Why are SWF mains so dead set against Killers knowing they are up against premades?

Zaydin Member Posts: 275

Is it because they know no killer in their right mind will go against a full four man bully squad?



  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    So how about letting it show in the endgame lobby? No reason to see it in the pregame lobby or as you said with survivors, killers can also just change their builds. That's if they don't lobby dodge for an easier game.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    It's the same reason: If a member of a premade dies and they can see the Killers perks or addons, they can tell the others what the Killer has and allow them to hard counter them without figuring them out themselves.

    Killers can't see survivors perks until the end of the match, either.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 401

    Because lobby shopping is bad for the game, and informing the killer of who's teamed encourages lobby shopping?

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    So I should be forced to play rigged games then? Because a full SWF has the game rigged in their favor.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    The game already encourages lobby shopping when you see a full group of survivors with flashlights, medkits or toolboxes.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    And that somehow changes the fact that a four man SWF is simply just not fun to play against?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,211
    edited March 2024

    How about showing a value of addons the killer is running? Say it lets the survivors know whether the killer is running a brown and a yellow, or two iris. It certainly isn't fun to be in soloq and hit a killer running double iri with a group of survivors bringing no gear.

    You are always playing a rigged game, by design the game is in the killer's favor.

    Every single person on this forum has things they find unfun that other players find fun.

    The math is simple: showing SWFs would lead to substantially more lobby dodging which would result in more players stopping playing the game than allowing it to continue as is.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    One day I got a map offering to Hawkings. The SWF had a Boon Specialist. Making me waste time to go upstairs to snuff it out. No tracking with Shadow Step. They always fell under the pallets, ready to be saved. They had Exponential so they will inevitably stand. I chase one person 1-2 would be in the many lockers ready with Head On.

    After the 4th attempt at Head On I stared at them, and left the match. Hahaha

    SWFs always make plays that wouldn’t happen with 4 randoms. It’s never that precise/consistent. Like the moment you chase someone a boon goes off to hide their tracks for them, etc.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411
    edited March 2024

    Sorry I wasn't talking about seeing the killer or perks there in th second part. I meant seeing if they are in a swf or not. There's no reason to see it pregame if it doesn't give an advantage. I wouldn't be opposed to it showing post game though so people can stop speculating whether it was a swf or not they played against.

    If I'm not mistaken they changed the endgame screen a long time ago. Survivors can see things in the endgame lobby but only after the match is over. It use to be the opposite and worked exactly like you just said. Survivors would dc to tell there teammates if a killer had noed, etc.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    You can already kind of determine a survivor player’s relationship to other players by checking their profiles. A lot of players are wising up and locking/privatizing their profiles now but generally if people in a lobby are friends they’re a SWF.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    High MMR SWF have an average escape rate of like 48%. How is that rigged in their favour?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding here, but are you saying that if someone dies they can see the killer's perks and tell the others? Because that hasn't been a thing for years and killer loadouts are hidden until the end of the match.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    I have absolutely nothing against showing swf in lobby. - Though, given how petty the reasons are for lobby dodging I'm very sure it wouldn't improve Qtimes/matchmaking. Quite the contrary.

    Now, as far as lobby dodging is concerned, I'm still all for the rule: you commit the moment you have a match in lobby, not the moment the match starts. Ergo, a penalty like the DC penalty should also apply for leaving a lobby.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    I understand not showing in pre game lobby as everyone would dodge, it makes sense. However I see no rational argument for not showing in post game lobby so we can at least gauge how well we should have done.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Going against a four-squad is usually sweaty but I'll take a bully squad over any other kind of team.

    They are always trying to make the killer miserable.

    They always die in the end.

    I've more fun against them than against no-heal-gen-rushers.

    Give me your bully squads. 😋

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,993
    edited March 2024

    What's 'fun' is irrelevant. If 'fun' has value in this game, no one is showing it. Killers tunnel without remorse, knowing its unfun for everyone else. Survivors bully if the killer isn't competent. This also breeds disdain for players.

    Most of what players are doing in the game can constitute 'unfun'. Its more of a joke at this point, and I dont think BHVR has any idea how to combat player's wanting to ruin games for other players, just because.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Best idea is just assume every lobby is a 4 man SWF but remember that 90% of survivors are terrible at the game and being in a SWF still wont carry them

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    Killers already dodge high prestige to the point most of us just avoid playing our mains so we’re not stuck in the lobby. How would that be different if you can see pre-made?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    First off, just because you are in a 4-player squad does NOT make them a "Bully Squad" . I know a lot of you would like to think that but just because everyone likes to use the term doesn't make it true.

    Second, I don't care if the killer knows or doesn't know. What I do know is that the moment they know, they will either bring the sweatiest builds, play in the scummiest of ways. Simply because people are trying to play together, and that's not cool with me. 🤷‍♂️

    It would be like if we knew who the killer we were facing was. "You're playing against a Skull Merchant".... *Every survivor puts on a genrush build*. Same philosophy.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    So the top 5% of this game is just the top half of all but 90% of them, right? Yes, I think so too. In that case, the escape rate of the top 5% should not be used as reference material. This is because even within that 5%, there are considerable disparities. I think the stories of those who have experienced that world and those who haven't will probably not mesh well with each other.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    Lobby dodging sucks and I don't know why that's up for debate. The same way it sucks as a killer to load into a match and see players DC cause the survivors heard Skull Merchant's TR and decided they didn't want to play anymore. This is not behavior we should be encouraging, plain and simple.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,993
    edited March 2024

    Agree with everything but the Skull merchant bit. I fully understand their abrupt onset of annoying/irritation/F this killer. I wholly think they have that right. That killer should be deleted. (I know this wasnt your point, just an example. But it matters!)

