Solo queue players being able to see the perks of their teammates should be a top priority.

Solo has, is and everything points that is gonna be awful to play for a long time, Behaviour please i dont know who but he should reconsider the priorities and get that necessary buffs in a resonable ammount of time, the solo players cant wait for YEARS for this buffs.
I doubt that it's going to happen personally
Sure, in many cases it would be great but there are some perks that would become down right radioactive and no one is going to want to queue up with people running them (think Self Care or Left Behind, perks that are either "agreed" upon as selfish or straight up "selfish")
Games like Helldiver's are also dealing with the problem of people quitting/kicking teammates not bringing "Meta" stuff, something I think BHVR would very much like to avoid as well.
Fair or not, I just don't think BHVR wants to worry about dealing with that kind of thing
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Not sure about top priority but it can't be that hard to implement this feature, so I think they could squeeze it into a future patch along with some other things. It's pretty weird that it's not in the game already.
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If they implemented this, killers would be upset that most games are 'basically a swf'. I think BHVR wants to avoid that, but its feels bad. Most of the killers who openly talk about how hard they always tunnel would be the biggest noise, as they probably wouldn't be able to get their inflated wins. But as they told me plenty of times: their happiness isn't my responsibility. Gross huh? Yeah lol
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As nice as it would be, I feel like it would create lobby dodging amongst survivors, especially if a perk you run is deemed "selfish."
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This is a perfect case of a less terrible option, and not a good option. But I would agree with the OP it should just be in the game. Plenty have said this feature is already in DBD mobile? I dont play mobile games so I wouldn't know.
As many have pointed out, yea you will have people that dodge lobbies if they see problematic perks... or non meta things etc...
Would also be an issue if you last minute switched your perk to ... outsmart the lobby dodgers, but then you would be stuck with cntrl+alt+del if someone on your team sees you do it lol.
But not having it results in games where you are paired with unnecessary stacked perks like multiple open handed's and what not. Or multiple proves but you dont know who has it until its too late. Or people not understanding someone who brings reassurance/We'll make it, will more likely designate themselves the priority unhooker... Or people that dont have a loadout at all, which ends up in matches that ... you just give up since someone on your team is doing some meme challenge for their viewers that you have no control over.
As I see it, there are more problems of NOT having it than having it in the game. Would rather just deal with the less terrible option than to keep SoloQ in its horrible position that it already is.
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Putting the perks in the lobby has been asked for so many times over the years I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. At first it would lead to a bad dodging problem, which imo would dissipate over time. Good luck doing No Mither stuff and several achievements/trophies though.
If not in the lobby, i would like to see this info within the trial, maybe where the players & offerings are. No dodging problem there, and some synergy could be possible then.
Your teammates could then check to see if anyone has things like Deliverance or Unbreakable or even Head On and act more intelligently.
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Pre-game lobby could be an issue, but putting it on the loading screen (like Mobile does) and also in the pause menu definitely should be done.
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At least show them on the loading screen and make them available in game. I fully understand many would find it cluttered to have the little perk diamonds of other survivors on their screen, so make that a toggle while keeping them always available for a quick check in the pause menu.
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Yeah let fight among themselves with the last second switches [que evil 80s vidoegame laughing]
Jokes aside i do think it would be great for solo q and is needed but the others are right it would lead to lobby dodging and probably even bulling in pre game Chat. But maybe this is a good cha ce for bhvr to finally do something about dodgers since that is the leading soof bad matchmaking
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If this was put in the lobbies, I could guarantee this would make waiting times worse. The way quite a few survivors are currently, they'll dodge everything. This would be a horrendous implimentation.
During the loading screen or perhaps revealed throughout the trial may be better, but many players are so fickle that they'll probably kill themselves the moment they know somebody is running certain perks.
I would say the best thing is just having icons appear at relevant times, such as We'll Make It. Otherwise, this would probably cause more harm than good.
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A little message in the bottom right saying "low queue priority" would help mitigate that 😏
Even if it's a lie and just adds a random 1 - 3 minutes where it doesn't add you to the queue at all, it would work 😉
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It should be in the menu which opens when you press the Esc-Button (or whatever is used on Console). The menu which shows the Offerings and names and Ping of the Survivors. Just next to them the Perks would be great.
This would not cause more lobbydodging (which indeed should not happen), but would give helpful information. Sure, you would not be able to adjust your build to the build of other people, but I dont think many would do that if you could see the Perks in the Lobby. Most would probably dodge if they see that this David is just doing his Adept or if that Claudette indeed has Self Care.
But having that in the actual Trial makes sense and has not really any disadvantage.
