Nurse counterplay

It would be REALLY nice if you could stun a Nurse with a pallet mid-blink (as the white trail passes through the pallet). It would give some counterplay to the killer but also require some skill and timing and also allow you to actually use the assets you're given.
Right now with her ability to short blink 2 feet, it makes pallets useless. It would also be very satisfying for survivors and require a biiiiit more forethought on the Nurse's side.
Just a thought.
That's a good thought!
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Thanks! Kinda weird to hear someone say that on these forums but I will take it ha ha.
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From a thematic standpoint it does not really make sense, because she can teleport through walls, why would dropping a pallet interact differently?
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Because better gameplay should sometimes trump "lore"? Also, at this point, so much theming plot holes exist why not add one more.
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I thought this was a thing already?
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You can't really stun her while she's in transit, but you can push her back with the pallet while mid blink to screw it up.
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Originally, the nurse was getting tired when the pallet was applied after blinking. Everyone couldn't believe their ears when the developer announced that it was actually a bug. ``Maybe you shouldn't have fixed that?'' Everyone had the same opinion.
Personally, I don't mind returning it. That way you have more room to demonstrate your skills and it will be more interesting.
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It is not really about the lore but about how her power functions... It is a teleport that goes through walls, makes no sense for it to stop just because wood changed position, because she can still go through other material... I would be more in favor of a change to how stunning nurse works instead of this.
The issue with this is also that Nurse moves too fast to be able to be stunned reliably... She moves at 13. 33 m/s, how exactly are you going to time that? And that is not even taking into account lag, high ping, desync and what not... I don't really think it would have much of an effect, and at that point we might as well figure out something else.
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I mean I can understand the inconsistency of it but I think from a gameplay perspective it wouldn’t really be a bad thing even if it would be difficult to do, it would still be a option for counterplay for a killer who really lacks any significant counterplay options for how powerful they are.
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I wouldn't be opposed to this, less immunity to survival components the better. Wraith can get stunned by pallets while cloaked despite being in the same realm (The Spirit World) as Nurse, he may have to deal with collision but there can be explanation lore-wise such as her blink being interrupted by a quick physical movement of velocity in her way.
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It is not about difficult to do or not, it is more about being out of your control mostly... It would probably be such a bait play because you will miss it in 99% of cases, and just give the nurse an even easier hit.
I mean the nurse counterplay stuff has been discussed a lot and I am still of the opinion, that there are quite a lot of things you can do against her, as for example Hens presented in his guide how to go against Nurse... Otherwise you might want to ask some comp players that also stream what to do against Nurse, as they manage to outplay most Nurses, even those in comp to some degree...
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Even then it’s still a counterplay option. Just cause it’s “out of your control” doesn’t dismiss that’s it could save you. I’d go as far as to a lengthened stun duration to make landing them rewarding. Obviously it’s just speculation for a potential counter to nurse but dismissing it purely because it could go bad is dumb when it could also be good.
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It is not about it possibly going bad it is about introducing a game mechanic that will rarely ever be useful/work... So why not come up with something else that might work more reliably... Just think about how often you will get a stun on demogorgon shredding or Billy in overdrive. It just works so rarely, and then putting in all this work and effort for barely any effect just seems like a waste of time.