We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


Lightborn too OP, countering a lot of flashlight and perks and possible ways to outplay the killer, mostly you can just slug or pick up survivors while looking in direction of a wall etc.

My suggestion, change into a hexperk, or nerf it so you cant blind the killer in a chase anymore but in the pickup phase for example.

In my opinion it needs a nerf, even though i still think game is hardly survivor sided, but this perk needs a nerf. I had literally 10 games in a row playing against lightborn not even having a flashlight in the team...


  • Venikx
    Venikx Member Posts: 19

    Yeah well, i think game is boring if you only do gens and dont follow the killer around. If I want to rush gens i can as well play loading screen simulator. Ofc it is OP as long as there is no counter. Im playing killer myself, and all i have to do is watch my surroundings and try to pick up survivors close to a wall. Im playing solo queue survivor most of the time, and i dont see a challenge, i usually end up taking the hatch cause i cant save my teammates cause killers take a perk that cant be countered.

    Im killer main and i think there was a lot of nerfs for killers, but lightborn should be nerfed anyways. Being immune to blind is too strong. Either making it a hexperk or just change the time it needs to blind the killer. The aura function could be extended though in exchange.

    I think lightborn is underestimated atm, but its too powerful and makes it literally boring to play against, there are not many ways to interact with the killer than, stunning, blinding or destroying hooks. Taking one of those mechanics is literally too OP. As well as noed was too OP when it was no hex perk, and as well as infinite loops were too OP.

  • Venikx
    Venikx Member Posts: 19

    I mean when i try to blind a killer while he picks up a survivor and i see he has lightborn i change into genrush mode. There is no way to save the game if you play with randoms if you already try to play the game normally. I prefer rounds as a killer against survivors that try to bully me, it provides more points for both sides and the games last longer than 5 minute genrush standard game.

  • Venikx
    Venikx Member Posts: 19

    I mean i can turn your argument around and say: All people that think it is not OP are killer mains without experience that dont know how to counter flashlights without lightborn. You dont have any arguments. I think it just counters a core mechanic of the game way too hard. Ofc its just an opinion. I just dislike the agressive way you argue against it like you would lose everything thats important to you if they would change it.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Lightborn is a pretty terrible perk, but i can see why people run it with background player + flashlight timing being made baby mode easy with little counterplay.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 796

    I think aswell it should stay, I'd like to not have slugging-partys with 4-man swfs and even normal rounds can be hell with background player: oh look a survivor in the middle of the map, i'm near the edge so he can't reach if I turn 180° before picking up... and I got flashlighted because of a combination of bonus-frames they should have never added because now you don't need timing anymore and a perk letting you cross half the map in 2 seconds xD

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 13

    I hate this perk. Once every 10 games I want to use a flashlight or blinding perks and what happens? The killer runs lightborn or franklins.

    It‘s so dumb!

    They should just make that it takes longer to blind the killer, but immunity is unfair, especially when you try to use only flashlight perks.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    before that bhvr needs to sit down and finally fix flashlights and blinding angles. i cant even count how often i got blindet from well outside my fov facing a god damn wall.

    okey i stopped myself from ranting a bit to much here but be honest its one item and like what 5 perks that get countert by lightborn is that really so bad?. most killers wont even use it if they see a whole team with flashlights sure it sucks if you really want to play a flashlight build right now but im pretty sure next match the killer wont have lightborn. i mean if we follow that logic we would need to completly rework plague and legion cause one makes healing impossible and the other makes it to be the worst thing you can do.

    the killer uses a whole perkslot that could be something way way worse for your team to counter it i think most survivor are happy everytime they see lightborn cause its not pr or dms.

    many things dont feel super fair when you are at the recieving end of it in this game but thats just how it often goes in a pvp game.if we stay with the whole blinding thing the first thing that feels really unfair for a killer is when you need to kick a pallet like shack and you cant do anything at all against the blind. thats one of my personal reasons to use lightborn together with what i said in the beginning.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 13

    It‘s just my bad luck, everytime I use a flashlight/flashbang -> lighborn or Franklin’s.

    A perk shouldn‘t counter an item. It‘s like a survivor perk counters the killers power, would be unfair, wouldn‘t it?

    Also a survivor following you around is free slowdown, otherwise they gen rush.

    Simply making, that you need 80% longer to blind the killer would be fair and will still archive almost the same effect. Most people won‘t be able to get the timing right.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i mean calm spirit counters doc and iron will is still pretty good angainst spirit. there are still some perks and i henostly believe if they make it so lightborn is not 100% safe against flashlights they can just delete the perk then and there cause the perk already is hardly used and many killers even joke about lightborn users. if its any worse no one ever would pick it and you would just need to face another slowdown perk

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 13

    The calm spirit and adrenaline counter to doc and Freddy are dumb for shure, but iron will isn‘t countering spirits power, it only makes it more difficult to hear them.

    I think the people, who already use it will still use it and they could just add an extra effect if they want. For example you are blinded shorter and stunded shorter by flashlight saves.

  • SuperCop
    SuperCop Applicant Posts: 137

    When I play killer, I have to wear it since I'm actually sensitive to the animation. There are others who wear it cause of that, too.

