Mathieu Cote Interview (Some things to brought up about SoloQ)

I like Mathieu I really do but I want to brought up some things that he said in the recent interview.

First thing is the Nurse (vid with timing 28:45 if doesn't work):

It's not a secret that the only thing that can resist a good or even average Nurse is decent well coordinated SWF and even then it's not guaranteed but turns out it's Great for solo players even who has decent amount of hours to face broken character whom you can't do anything about and feel nothing but hopelessness especially if she has aura readings. And who will probably slug and bm you for the next 4 minutes, definitely makes you want to play the game more...

Justifying brokenness of Nurse so that player can feel "horror and hopelessness" sorry but this is just stupid, whether you want it or not DBD is competitive game and people truly feels horror only in first 100 hrs of play. Also Nurse is not that hard to master which most of the Nurse mains always like to talk about when people saying she's OP, IMO Blight is way harder to master.

The second thing is... Well you need to hear it yourself (38:27):

I want Mathieu to play 10 consecutive soloQ matches and say it again. Otzdarva pretty much said everything about solo players seeing loadouts of each other at this point. Please don't bring lobby dodging into this, it's already been a thing, most people who play solo for the win lobby dodging low prestige players till they find the high ones.

Hearing this feels really underwhelming cuz it feels like he doesn't play the game himself. SoloQ is pretty much dead rn


  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Yeah, it's really bad to hear when devs saying something like this which proves they don't even play the game or don't understand it.

    Or like in reddits q&a when they say we need to wait Years for such feature when it's already available on mobile for quite some time.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,024
    edited March 15

    Solo isn't nearly as bad as the memes make it out to be. Typically your team, like yourself are well intentioned and doing their best. It's no different than any other PVP title.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 617

    I'm so sorry - no offense or anything against these people, they really sound like nice ones - but to hear this statement about SoloQ from Mathieu was so disgusting that I wanna puke like Plague - and two times more because the other two seem to agree with this statement. It really feels like he only plays SWF or does not play the game at all which would be very sad because he has an inpact on this game. Deliverance, Reassurance, Plot Twist, and We'll Make It to name a few are perks that are very useful to know that my teammates have these perks or a special build like Power Struggle + Unbreakable. "Do Gens" is also such a pathetic argument when it comes to rescues because it is sometimes difficult to know if one of my teammates goes for the unhook, if they can unhook, or if they need help.

    SoloQ is in a bad spot. I play mostly killer and in many matches I can tell if all four are SoloQ, two SWFs, three SWF, or a full SWF because SoloQs do stupid mistakes that SWFs won't. But I also play sometimes SoloQ and can feel how pathetic this is sometimes. For example I had a match where I did a generator far away from the hooked survivor, the third survivor was in a chase and then where was a Feng Min. Instead of going for the unhook, this healthy Feng Min was doing a totem because she had Inner Strength and Calm Spirit. It was so awful to see that my teammate was dying and Feng Min was chilling with a totem. Other examples are that one random gives up, dces, does a stupid tome archive (cleanse 500000 totems, open 4000 chests), plays for hatch at the beginning of the match by hiding ect. Of cause, sometimes you have a SoloQ that plays better than any SWF (every one knows what they should do, they are on point, don't throw the game for a tome archive ect.). But SoloQ issues are more common and some of them are unavoidable and cannot be fixed (giving up, doing tome things) but some of these issues are fixable: Let the players knows which perks and items my teammates have or give us a light basekit Kindred for better unhooks. To say it simple: Give SoloQ quality of life changes to make the matches more enjoyable. But after this video, I highly doubt the developers will ever understand this and this is more than sad. This sadly also means that other important things might also not happen because the few developers have a different opinion about it than like 80% of the playerbase.I agree here with @Mag1cian that DbD is more competitive than many of you might to think - not real competitve, but it goes the same direction -, as a result, the basegame should not have any dumb, broken, or unhealthy elements like Nurse, perk combinations, or items. But the developer might have a different opinion about them which means they might stay in the game forever because they think it makes the game of the players "horror and hopelessness".

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    "but to hear this statement about SoloQ from Mathieu was so disgusting that I wanna puke like Plague" Lmao , interviewers just common "yes men" so don't pay attention, I mean they couldn't say "######### are you saying, you are wrong" XD. Considering what he's saying he most likely doesn't play the game at all, that's just how it is. SoloQ players mostly do this mistakes due to lack of info / coordination. There is a drastic difference between soloq and swf in terms of info / coordination and devs are afraid to "give solos too much info" but having solo and swf being two completely different experiences is completely fine lol...

    According to the stats soloq have around 39% win rate rn, and it was before Billy buffs imagine how it is after recent buffs and we don't even know what considering win for soloq maybe it counts when just 1 survivor was able to escape, who knows.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited March 15

    All survivors perks add-ons and offerings being shown to each other in the lobby before the match is helpful to solo players who are at a disadvantage. It wouldn't drastically change anything just allow survivors to maybe coordinate better. I made a post a long time ago about this

    Also created a discussion earlier about a tweak to the reworked medkits to make the rarity actually mean something for solo survivors. Basically they would have slightly less of a penalty on self healing speed or efficiency the better the rarity

    "Do gens, and get out." Anyone else feel like he's using the power from all these gens we complete to power his flying car battery

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,598

    I think what he was trying to say is, that they don't balance around super coordinated teams and you can kind of just do your own thing and still get out. Which is not completely wrong but it's also not a good mindset in my opinion.

