The Plauge and Emetophobia

I have Emetophobia and playing against the plague is my worst nightmare. I usually turn off my sounds for the game to try and minimize the effect at the very least, but being able to see the bile leaving my character makes it extremely difficult to play and removes the fun from the game.

I think there should be a setting that doesn't necessarily remove the effect but minimizes it or something to help people like me still enjoy the game even against the plague.


  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 79

    Yeah I heard people have the same kind of issue with Doctor/Clown. Effects that make it absolutely miserable to play. It took them many years to even add something like a heartbeat icon for people with bad hearing, so something like this would probably be very low on their list (if at all).

    I would just disconnect if you can't handle it. That's what most do.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    If we were to take an individual change I would have an option to make Plague yell "yay" and shoot rainbows. Survivors would uncontrollably shout "yippee" instead of the vomit for Plague and Nemesis animations.

    A more general change would be allowing Killer bans. This would help more people, although people 'forced' to ban Plague/Doc/Clown would unfortunately have fewer bans. (Personally I would have 1 ban per 5 Killers released round down. Also to keep things fair, Killers could ban realms or maps at the same rate. We are forced to play Ranked only, so it would be nice to have basic Ranked QoL features like this.)

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 909

    I remember the first time I played against Plague with headphones on. Even without an extreme aversion to vomitting it was unpleasant. Doctor has had his visuals toned down, now they just need to do the same with the auditory barrage.

    Changing Plague might be more challenging. Maybe they could change Plague so it doesn't make the survivors vomit, but instead gives them uncontrollable gas. Survivors would just fart on a regular basis. You wouldn't even need to change her add-ons.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    If Survivors can ban Killers, than Killers can ban Survivor perks. Letting Killers ban maps is not the equivalent.

    Since a Killer's power is so important; For every Killer ban Survivors get, Killers get 2 perk bans. And that's on the assumption that a Killer ban is voted on by the entire group, instead of being on a per-Survivor basis (IE: One full lobby of Survivors gets ONE Killer ban, not four.)

    If Survivors instead each get a Killer ban, making 4 Killers banned per lobby, then Killers get 6 perk bans per lobby. Because, if Killers are losing out on the 4 strongest Killers (Because this mechanic WILL be abused to block the top Killers), then Survivors are losing out on their best perks.

    It's only fair.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156
    edited February 17

    Personally, I'm not big on games getting changed to cater to people's phobias, especially not horror games, but eeeeh, if it can be done in a way that adds something to the game, why not? I don't have arachnophobia, but satisfactory's arachnophobia mode is really funny, so that's fun.

    In this case, I'm curious how would you feel if it was a toggle that stopped your character from vomiting on your screen at least. Instead they just cough a lot while emitting a cloud of green smoke, and when she uses her power, instead of puking out of her mouth, she holds her censer up to her face and the bile flies out from that while making a more magical sound effect instead of the vomiting sounds she makes now. That way, instead of vomit, it's, I don't know cursed sludge. Something like that would keep the flavor of the character while giving her a cool alt animation, but would it help?

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Indeed, while the addition of this feature is a possibility, it's important to note that it falls into a very niche category. As a result, the implementation of such a feature might take a considerable amount of time. Because to relocate relevant resources (people) to work on this it would have to be evaluated towards all those other features bHVR would like to add to the game too.

    What it would consist of is: if Emetophobia Mode is on do this:

    1. Replacing Plague's relevant audio files with neutral ones.
    2. Putting a black box above plagues head when Survivor.
    3. Changing the color of the liquid to something else.
    4. Putting a black box over the Plague's Mori.
  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    These are all great ideas :)

    It would be nice to see this as a QoL update. We need more of this stuff.

  • NikikoVenus
    NikikoVenus Member Posts: 5

    I think the first option would really brighten up the realms 😂 I completely understand how difficult it would be to accommodate for this I still think it should be looked into even if they come out with, I'm sorry we can't help on this end.

  • NikikoVenus
    NikikoVenus Member Posts: 5

    I think that those idea would help a lot, it would remove the "this is for sure vomit" from my brain making it 100 times easier to play against, honestly i can live with her being the same and just the surveyors not pulsing so when I'm doing gens and stuff I am not consistently surrounded by it. becuase like other people have said in the thread it is a horror game so having the pukiness surrounded by her would make it so much bearable

  • NikikoVenus
    NikikoVenus Member Posts: 5

    I do understand it's a horror game, and I love most aspects of the game. This aspect just ruins the game that I am in and maybe even longer after it depending on how much time I was in that game.

    its also not as much as the killer it self, I treat plague as I treat any killer I will still try to beat her ass if I can but when I'm doing gens it makes it really hard to focus on the skill checks and my surroundings when all I hear is *dbd vomit noise* every three seconds.