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It'd be handy but i doubt they'll do it. It would probably lead to more lobby dodging. Like if someone brings Sole Survivor, Left Behind, Low Profile and Self Care that person would probably struggle to find a game 🤣
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Those killers would be upset but I really don't think bhvr cares even a little bit about their opinions on this. They are more concerned on an opinion they made at the start of the game regarding survivors being survivors. They'd rather never go back on their word.
Also you know who else thinks my happiness isn't their responsibility? Every random survivor, as half of them aren't playing to win :).
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that probably the best way to do it. I'm not gonna pretend like i wouldn't dodge rat build players.
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David's adept would never get done ever again.
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If this got implemented then I know for a damn fact that I would never play in the same lobby as a Urban Evasion, Distortion, or Self-Care user ever again
Based on that alone I’d be very, very happy if it got implemented
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I think BHVR does care. It's all they've shown for a long while now. Killer this, killer that. If they get their hands held anymore, they won't even have to play the game to win anymore.
Also you know who else thinks my happiness isn't their responsibility? Every random survivor, as half of them aren't playing to win :).
What a nihilistic view. I primarily solo'Q and I make sure any killer who isn't a shithead has a lot of fun in that match. New killers are easy to spot, and they mostly don't get ######### on if Im in the game. I straight up shame survivors who bully a clearly new killer.
Not a good idea to lob an entire population into a ridiculous assumption. You know as well as I there are good and bad apples in any bunch. Survivors, killers, both sides have sh*theads and good peoples. Alas it seems the bad apples are spoiling the entire orchard of dbd.
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And this is why skipping the pre-lobby altogether would be so wonderful.
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Why would killers react to this feature at all? Unlike ingame voicechat or chatwheel this changes nothing in-trial.
"Hey im running DH DS BT SC"
Already possible in voicechat and lobby chat. Yes, icons and tooltips would be simpler but it's already possible to inform the other survivors.
The only way this could agitate certain killers is if survivor perks were vvisible to the killer. But thats off topic.
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Just so you know, this will cause many survivors to dodge lobbies.
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That one is the reason. Second reason is I will not remember teammates' perks when the game starting.
There is a better way, need alot more working time from the Devs, which is not possible. Something like...
- Show perk icon (Reassurance) on a teammate's aura hook if the perk is activating on them.
- Show perk icon (Head on) on a locker, with yellow aura in a short distance (12-16m).
- Show perk icon (Plot twist) on a survivor with they slug themselves with the perk.
I have only those in mind. But teammates' perk info should work like that.
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Well, it would be way better to show how many unhooks and gens they did in the last 10 matches, how often they died on first hook and how often they escaped through the hatch. If this info is given, then you can take the perks into context.
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I'm all for this but I do see one major problem. Sweats will dodge any lobby where their teammates aren't running a full meta build. So you will either get the sweatiest survivor team ever or a team of meme survivors and total noobs. There will be no in between. It would make the game better for survivors who care about winning I guess. I know for a fact I would win more matches if I didn't have teammates running self care and distortion. I think it's fine because survivors deserve agency over who they play with. I don't fault anyone who doesn't want to play with people who run meme perks. I'll be 100% honest and say that I would absolutely dodge meme survivors.
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Punish those that get tunneled and camp more. 😉
0 - . Solo survivors are at a disadvantage. More info like all survivors perks add-ons and offerings being shown to each other before the match is only helpful and can allow all survivors to work better as a team. I've wasted so many map offerings because I had no idea someone else was using a different one.
Maybe allow an option to hide or show your info, like player lvl
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I just watched interview with M Cote and this is actually really bad to hear...
Look up at 38:27
Guess soloQ is pretty much dead
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That is infuriating in so many ways, its the same as always the community ask something they say its not necessary then they work in ######### that nobody ask or wants
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I feel you brother :[ There was also moment about Nurse in this interview you can check in recent discussion I created, it's like they really don't understand or don't play their game at all...
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I disliked survivors giving up when I was a killer main because I wanted a real game and now far more than before I hate survivors giving up when 8/10 times it's winnable and half the time it's our favor. 1200 hours and on both sides I've had to watch people just throw the game and the game encourages it. It's not a few bad apples genuinely. Otz did a video covering a few hundred of his solo queue games and 15% of his teamates just gave up. He as a streamer with better mmr should have much better matchmaking overall than most people and still yielded this result.
I want to play the game, I want my allies to play the game and I want the killer to play the game(ideally in a way where they don't kick gens over a hit). The bot like killer players can be easily beaten but it doesn't matter when survivors don't even try to stomp them.
Let me say this again. In the span of two weeks I played about 20 survivors games in mostly a 2 man group but a few 3 mans. In 12 of those games someone gave up(ONLY 1 DC!!!!). I have literally never had less than a 50% WR on survivor, I am over the threshold. In 10 of those games it was favored towards us the survivors, in 2 it was even. When tunneling did happen it was to either me or one of my friends, but the game was heavily favored towards us and tunneling itself was rare. Not a single survivor who gave up was being tunneled, camped or slugged prior to their suicide.
