Mother's Dwelling (Red Forest)
We'd like to know what you think about the Mother's Dwelling map, part of the Red Forest realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Mother's Dwelling (Red Forest) 176 votes
This one’s just rather obvious I feel. It’s way too big and main building can spawn the dirtiest windows in the game.
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main is very annoying as a killer if survivors get one of the windows, and I hate this map there are way too many bushes and stuff on the whole map, playing this realm as huntress, blight, and Billy is very annoying
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My #1 problem with it: it's too cluttered, it's impossible to play here as some killers and you always stuck here on some bushes as survivor.
#2 problem: window in main building should have gone long long time ago, even before rework. Have no idea why it's still here.
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I liked the map far more before the rework.
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It is alright, since its size get changed, but suffers the same issues as temple with hitboxes and textures not matching, therefore getting you stuck on nothing. Also the amount of clutter is too much.
However the main building has some issues, the strong window it spawns is just super busted and I have no clue how it still exists after so long, you can basically infinite it, if you just shift tech while in sight.
With those things fixed it should be alright.
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Since the size got changed it's fine, the only problems are the hitboxes and too much clutters.
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Still despite the rework survivor sided because of size and strong/annoying main especially because of the windows (the pallets on the outsides are mostly fine).
but, the visual rework is great! It actually feels like a forest in a rainy environment, the outside walls have great creepy sounds and walls/details in general are very cool!
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The main building is such a pain, especially when one of the god windows spawn where it's impossible for many killers to do anything at all if they don't run bamboozle. On top of the windows, there are also really safe pallets. I don't remember a single game where I enjoyed playing the main building. I think without such a strong main building the map would be fine.
Please do something about the hills though. You can't immediately tell which side you can go up and even after months of them existing, I still get tricked by it.
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I like this Map as Killer, I find it to be balanced. But I hate how safe the main building is for the Survivors.
If you could put a stone stair-case at the front, so it would be easier to get up that would be great. Like right here:
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Mother's Dwelling's size is a lot better than it used to be, but this map is still survivor sided because of the main building. And the reason is because 2 of the downstairs windows are too strong; specifically these 2 windows are problematic:
There is one more downstairs window but that one is perfectly fair.
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Mother's Dwelling is a slightly survivor sided map that eventhough improved massively with its recent update, it still has some issues. The size is still a bit large so the generator spread is slightly too wide. The pallet density is quite low for its size and there is an area of the map that is full of filler tiles so if survivors are unlucky, they could get a very vast deadzone there.
The main building has fixed resources on the upper floor but variable resources on the lower floor, which counts with some very absurdly safe windows. Before the graphical rework, the configurations with the incredibly strong windows would get 1 pallet and the ones without would get 3 pallets; after the graphical rework all configurations have 2 pallets, making the already superior strong window variations stronger and increasing the discrepancy between configurations. Some time after, the weaker configurations would also randomize the location of their pallets, making it harder for survivors to find them (when they have predictable resources with the stronger configurations).
The realm Red Forest has very awkward collisions, specifically on its filler loops and random obstacles, where the players get drastically slowed down when moving too close to the geometry. This may be an issue of friction, since the players dont get fully stopped by the geometry but instead lose speed.
The realm Red Forest needs to solve the collision issues on its loops.
The map Mother's Dwelling should minimally reduce its size, slightly increase its pallet density and relocate a mazetile to the area that is full of filler tiles (like in the example below). Main building needs to nerf the outstanding windows and balance its different configurations. The amount of mazetiles must stay at 4, since it is the functional amount for its realm.
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Great and annoying main building, huge map with lot of stuff everywhere. Survivor sided for sure.
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This is actually an excellent idea to balance the main just a bit more.
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Its always kind of bothered me that Huntress's map is actually one of the absolute worst maps for her. Like, why is there so many LOS breaks? Why is it so large? Why is it impossible to throw over any of the loops on the map after the rework? Not saying lore should determine everything but it makes zero sense why this wouldn't cater to her... even just a little :(
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Even with a shrunken size, it is still mission impossible to pressure effectively.
The main building is a disgustingly strong loop to entertain as Killer. Then you have lots of strong tiles spawn around the main building.
Then on the other side, you think it's a bit nicer, nope. You have shack, into a tile, into a hut that wastes time, into a tile. These can be jungle gyms, the strongest generic tile in the game.