  • NikikoVenus
    NikikoVenus Member Posts: 5

    I personally don't like this option because yes people will abuse it and it will make queue times so unreasonably long (not like they already aren't long)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Oh look. People who don’t understand phobias and think a horror game shouldn’t have accessibility settings that would literally affect no one but would make the game more accessible to some people. 🙄

    obviously, not all possible phobias can be covered and aren’t feasible (ie Haemophobia, Aichmophobia, Ornithophobia) but if it only affect one single character/killer and can easily be fixed with an OPTIONAL setting then WHY not?

    A videogame can be used for this, sure. Though it should be in the hands of the one affected how and when they want that.

    horror media is definitely not all about this.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    im all with you.

    as long as it is only an option that does only affect the one wanting to not see the it and as long as it does not break the characters look and theme this absolutly should be in the game

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    oh and lets not forget exposure therapy can backfire pretty hard

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Perks are matched with perks. Since Survivors get 16, and Killers get 4, a perk ban system would require a 4 to 1 in Killer's favor. The problem with perk bans is the game has too few anti-'jerk' basekit features, that people would lobby dodge when they see perks banned that would telegraph a playstyle. The Killer banned DS+OTR? They plan on turbo-tunneling. The Survivors banned gen slowdown? They plan on genrushing. There is no good outcome with perk bans.

    A Killer ban feature also only prevents lobbies from forming, and doesn't prevent the use of content people paid for. It skips over lobbies, but finds those that are willing to play with that content. I can't remember the last time I had a SM match without an early quit, either hard DC or on hook. If in a hypothetical circumstance where a Killer is always banned, that just shows that people had no desire to play against that garbage in the first place. 1 person should never have fun at the expense of the rest of the people in any given match. That's the overarching concept as to why cheating is so frowned upon, as it ruins the experience for everyone other than the cheater.

    See above 2nd paragraph and

    When the new wiggle system was implemented as an optional feature, BHVR stated less than 50% of players bothered to use it/get the BP bonus from using it for the full 10 matches (I don't recall which, but it just shows how few people look at menus or read patch notes). If for whatever reason this has 100% usage rate, then there can be an incentive to NOT use it, like 5% BP per slot unused, or a static 25% for no bans. This can also be implemented on the other end, with the 5 least banned Killers getting a 50% incentive, and the next bottom 5 getting a 25% incentive.

    As far as the always be a best Killer, I think that the bottom X percent should regularly get buffs, and the top (same) X percent should regularly get nerfs, and occasionally some of those bottom and mid buffs should skyrocket Killers to the top like what could be argued with Billy. That makes people less annoyed by 25% Huntress matches and 25% Wesker matches and the game being stale.

    If we are forced to play ranked only (as MMR isn't optional), then we should have the bare minimum basic ranked game QOL.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    but then you still end up with a cycle where the one killer who is considered the best is banned by lets say 75% cause there surly are plenty people who would ban that one killer that is not strong but they cant handle and oufcourse there are the super new players who are not yet into watching streamers and stuff.

    and to your first argument. we dont skip lobbys the player who wants to play that one killer that right now is considered the best is just not getting any lobbys for i would asume 10-15 minutes. and if he gets lobbys he is quickly giong to see that he is facing the same players over and over cause server are not worldwide so there is a max amount of players you can encounter and if we assume the bigger part of these players are going to block that killer you will quickly only run into that players.

    these player then also only face that one killer cause the system ofcourse trys its best to make qs as short as possible so they will always get matched up so we dont have 10-15 minutes qs. and lets dont even think about what a ban system would do to our already broken matchmaking.

    in the end i dont think killer banning will do the game any good i think it will actually just make killer mains quit cause they have to face longer qs or even worse matchmaking all for wanting to play a killer they like wich is a big part of dbds selling point for many people. i would love to see bhvr being more active and and being quicker at identifyng killers that are to strong and bringing them back in line and buffing killers that are to weak so survs dont feel like they only see the same three killers.

    maybe insteat of a ban system we could have a actually good survey after every game. just three questions.

