The Unknown

Ok hear me out, I know this long. I like the Unknown, great concept. But, I personally don’t think a killer should have a long range attack and a teleportation ability. I as a survivor feel like he just comes off as a knock off huntress with better abilities because he doesn’t have to even be accurate with his shots. I feel like he could have something other than a teleport, maybe something like the scurry he does in his selection screen. That would be terrifying, but he would be able to scurry in a straight line kinda like how the blight or hillbilly does. So then it’s not too overpowering. Something like that idea would be cool. I do think his character is cool/creepy but I feel like he could feel better to play against and be just as creepy if he was slightly different.
I feel comparing him to Huntress is abit much. Unlike Huntress, he has to work with having both a cooldown on his ability and hit ppl with it multiple times to do dmg.
As for his teleport... keep in mind that he not only doesn't have control of the teleport locations, they can also be shut down by the survivors. This makes it plenty fair to have imo.
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You have psuedo control. Unknown won't place hallucinations while holding his power so if you pay attention you can set up the hallucinations.
There's certainly better teleport abilities than it, but it's not like you are completely powerless to where they spawn.
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He is quite weak against survivors who are not afraid to look at you and often he can't do two shots on many maps either due to lack of vision of the target or the weaken effect gets removed by survivor while his power is in CD.
His teleportation is unreliable and often is disabled by survivors.
Only one perk out for 3 is somewhat useful, yet it requires killer hit a gen in order to get the effect. His vault perk is extremely situation and his skill check stack farming perk is generally useless and works against absolutely clueless survivors.
Give a week or two and you will see that this killer will join the forgotten club because behind the cool features that he has on paper, in reality he is another M1 killer with trickshot power that often can be used against him and his teleportation passive gets disabled by survivors the moment they see it placed.
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The long range attack doesn’t need to be as accurate because the exploding radius and with Huntress you have to be more accurate with your throws
Even through he doesn’t get to choose his teleporting location, teleporting is kinda op and there’s other ways to make him look creepy/scary and still be fun to play against and as to scare your friends in custom game
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he can literally be beaten by looking at him for 10 seconds continuously immediately after he hit you with the ability.And don't say that this is impossible, most maps have empty spaces where you can press shift+w and it will definitely take more than 10 seconds to catch up with you. And his ability recharges in 7 seconds, he will have extremely little time to shoot at you again. Just use every overlooked texture, ilm constriction for looping (there are extremely many of them by the way)and places where you can't hit the walls to LOOK at him safely and he won't do anything to you despite the semi-useless teleporter.
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but he can't choose where to put them + survivors can break them. This is one of the worst teleports
but despite the explosion, he needs to hit the survivor 3 to 4 times to knock the survivor to the ground.
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He actually can choose the location, when the yellow edge gets bigger you just have to tap the power and it gets reset, as long as you don't charge it completely you nearly don't get any slowdown and if you do that over and over you can choose where to put it
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We had alien which is omnipresent and can kill survivors in two hit, and he really wasn't problematic.
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But after that, he will need to wait about 25 seconds (maybe more....I did not find a recharge of illusions in the wiki) to repeat this, from which the usefulness is still quite relative, especially if he makes a mistake. Although he can apparently speed it up by by applying this effect using its power
But his shooting ability is certainly something more average than strong.
But the ability to remove them completely still makes it worse than the same sadako TVs. It's just that if he puts them down and leaves, there's a chance that he won't be used at all, and it seems that his teleportation has the longest recharge time of all, namely 25 seconds
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I mean it has to have any disadvantage I guess: it's placable where you want, the teleport is instant without much of a sound-cue and lets be honest, the cooldown isn't that much of a downside.
His shot is very environment and skillbased, you won't do very much without playing him a while, but after a while you can get quite a monster with it.