I have played league for over a decade. People will say ff15 at 3 min in or even earlier and you know what they do??? They continue playing the game normally as if to win because they can't afford to leave because of how strict punishments are. DBD players don't get it, they think they should be allowed to ruin the game for everyone else because they ****** their first chase just like in league you mess up your lane state early. Except league is 10 times more punishing in on average far longer than a dbd game.
The game encourages survivors to throw with outside challenges, survivors will play for fun which is throwing, survivors will give up if they mess up. There are so many ways a single survivor can and will destroy a game for all 4 other players. But it's fine right?
Killers having fun isn't my concern, it's all on them for the most part. But survivors will ruin it for everyone whether it's obvious or not.
I've watched many different youtubers on both sides watched 1k+ of lilith omen and played 1.2K+ hours myself, but it's the same for everyone. It's not just me.
PS: It's not giving up at 4 gens left and 6 hooks in that I am referring to. It's only about games thrown out of the pure greed of an individual player who doesn't get punished. I'll throw killers under the bus too idc, players and mmr are the root cause of this games strive. The average killer is only strong because of how disgusting the highest tier of meta is for killler right now and guess what? I don't think bhvr has an inkling of an idea how strong it is. GE+PR+POP+Literally whatever, they were just looking at individual perks and couldn't foresee the future. BHVR doesn't hand hold anything they always just lack awareness. Just like god Validation DH+bugged IW+ 100% CoH + UB or whatever else in UB's place. They just can't add it up and that survivor meta was far stronger than this killer meta no contest.
I'm don't think the entire survivor player base acts this way but you underestimate it to a very high degree. No other game have I played with this many bad apples, not even close.
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I agree, and if people are worried about lobby dodging, they could simply add an option to "hide my perks" for survivors.
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The people who would lobby dodge perks they don't like would just treat hidden perks as an "always dodge". That wouldn't fix that problem.
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They have it on mobile for eternity. I don't know why they haven't implemented it yet. It doesn't give buffs to swf, it just makes solo and duo less miserable. Also it allows cross-platform communication. Even if I would text my build into chat, console players still can't read it nor react to it.
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Last second switching, but this time survivor-vs-survivor edition, I’m loving it 😁
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Cote already said in a recent interview that we don't need to see each others perks. Which honestly is bad. But what can you do. It just is what it is.
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I feel like the benefits of being able to see your teammates' perks outweigh the occasional dodges that might happen.
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Many perks rely on teammates knowing they run that perk. Look at Plot twist or Wicked. Many times, players will run to their help when its not needed wasting time. Having knowledge of the perks run allows better teamwork in game you cant communicate in solo Q. Yes that does run the risk of longer wait times but its going to give a better experience to the game and should bring out a better kill to survive ratio so BHVR can better balance the game.
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if this gets implemented killers should see them too
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Then we should be able to see killer perks as well you wont agree to that.
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No? why should they?
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Then why should killer get to see Survivor perks in the lobby?
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I can agree, but also disagree but agree on the priority.
Yes, SoloQ needs buffs to be just as good as SWF with the ability to communicate with 3rd party communicate. But... I don't want them to be so good that most killers will think they are dealing with competitive level SWF players/bully squads that they might tend to lobby dodge or even tunnel or play toxic all the time. I agree it can be a priority but not the number one priority.
If they are going to buff SoloQ with so much reliable communication, heck through in free voice communications. They need to take the extra step in helping any average killers to be compensate and still have a power level to handle 1v4, with faster mobility, lethality, or even decent map pressure in general.
As far as I can see it, trying to buff SoloQ to be as good as SWF seem like a pipe dream that is harder to execute then easier to say it.
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Thats what i asked
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only a skullmerchant main could have such a bad take
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That's dumb. In a full PC lobby everyone could quickly tell all others through chat. But the language barrier and having no time are probably reasons why people don't do it.
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It would cause more issues than solve I'm afraid. The thing is people should be able to bring perks without being bullied or hounded for it. If someone is going for adept it would take them ages just to find a lobby. I honestly don't think it would be good, I'd rather have a ping system where I could say "I'm on a gen" "I'm going for save" "I'm in chase" (I know we have the icons already but it could help with more precise instructions).
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They dont have to show it in lobby. They can honestly update their menu screen when ur already in match. Just include alongside the characters name and ping with their perks. Of course, only the survivors should be able to see each others not killer. And if a survivor doesnt like that self care or invocation player in their game, they have no choice but to play out the match because they are already loaded into the match
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Most of the playerbase is on the consoles, who cannot use the lobby chat.
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My point still stands. It s not that it is not already possible in game.
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Something that most of the players don't even see? And they've said many times they have no plans to add it to the consoles either. We need something else.