    • do you think the matchmaking in this game was fair
    • do you think the perks in this match where fair

    and for survivor: do you think the killers power lvl in this match was fair (idk now if there would be something similar for killers)

    three simple klicks give every question three points like: -agree- -neutral- -disagree- or something like tha then bhvr could see that data and act on it

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    P1: I highly doubt it would even reach 75%. Like I said with the wiggle optional feature, it had sub-50% interaction rates. One thing to keep note of is that by discussing the game in the forums or watching YT content, you are (minimum) in the top 25-50% of players (in terms of engagement, but likely skill as well). 50-75% of people in any given game just hit play and don't engage with outside mediums. Even then, the average joe 'in the know' player is not the person who should be facing (insert banned Killer here). It is the person who actually wants to play the game against that Killer who should play against them. So you are going to have a large pool of people who don't use the feature, and the top players wanting to sweat against fellow sweats (assuming everyone is only banning the sweatlord Killers). That allows for the average player who actually interacts with optional features to not have their mood drop on match start.

    P2: The last I played, the longest queue I had was 5 minutes, and shortest were 30s, and the matchmaking was still garbage regardless of time in queue. This would double that at worst. That gives me a 1-10 minute queue time. That is well within normal ranges.

    P3: BHVR already stated one of the largest matchmaking misfiress/flaws is backfills. So the current matchmaking mishaps you have the current lobby dodging Killers and Survivors to blame for that. My most often encounter with lobby dodges was from Killers dodging my P100 soloq teammates though, but everyone's mileage on that may vary.

    P4: I don't think this would impact Killer mains at large, as I would recommend an incentive for the lesser played Killers. This would impact 1-tricks and sweatlords. In that case I would say 1-tricks are an unfortunate casualty and sweatlords won't be missed. This would also improve the soloq quality of matches. The last numbers I recall off the top of my head was soloq was 60% of the playerbase. Since there are 5 players in any given match, that is adjusted down to 48% of players in any given match. I would estimate Sweatlords and 1-tricks combined to be an estimated max of 10% each. 48% improved and 20% worsened is net positive, so mathematically it seems sound to me, even when adjusting Survivor down and giving Killer full percentages.

    P5/bullets system: The problem with that is related to my first paragraph's point, in that optional interaction rates are very low. I guess if you believe all optional interactions have 100% usage then this position makes sense, but think back on how many games you didn't click the "How fun was that match 1-5" scale on the top of the endgame screen. There also is the issue with people misinterpreting the questions such as "matchmaking fair" being "no because I stomped (that guy)/(them)" or "no because I got stomped". Similarly with the perks question "no because Poised/Predator are unusably bad" or "Mettle of Man/Lightborn OP" or "Grim Embrace/FTP+BU isn't fun to go against". We also know they ignore DCs, and that is yet another form of player feedback that penalizes the remaining 4 players of the match who have to slog through a foregone conclusion. That foregone conclusion being the Killer having go through the motions of a victory, and Survivors go through the motions of a loss.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    It's sad to see nothing done about this, still...

    Whenever I encounter the plague I know if I'm forced to stay I'll vomit irl. Luckily I haven't in a long time. Haha watch me jynx myself and encounter one today D:

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    p1: is that real? are the people who engage with the game more then clicking play the minority? thats super interesting and crazy to think for me.

    p2: 5min q is for me personally the max. thats reasonable time for me to wait for a game if it gets longer the match itself needs to be quite long for me to be cool with that. if i have on average 5 to 10 min q but the game is only 10 to 15min long i think thats a lost time if you know what i mean.

    p3: well then its time for them to do something against that. its not like i have a clean slate and that i never ever dodge a lobby im not a saint in that regard but if thats the leading problem that makes matchmaking so bad it needs to go even so i like the lobby and that the killer gets some room to adjust his build based on item.

    p4: that is maybe the point why i am so against killer bans. i am kinda a one trick or rather a two trick. i only play two diffrent killers. partly because i cant handle most of the other killers i struggle with movement power killers like blight or wesker and everything ranged is horror for me. i know thats on me cause i surly could slog through 50 or so games till i may find another killer but for me its mostly a love on first sight thing in games.

    p5: sure my questions could be choosed better it was a quick idea but i thought they may could replace that rift window with it that pops up after every game so its in your view a bit better cause im super honest i was playing this game for quite soe time when i first dicoverd that "how fun was the match" thing maybe they could reward players for using a system like that. something like "if you are a nice player and always give feedback you get a prize" something like that even so that would probably only make them just click anything so they get something in the end

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    P1: The last I recall the general interaction rate is 50% (including lurkers), and 25% (max) for posting+content creation. Think of how many games you've played, and how many you bothered to make an account and post on the forums for and I think it would be lower than that. My main MMO DDO I don't even post about on their forums, I just play and watch videos. BG3 and Deceive I also watch(ed) videos. I don't watch or post for Deep Rock Galactic or Helldivers 2 (or 1 for that matter), I just play.