    I wish the devs would give players a QoL option not to see the animation.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i would say its still a perk that affects one spicific killers power.

    the thing is the people who use that weak perk use it because they cant stand flashlights and i dont talk about if the killer uses it because he sees 4 of them in the lobby then its a targeted counter but i mean the people that always use it. there are many reasons why someone uses that perk always. its either like me where you had so many bs blinds you just dont want to deal with that or people that uses it because there body cant stand the flashing light.

    and sure both these examples could be fixed by bhvr in another way but lets be real that wont happen any time soon bhvr already need super long to fix stuff.

    btw i think that flashlights have a hard counter is not so strange cause i think they are the best item in game. if you are not new to the game you can blind pretty reliable and then a simple blind can invalidate 30sec+ long chases

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 13

    Then killers at least shouldn‘t see the items of survivors or I should be able to cherry pick, which killer I don‘t want to play against (I should see the killer in the lobby).

    I wouldn‘t call any item strong currently all got nerfed too hard. Survivors who flashlight save often waste more than 30s waiting for someone to go down (with the risk of getting hit or downed before) -> free slowdown and flashlight saves aren‘t easy if the killer doesn‘t give it to you. My killers always look at walls, which makes it impossible.

  • Wadely
    Wadely Member Posts: 6
    edited March 13

    As a killer I do not feel lightborn is op, I have to waste a perk slot on it. That being said I do believe that I should not get to see the items the survivors bring pre match. I may be wasting a slot for light born but that survivor could be wasting an item and additional perks going in to the match and I am sitting here getting an unfair "heads-up" in pre match lobby.

    BHVR needs to get rid of pre match lobby, no one gets to see anything other than offerings as we load in. No names, no items, no cosmetics and especially NO PRESTIGE LEVELS. Make it as least biased and as fair as possible.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Thats something worth debating i think. I alway thought seeing the items is part of the overall killer balance but from what I've heard in the forum its actually not so common to use that info and i honestly dont care myself cause i dont enter the fog without lightborn and i would not give another perk to counter other items.

    Sure if he follows me around for so long then its ofcourse a net negative for the survivor team but these people dont care for winnig at all. What i most commonly see is them just being around by chance I guess.

    In the end i dont think anything will hsppen because the perk is so rarely used so if we dont get a super strong blind meta i dont think lightborn will even end up on bhvrs radar but you definitely made some good points for your argument my friend and i absolutly have to overthibk my position in thid matter

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Thanks for the talk. Sadly you are right, it’s unlikely that they change anything in the future about it.

  • Venikx
    Venikx Member Posts: 19

    There is enough perks to counter slugging, if you dont appreciate it and are in a 4 man swf squad using flashlights you gotta deal with it getting slugged. Lightborn is just totally unfair, there is enough ways to outplay survivors. There are notification perks that warn you once you down survivors and others are next to you, you can use perks to reveal the aura of survivors next to you kicking a gen nearby. Tbh i think Lightborn and distortion are OP perks and pretty annoying as they are. They need nerfs.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 796

    You did counter your own argument lol. The slugging was meant as counter against flashlight on 4-man swfs WITHOUT lightborn, if you say that there's enough that can be done against this then you say lightborn exists for a good reason xD

    That beside I don't find distortion op ether it's a little bit annoying sure, but I never thought that that perk made me loose a game. Same about lightborn, lightborn doesn't let you loose any matches, if you feel like it does then you give flashlight-saves way too much value and you see them as needed, they are absolutely not.

  • Venikx
    Venikx Member Posts: 19

    How does this counter itself? That is no counter argument at all. I dont understand your way to argue. I said that you dont need to play with lightborn, that it cant be countered by survivors who are actually teamplaying and that this perk is not only unfair to play against, its even preventing teamplay cause you dont have much possibilities than destroying hooks or taking hits to save your teammates.

    Flashlights ofc are not needed, i can play with left behind and open handed if i think escaping is the only way to ,,win`` a game. If I dont have any odds to save my teammates in a teamgame and if I only have 2 ways to get out, by being a dude thats hiding until my teammates all die or if i consequently do gens ignoring everything playing loading screen sim, then ofc i dont need flashlights. Killers have enough perks to counter anything else, ofc lightborn should be nerfed.

    Distortion counters half of the perks the killers have, its literally sole survivor without the fact you need to wait til your teammates die and literally for free. The fact it reloads is the point that i think it is OP. It was good as it was before with just 3 occasions to pop up.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    It must be real tough to play against a killer with 3 perks.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 796

    Since when counts slugging an entire team as valid counterplay against anything? Is saving every single down against a nurse with pain res, pop, dms and grim embrace now valid counterplay too? it's just stupid and near impossible to win against a team with 4 flashlights if they're not complete idiots, you can't always do something about flashlight-saves, not even looking at walls is 100% safe because you can blind from the most utopic angles possible in this game, and don't even think about them laying at walls at all they will 100% of time be in the open. Lightborn has a reason to exist and this is to counter teams like this that know that you can't counter it otherwise.

    I still don't care about distortion, of course it counters aura-reads, but just as long as it has stacks (so you can deplete them quickly with aura-builds) and even when it works the entire round, you have to be near me to get the stacks so you have the risk and I the chance that you get found. There's nothing op about it.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 796

    Since when counts slugging an entire team as valid counterplay against anything? Does saving every single down against a nurse with pain res, pop, dms and grim embrace as valid counterplay now too? It's just stupid to play against a team with 4 flashlights and impossible to win if they're not complete idiots, you can't even take looking directly at walls as 100% safe because you can blind from the most utopic angles in this game, and don't you even think they will lay down near a wall. I don't even talk about the case if they have background player. Lightborn has it's reason to exist and that is to counter teams like that that know it's impossible to counter otherwise.

    Distortion is still not op, it counters aura-reads sure, but it's not like you couldn't find them at all, they even have to be near you to recover the stacks so you have the chance to find them easier, AND you can deplete them completely with the right build if it's so annoying for you.