Awful map
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In my opinion Mother's Dwelling is now in a much better spot since the rework that made the map smaller. However, the map is still a good one for survivors for a few reasons:
- Even though the map is now smaller than before, the map still feels too big which means killers without good mobility have big trouble on this map because they take a long time to reach the action in the right time. In addition, the gen spread is very huge on the map which means many killers have trouble to patroll/defend generators.
- The mainbuilding can spawn with very strong windows, which are shown in the post down below. These windows should not exist because they are way too strong, especially against M1-Killers such as Ghostface, Pig, or Clown. As a result, either remove the windows (best solution) or add a breakable wall next to them to make the windows weaker (not the best solution but better than the current state).
- The loops and paletts on this map can be very nasty dependent on the rng because sometimes there are good connected and strong loops which does not feel fair.
- It would be good to make the spawn logic more concistance to make it more reliable for survivors. I feel like Windows of Opportunity is so necessary for this map because the tiles and loops can spwan so random.
- The map is still too cluttered with random stuff which makes it harder to see survivors or to track them better. In addition many collisions on this map is very weird. These two issues affecs Hillbilly, Blight, Trickster, Bubba, and Huntress but overall every killer suffers from bad collission.
- Lastly, the hills on the map are pretty bad because it is not very clear where you can climb up and where not. This is very confusion and can result in mistakes due to bad game design. So please make the stairs from the hills more clear.
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The main building is aesthetically pleasing. The tower as well, but to a lesser degree.
However, both are obnoxious to play around as killer. The path to get from ground to roof is too long to be able to punish balanced landing and lithe builds. Roof generator is too safe in my opinion for a main building generator. You can see the killer coming from across the map. You can hear most heartbeats long before ever needing to retreat simply due to the nature of the pathing to get to the roof. Internally you cross the center point 5 times changing directional momentum each time before you make it to the roof. Then you can end up traversing the entire roof to reach the generator. The external path when it spawns can require a player to traverse 80% of the roof to reach the generator. This method also telegraphs the approach to the survivor on the gen as the red stain is going to be easily visible.
The tower's problem is easier. It's a matter of doors, vaults, and walls. The double door single vault ramp is the more killer sided. The singe door double vault is more survivor sided. Both take advantage of elevation to prevent terror radius debuffs. Killers can easily spend 5 minutes trying to defeat these loops when they're appropriately linked just to lose the match all together.
Killer shack often spawns trigonometrically from the tower and house. When it does the map is basically an Automatic loss for killer.
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The main building is very strong and safe. The windows on the first floor next to the log pile and stairs are strong and safe.
The map has a lot of clutter and some of the loops have awkward shapes. There are also a lot of strong loops on this map so even with the map down sizing the map still favors survivor.
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you need to get rid of back windows of main asap. it's baffling it survived TWO WHOLE REWORKS. no way devs think it's okay to exist, right? surely?
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The strongest possible spawn in main is really, really strong and problematic, and so is the cluster of 5 generators that can spawn at the moment.
Besides that, loving the rework and how the loops play!
Huge W rework, even if I miss the blue aesthetic of OG Red Forest and I hope we will get a map in the same palette at some point
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Nah, the dirtiest window is still on Hawkins where you don't get bloodlust and therefore it gets never blocked.
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Which one? The portal room window? I can’t say I’ve noticed this on either side.
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Even after the rework, the map size is still large, the main building has powerful windows, and the other chase points are not bad, but in conjunction with the jungle gyms, they create positions that M1 killers can never catch up to.This is a map where even survivors who are not good at chases can easily take covert options. After all, it is still on the survivor's side even after reworking.
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Not much has changed since before the rework. What did dev want to do with this map? That's what everyone is thinking.
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My biggest complaints with this map is that collision is still an issue with this map and so much clutter everywhere, and the main building is absolutely busted and with the rock tiles it makes it much worse to deal with
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- Windows on first floor of main are too strong.
- Poor locker placements makes for instant L's for killers that need them.
- Even after the rework, this map feels massive. I roll my eyes everytime I load into it.
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Rework the main building and its ridiculous windows, and make the map even smaller, still feels too big.
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This. The size is much better than before, but these windows just have no real counter.