    P2: Nothing to add

    P3: The Killer having time to swap perks/add-ons is great. It is just when people back out (for whatever reason) that it causes matchmaking to go haywire in order to have the people who already waited in line get any match just to get a match.

    P4: I mean if you can't handle movement powers, I don't think you really have to worry tbh. Wesker and Blight and Chucky and Nurse are all among stronger Killers, and that basically is only because of their movement powers.

    P5: Ok yeah I friggin' hate that the rift blocks everything for like 20s in the endgame screen. As far as the post-game systems they could probably add like 1k BP for the first person you use the props feature on (that can't be given to your SWF), but I'm not sure its worth encouraging people to use the fun bar every match. People will likely mindlessly click 1 or 5 based on who won, and not give meaningful feedback.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Maybe you are right without playing movement killers i really dont have to fear that much but I have to admit my two killers are among the most hated from what i see (legion and plague) so i worry a tiny bit ^^

    To get back to the topic btw why dont we have a stupid phobia mode that blocks certain things Client side

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    Plague Puke is now white or red and originates from her sensor or chest and mute the puke sounds.

    Survivors now have a white cloud around them when sick and only cough.

    Anything puked on by plague emits white smoke.

    Black out the Mori.

    I'm not understanding why this is a hot topic for debate. The vomiting serves no purpose to the game play other than to provide a visual element. A survivor not puking every 30 seconds while sick doesn't give them an unfair advantage, they are still affected by the power just the same.

    "Get over it", "This is a horror game", "Exposure is good for you." How about have some compassion? First of all lets leave the decision on how to deal with peoples phobias between them and their medical professionals, yeah? Secondly, accessibility settings aren't going to hurt anyone, there is nothing to be gained by denying accessibility. You not needing an accessibility accommodation does not mean nobody does, and it certainly doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done.

    In the case of this post, they're asking for a visual filter, not to be completely immune to Plagues' power entirely. That would have exactly 0 negative effects on anyone, why campaign against it?

    I would love to see BHVR make their game more accessible, as someone with spatial audio awareness problems ( I struggle to hear directional audio unless its really really loud.) I would love to see the ability to adjust chase music, map ambiance, and Killer/Survivor volume independently so I can turn down background noise so I can focus on the game. The best part about accessibility settings is, they're accessible, to everyone. Anyone can use them, so even if you don't have any hearing issues, you can still adjust volume settings if you want to.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449

    I can only guess how you feel. I have Arachnophobia but only for real looking spiders not human like spiders or the little spiders on Toba. But I couldn't finish Hogwarts Legacy because this even with Arachnophobia Setting.

    Beside the settings, maybe you can try out playing as Plague in the botmode and see how it goes? Anyway I can understand if you don't want this.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    yeah i feel you phobias go hard i cant even watch someone else to get an injection cause of my fear luckily that does not affect non real stuff for me. with arachnophobia as a pretty common phobia i really think we sadly can naver have a giant spider as a killer cause what should they do to change that killer in a phobia mode

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449
    edited March 13

    Ok I'm stare on injections even by me and then I see everything is ok. Don't wanna say bhvr what to do but this just wouldn't be my favorite killer. I hope if something like this will come, they have some tester who are into phobias aswell.🙂

    It's not that: Oh spiders, eew. It's constant panic that I can't drop to a lower level.

    The first thing I would do is tryout the killer by myself and maybe it's even different if the spider is controlled by another player? I can even watch Hogwarts streams but if I'm playing myself no way. Yeah and I'm lucky that my phobia is really common unlike Emetophobia.

    I thought Plague is really unrealistic, except the sound maybe.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    oh if i would stare at the injection the ground would come closer really fast. if my wife or kid gets one my stomach flips.

    im not a fan of spiders in reallife like i really dont want them to touch me or anything but the bigger they get the more i like them thats why i would kill for a giant spider as a killer but i dont want a bunch of people not be able to play aymore and i dont know how they could handle a phobia mode for a giant spider.

    for plague i can see how they could change it so its not vomit anymore but the only spider hpobia mode that comes to mind for me is satisfactory and something like that would not fit

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959
    edited March 13

    accessibility settings that would literally affect no one 

    The whole "why are you against it when it won't affect you" argument doesn't really hold up. Yeah, the implementation of phobia modes wouldn't directly affect anyone else. But it would have indirect impacts on the rest of the playerbase because it diverts developer time, money, and resources away from other things.

