I like the new vault indicators

Adding the yellow vault indicators has been a really good change, imo. They're so incredibly intuitive that hardly anyone has even noticed they exist, which is an excellent sign that players are so used to them from other games they don't even realize the change. I hope that eventually they'll be added to every map.


  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 277

    I agree with this it’s so helpful and nice, it helps me spot a vault out of the corner of my eye, but there are still annoying people that i’ve seen dislike this cause it “removes skill” which is an odd statement.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710
    edited March 13

    I suppose it's nice for newer players. However if they're going to add these to every map then it should be on every window with no exceptions and be a 100% consistent feature. For example, they added them to Midwich in this update but only some vaults have it and not all of them. The vault on the second floor above one of the staircases, as well as the vaults inside of the classrooms, are missing the yellow cloth, while all the other vaults do have it.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    This is more of a rant about games in general these days that I wish every dev at every company would hear. An accessibility option to turn bright color indicators on or off would be awesome. It can be nice in a game like this where you're literally running for your life at times to make things intuitive. But I hate how most games seem to do these things now. With all the accessibility options why can't I turn off these incredibly handholdy bright unrealistic neon color coded things if I want? Maybe have a way to select how bright and colorful these elements are in game so people can turn them all the way up if they like or need them, or be able to turn them down/off for those of us who don't really like them or find it necessary. Not a top priority probably for this game but wish it would become industry standard to allow players to choose if they want it, and not to force it on us.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 172

    I agree, look at Ormond main. One window has it, the other one doesn't.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,024

    I'm in the minority obviously but I think they look horrid and lazy. There has to be a better way to signpost interactable stuff.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    they were added to more maps now? Can’t say I noticed that, I just know that they were already present at certain ones like RPD.

    while I don’t like them too much I guess they don’t really take away too much and help inexperienced players and those with visual impairments. And they really aren’t neon colored either but fit in with the color schemes.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I like these. My partner often has trouble distinguishing vaults from the rest of the environment. I only wish more care was put into this feature and it was applied to every window-vault (instead of only a handful). Consistency is key!