps and she is affected by bad maps the most. Shiny Pin/ Infantry belt are her most popular add ons for a reason and they tried making them basekit like they did with all the other killer tweaks.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Every A Tier killer and above can do that. The buffs change nothing in that regard.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 250

    Your anecdotal evidence trumps BHVR's stats, you should contact them right now so they can cancel everything before it goes to live!

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Stats should not be the focal point of balance changes. If this was the case Nurse would be getting buff after buff every patch. This Huntress change could have and should have simply been adding more lockers to maps that are sparse with them as this would buff not only her but Trickster and Dredge as well.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 250

    Adding more lockers to maps isn't as simple as you say it is. First off, it'd clutter up the maps even more than they already are. Second, lockers interact with every killer, whether it's the Huntress or not. This means survivors would have a lot more places to hide or dodge killer powers like chainsaws or Myers' Instakill. It would also indirectly buff other locker perks, such as Head On or Ultimate Weapon. So, making a change like this isn't just a matter of "let's just add more lockers!" There are a lot of other implications to consider.

  • Optx
    Optx Member Posts: 50
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    BHVR just needs to make special killer-only lockers, that killers can interact with, but survivors can’t hide in. And then BHVR can add these killer only lockers where they are needed.

    It’s the only way to fix the locker problem, without secretly buffing survivors unnecessarily.

  • Princeharlequinhq
    Princeharlequinhq Member Posts: 74

    Thank you for pointing this out. Survivors can hate her all they want but she's one of the most fun to play in the right circumstances (which are few because... maps). She also has heavy counterplay in most situations. Ever since they cluttered up the maps when Ghostface came out she has had a rough go of it with zero compensation and with the exception of shattered square for a while, every map since has been awful for her.

    I for one am super glad she's finally getting a little bit of love.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited March 12

    It’s honestly exhausting seeing that “nobody asked for these buffs” comment. Or when people say “x content creator said she doesn’t need it” like they are the end all be all when it comes to all things DBD. I played her on the PTB and she was by no means unbeatable. A lot of the people I talked to who made posts calling for her to be nerfed never even played the PTB since they were console players and obviously don’t have access to it. They just said it needed to be reversed without playing against it at all.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think it is a good thing that the devs try to put in more smaller changes in the PTB, just to try it out, that in itself is completely Allright. And while "nobody", or at least no loud majority of the community asked for the changes, aside from the holding hatchet movement speed, her other changes were generally accepted. So despite not being asked for apparently, the changes that were made for live are still not bad.

    They could even go for more changes, in the sense of changes on more killers, but I guess you will reach a point where there are too many to test them all out in the PTB time.

    As for the locker or more hatchets argument... I guess sometimes the most straight forward answer is not as easy to implement as it seems? But for the first month or so we should give them the benefit of the doubt and just have a look at how the changes will play out. And if the changes are bad they are not set in stone but can be changed again.

    Same for the map feedback.. They finally start listening to the community.

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    This this this! Before the reload change (which was 5 months ago), and ignoring the 5.5 mid chapter which only buffed her Wooden Fox add-on, Her last actual rework was the 4.7 mid-chapter almost 3 YEARS AGO. Do people actually think the game hasn't changed so much in 3 years that killers don't need any QOL changes to keep up with the changing pace of the game?

    Yeah her state on the PTB was problematic, but the only problem was it was overdone. She 100% would have been fine with all the buffs just toned back a notch or 2. People flipped out so hard over the movement speed that not only did it get outright axed and not just adjusted to an acceptable level and see Shiny Pin adjusted to compensate (as it should have been in the first place.), but the Devs neglected all the other adjustments that should have been made to polish the changes and prevent future issues.

    • Flower Babushka could be toned back a little more to off set the 10% wind up decrease and keep her buffed speed at the same pre-ptb speed. But all in all this one isn't necessary, it's more of a "give a little take a little" to keep everyone happy and maintain the current balance.
    • Both cool down add-ons went untouched and now her strongest add-on combo (Babushka + Haft) is much stronger. From 2.7s - 4.24s per throw to 2.4s - 3.83s (Half Charge - Full Charge). (I'm no psychic but this is probably going to end up as an issue.)
    • Both capacity add-ons went untouched. I don't care that they didn't, 10 hatchet Huntress is the least of my worries, but I also wouldn't care if they were adjusted/reworked entirely because that's what people want. (Win some lose some)

    And lets not kid ourselves, Hunty could also benefit from a minor add-on pass. I think every Huntress main on the planet would agree both her Iri add-ons are jokes that could put the Clown outta business, and she has a few more that aren't worth the time it takes to read what they do.