    It already takes the developers an enormous amount of time to do anything in this game. Like even basic features like search bars and FoV took ~7 years for us to get. And they were wanted by a large portion of the playerbase for a very long time.

    Implementing phobia modes is much more work than people make it out to be. They'd need to give Plague neutral SFX, censor her sick animations, censor the survivors' sick animations, censor her mori, censor any offending add-ons. And then rinse and repeat for Clown, Doctor, and other common phobias etc.

    It's a LOT of work for something that is ultimately pretty niche.

    horror media is definitely not all about this

    Also I disagree with this take. IMO the entire point of horror is to externalise the things we find scary and work through them in a way that is safe and entertaining.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449
    edited March 13

    This sounds awful. I know that needle phobias exist but It's the first time that I hear from Emetophobia.

    I do want a human like spider killer on 2 or even eight legs like in Diablo 2. But a big spider no no no 😱

    But maybe it's ok maybe not I don't know.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    a phobia is not just something someone finds scary. I don’t suffer from any kind of phobia and still enjoy horror media just fine. I don’t need to exclude someone who suffers from an irrational fear of a certain thing when this certain thing is not defining of the video game to begin with.

    and taking away dev time is also a bad argument since this can be use against literally anything.

    see for example people complaining about cosmetics when there are bugs. Sure, there are bugs but different devs work on different things and even if you put all resources into quality assurance, you won’t get rid of all bugs and you will lose on other things such as income or reputation.

    also, it is NOT a lot of work as far as we know. You just need to adjust skins/audio client sided which to some extent is already possible. It certainly depends on which phobias they want to tackle (Plague would be harder as Clown) and what they want to adjust - eg you can argue that addons/Moris are mostly avoidable already so that people can ‚ignore‘ them without having to dodge the whole match. And they don’t need to do everything all at once.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959

    a phobia is not just something someone finds scary

    You don’t need to educate me about something I’ve experienced.

    and taking away dev time is also a bad argument

    It’s not though. Developer bandwidth is limited and therefore they need to triage what gets their attention. The things at the top of the priority list should be what is going to benefit the majority of the player base.

    With this game lacking the very BASIC accessibility options, I don’t think it’s justifiable for them to spend time implementing phobia modes for the time being.

    Like we don’t even have a brightness slider or dark mode for flashlight blinds — stuff that’s actually very easy to implement and would help SO many people.

    Once they have that out of the way, by all means address the more complex/niche stuff. But for now I don’t think it should be a priority.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You don’t need to educate me about something I’ve experienced.

    apparently, I have to. Also your experience is not the only valid one.

    The things at the top of the priority list should be what is going to benefit the majority of the player base.

    Well, no? Only catering to the majority of a group is not the right approach. Also I never said it needs to be at the very top of the priority list at all - and I don’t think that was the topic at hand?

    with that argumentation, FoV slider should never have come or any other accessibility option. And I am really happy that BHVR is not a company only trying to please the majority.

    Also, never has anyone said these other accessibility settings should be lower prioritized.. but by your own argumentation they shouldn’t be addressed at all so you kinda contradicted yourself there..

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959

    apparently, I have to

    Huge yikes. Like actually just… yikes.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959
    edited March 14

    EDIT: I left a comment explaining some further thoughts but after some thinking realised I've changed my mind about some things mentioned. Just ignore this lol.

    Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on
  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    Not to be insensitive but maybe using something like a video game where things aren't real but digital representations, you could use for a safe immersion therapy. Maybe just play as the plague so you can start to build positive associations (downing survivors, winning) and get more comfortable with what is at this time your phobia.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    So this is where I think the ‚videogames are used for escapism‘ is a fitting argument. People shouldn’t feel forced to use a videogame they may have actively played for years without issues as a start for their therapy because something like Plague (or possibly in the future a spider based killer) gets added - that can of course work but that shouldn’t be tied like that without any option.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited March 14

    What about those with Aichmophobia should there be an option to get rid of all sharp objects? Or those with ornithophobia, then say goodbye to the crows in game. The fact is there's a phobia for everything and it would be impossible to make options to mitigate any and all discomfort. I understand why it would be helpful if you really can't handle something. But to say anything that might be upsetting to someone should have an option to turn it off could mean literally everything, and that seems unreasonable.

    That being said I'm not against more accessibility options. The only thing I could think you could do is go to the in game options and turn down the vomit sounds (which would be annoying every time) so maybe just an option to mute the vomit sfx

    Post edited by DaddyFatSacks420 on