PC - Disconnects at end of game on final kill

Niliaen Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Step 1 : Boot the game.

Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match.

Step 3 : In-game, play entire match.

Step 4 : On the last kill, the game disconnects.

Additional information

  • Trapper, Deathslinger
  • Various
  • Various
  • The same event has happened 3 times. Each time I am in a game where I have finished all the players with only one remaining and going for the final kill (mori) and the game disconnects. I lose all the points and the add-ons. I have never disconnected the game. I have never experienced any other disconnects in the short time I have played this game with the exception of these three times. Each time, the scenario is the same.

documents to add

  • Logs (PC only)

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • Mystaria13
    Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

    Ps5 this has happened to me multiple times, yesterday vs an Onryo. It was a very long match and I didn’t get any bp for it and lost my last escape cake I had on sable at the time.