    As for "Nobody asked for these changes", yeah people did. I see them pop up from time to time, we just aren't in an uproar over it because Hunty is still playable, she's just really unforgiving to most degrees of inexperience. Despite consistently having a pick rate in the top 3, a really good Huntress is few and far between. It's why getting your first hack-usation is a right of passage for some. "You either die a baby Huntress or live long enough to see yourself become a "cheater." Huntress is easy to understand, she's not easy to master.

    I would honestly love to see statistics for the killers with the most false exploit reports, because I would bet Huntress is right up there, sitting pretty at the top.

    All in all I'm just sad Shiny Pin is still going to be a permanent part of my load out. She absolutely would have been a-OK if they just made it base-kit or a little above and adjusted pin to compensate. 88.5% was way too much for base speed, even with shiny pin it shouldn't be THAT high.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    You just have been matched with a player with too much experience for you.

    Survivors can dodge hatchets and orbitals when they pay attention.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    What you described can happen with any killer.

    What many fail to realize is this: Anyone who gets a buff is going to be more gruesome to play against when the person using said character is a master at them. That applies to anyone receiving a buff in any game. But not everyone plays at that level, and not everyone is a master at every character. I'd make a safe bet that there are a lot more people who are casual Huntress players than there is master Huntress players doing cross-map snipes.

    I try to dabble in all the killers, and I can see why they gave her the changes. For those who aren't masters at her, she feels very add-on dependent, and very map dependent. She already has pretty solid counterplay, so I can understand why BHVR may want her to feel less add-on dependent moving forward. The biggest issue is by far the hitboxes though. There are still so many loops in so many maps where you try to throw over them and the hatchet collides with nothing cause...hitboxes.

    Honestly I'd just rather play Deathslinger, as his hitbox on the harpoon feels way more consistent than the one on the hatchets.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Not a single soul has every asked for Huntress to be buffed. I have zero clue why BHVR even pushed her changes to the live-server.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Why not? The changes that got through are Allright though? Even if nobody asks for a change, if they are Allright why not release them to live... Hatching holding speed got removed and the rest that was deemed OK got through. I don't really see an issue with that?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    But that actually takes some time and effort tho, band-aid fixes is the way to go!!!

    Let's not mention all other Locker Killers that don't benefit from Huntresses buff

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    I don't mind the increased wind up time, at some maps she wasn't really fun to play as due to walls being everywhere, but the increased hatchet amount is kind of absurd, giving her one of her best add-on base-kit is like if Blight got one of his movement speed add-ons base-kit, instead of dodging 5 to 8 hatchets, which I deem as quite possible for the former and a bit harder for the latter, but dodging 10 hatchets might as well not be a thing, even bad Huntresses will hit one of those at some point.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Perhaps, we will see about that. I don't think it is much of an issue though, 7 is still a reasonable amount and bad huntresses usually run windup anyway, as they are going to miss the hatchets anyway no matter how many they have and only go for the animation lock hits and what not. Good Huntresses though become a lot more scary now by basically being able to down everyone if the team messes up, which to be fair is an OK outcome... If the killer plays good and you don't he should be able to capitalize off of that. But like I said we will need to see how it works out, otherwise 6 hatchets is also Allright.

    On a side note I found it quite interesting how everyone on the forums freaked out and then when checking in with some smaller Huntress or killer variety streamers they were mostly like "Huntress is dogwater against good players, the changes are Allright, Hatchet holding speed is a bit much though". Which I found a fair summary. Have to admit though I first thought they were going to leave the max amount of hatchets the same and tune her addon down and give the other one some other function, but I guess this is fine as well. Another option would be to not make those addons for max hatchets stack.

    I mean sure it is probably a band aid fix for bad locker placements, but at least this one is a simple numbers change until they are able to improve the locker situation for all of the killers. In the sense of if the ship is sinking at least take a bucket and remove the water if you cannot fix the hole quite yet... Not perfect but better than nothing.