    Good points regardless!

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    They could show swf in the post game lobby, but its better to not do it in the pregame lobby cause it would likely increase dodging. All tho it would be nice to know if your vs a swf because you usually have to play harder vs a decent swf.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    I'm fine with killers knowing, if its on the post game , but pre game, its just turns into lobby shopping.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited March 2024

    While I agree the majority of SWFs are not a problem (most are just chill and playing with friends) the masses not utilizing something properly doesn't make it not OP. Sweat squads are indeed OP, and the game simply isn't designed for the advantages they can utilize. We saw something similar with MFT, as many survivors weren't able to get much out of it, but the ones who did got disproportionate value. Its an example of a statistic like escape rates being easy to misinterpret through confirmation bias. And again, this is coming from someone who does not think the existence of SWF, nor the majority of the ones in the game, are an issue.

    I personally think that at the very least there should be notification in the post game tally.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    How do they have a rigged advantage when there escape rate is still under 50% at the highest MMR. That literally means no matter what skill not being an issue killer still has a higher win rate if you are going by escapes which is what bhvr deems the win condition.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 880

    I used to very strongly believe SWF should be displayed in the lobby but I’ve been coming around to the opposing point of view.

    For one thing, I had a misconception that SWF gave a 15% win rate advantage which isn’t true (and which the recent stats show is really only 3% for the vast majority of SWF groups). I’ve also been dodging obvious SWF groups a lot less (though if it’s a bunch of TTVs I still do since “being toxic for views” is still a thing for a lot of them).

    I also think the fact that SWF teams would just wind up with gigantic queue times can’t be ignored. Look at how TCM had SWF indicators and had to remove them because people couldn’t get into games otherwise.

    I definitely think BHVR has some responsibility to continue closing the gaps between solo queue and SWF while also adjusting killer base gameplay to compensate for survivor buffs (something they’ve been hit-and-miss at).

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725
    edited March 2024

    Sometimes I watch variety streamers play DBD with their friends in a 4 person SWF. they invariably play worse than me and have a worse escape rate than I do, despite being, as I mentioned, a 4 person SWF - due to having probably less than 50 hours in the game. I would imagine such streamers would never be able to get a game due to lobby dodging, even though they're inexperienced, due to killer players assuming they're a seal team 6 gen squad or whatever.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,340

    Show SWF and prestiges post-game. Give a BP bonus to killers who faced a three-man or four-man. Grant the solo surv with a three-man a bonus as well. That's what I'd like to see done.

    Lobby shopping and the resultant backfilling is the single biggest problem with their matchmaking system. We shouldn't be suggesting changes that will worsen that issue.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Why should killer get bp bonus against swf? Like, most of those swf dont play better than four solos. Stop guessing swf equal godmode.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited March 2024

    Again, regardless of whether they utilize their advantage properly, they still have one. Most SWFs aren't an issue but they still have access to something the game was not designed for, voice comms. BP is something that has no impact on gameplay nor balance and would be simply a bonus for going up against such an advantage (Therefore making it a good compensation metric, rather than something gameplay/balance related) Their suggestion also said to give a bonus to solos paired with a SWF as well, which I also agree with.

    Post edited by Ryuhi on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,340

    I'm aware of the latest stats. What I'm looking at is the psychological effect it could have after the trial for the killer.

    Should they have a difficult game, and see they went against two dous or a duo and two solos, their ire for all SWFs lowers. If they steamroll a three-man or four-man, their ire again lessons. Should that four-man defeat them, then they get that bonus to lessen the pain some.

    Here's where some kind of replay system would help. Most players do not record, and they've said it's apparently near-impossible to add such a system. So players have less opportunity to review their actions and mistakes, let alone what their opponents did, and learn.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,993

    I've been trying to make a point that certain things for new players, average players etc can have lasting effects post game. Its very similar to what you're explaining here for the killer who was defeated. That psychological effect is pretty harsh in DbD.

    Easily applied perfectly to the tunneling meta. But thats a different conversation!

    If they ever introduce 'This is a swf team, killer!' then they need to remove lobby dodging. A DC penalty system would be great for lobby shoppers! lol

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    edited March 2024

    I agree with this take. I as a killer main don't mind going against swf. However I like to check profiles when I can. I want to know if I will be at a disadvantage as they have access to comms.

    I won't dodge, but it helps me to plan for the match. The survivors get an advantage with comms. Why should I be required to play against something that is unfair? If I want to run pallet Freddy or a Hex build I know that if it's a swf on comms they will call it out. Lit totem at shack, fake pallets drop early etc. That is an advantage.

    I know swf is mostly just friends chilling and playing the game. The point for me is outside comms is an advantage. The killer gets nothing in compensation for it. I think that offering BP to solos and duos as well as Killer's facing swf would give players a reason to not dodge and play the match.

    Just my opinion tho.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Just to clarify, I'm more in the camp of knowing it was a SWF after the match rather than before, due to the afforementioned dodging issues it causes in prematch. I just think there should be a little something extra for solo players (on both sides) having to put up with them.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I would agree as well. If we got to know who was swf it would work 2 ways. Sure killers would have more of an excuse to not look at the way they played and just blame it on swf.

    On the same note, it may actually make killers say oh, it wasn't a swf. It's me. I need to get better. Killers think swf are the reason they lost. Sure sometimes it may be. But it could also be we did not play that well.

    I would like the option to see. Imo.