    For survivors DBD is a team game. That means all 4 survivors have to carry their weight and work together or they simply lose. Especially when it comes to working together, solo survivors have a lot of trouble. Sometimes because players are selfish and sometimes because they cannot coordinate well enough.

    While there are perks to help coordination (like Bond), it is true that seeing other survivors' perks could help a little. It won't fix solo queue because let's be honest, the Meg on your team that runs 4 meta perks and hook suicides immediately isn't going to be any more useful just because you know each others perks but it allows for some perk synergy across multiple builds.

    What would really help solo queue though is better matchmaking. Most solo games aren't ruined by the killer but by other survivors. Take the Dwight that's hiding in lockers all game or the Meg that suicides on first hook for example. Or the Claudette that self-cares in a corner. Or the Nea that is way too busy running after the killer and click her flashlight to do gens. Sometimes it's just one team mate that is in way over their head and simply doesn't play on the same level as everyone else, that ruins the match.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, that's true. Barring matchmaking glitches, soloQ is much more decent at this point than it was before. If I have good Survivor friends, I won't keep losing even against Nurses unless the map is bad. we does a minimal chase and gets downed in the right spot. If everyone just repeats this, there will be no 4K in 4 minutes.

    Well...I'd be prepared to die if I heard her scream in elementary school.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited March 15

    This is what makes the difference between a great developer (YoshiP) and a disconnected one like this. Play your own game. Glad I haven't spent a dime on this since I started playing. (friend bought me the game with all character packs, and gifted me cosmetics/legendaries)

    No wonder all my friends quit, I don't even know what to say here.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    I REFUSE to buy cosmetics in this game because of the state it's in. I got the game through PS+ and I brought Laurie (the ONLY character i spent real money all my other characters are points i earned) for DS which got nerfed so I said "NEVER buying a character again because they can change perks so I'm getting what I paid for"

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644

    Idk i think you guys are taking this too seriously. And i don't appreciate people saying nurse is easy, she's really not. I agree with Mathieu here

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Yeah that's right you don't need to balance it around top 1% SWF but that's not the point... With current MMR most of the times you just can't, you can't just "do your own thing and get out" well if killer is baby with around 500-1000 hrs probably yes but like I said matching with current MMR is miserable, it could give you 1-2 people with 300-800 hrs but experienced killer starting with 2k hrs and full meta which most likely will be a lose, soloQ feel awful rn and that's just fact, saying something like this about simple Quality of Life feature if just bad to hear, it's just feels he doesn't understand.

    "For survivors DBD is a team game. That means all 4 survivors have to work together" - true and how you supposed to do that when there's drastic different between info and coordination in soloq and swf's? It's completely different experiences and this is not normal. When devs are afraid to "giving too much info", even HUD it's a good thing but they could add Anti-Face camp meter to the hud, reassurance meter. Problem about players selfishness or people who can sell their team playing with "Left behind" "solo survivor" or something like this, it's again problem with MMR, good experienced player won't do that most likely.

    Solo players shouldn't use perks that give info which SWF have by granted, it's just not it, every perk slot is very important. It won't fix it but it will make it better (and not only it, some improvements to the HUD will also be welcoming) , the core problem with soloQ is MMR and wrong matching. Seeing each other perks probably on ESC too would help a lot, for example player using power struggle + flip flop combo and going down under a pallet you can play around it or if player have adrenaline or deliverance that's all very important to see.

    I only got to that last part but yeah you are right lol, Matchmaking is just awful but I'm telling you this info / coordination changes would help a lot even to a newer players, this is not normal when soloq and playing in swf are this different experiences and have this big gap in terms of info / coord. Like I said on the other post your average lobby with current MMR:

    You - around 3-5k hrs | Teammates with 1-2k hrs | 200-800 hrs player | 200-800 hrs player vs Experienced killers (2-5k hrs and more) with full meta, it's not all the time but for the most part. The only time when MMR worked decently is when they just implemented it to the game, game felt way better and matches were quality and there was no problem with waiting too long for the match (well maybe for like TOP TOP MMR it was but that was the problem of very strict "soft cap" now this "cap" is very very loose. Also people were complaining about very sweaty matches (mostly killers) but balance is drastically changed since then, we don't have old DH, boons etc, killers are better than ever RN.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Well what can I say, you can be wrong, your choice. If you main only Nurse she's easy, you can spent 100-150 hrs on this particular killer and stomp pubs with ease, especially on open field maps you don't need any particular "skill" on her, that's said, Blight is way harder to master. Mathieu is just too disconnected from his own game it seems.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644
  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Hehe, alright bud. But it's completely fair to master killer in 100-200 hrs and doing 500-800 games win streaks leaving people with literally no chance, that fair...

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644

    I think playing nurse for 100+hrs = unbeatable is just unrealistic. Also open field maps are not super easy for her when survivors can still move unpredictably. I agree with Matheiu in that i think the people who are good at nurse are truly skilled with the killer. Idk about blight thats a different discussion.

    I also don't think it's a problem if Mathieu isn't expert level. He isn't the one in charge of balancing. He's mostly about partnerships.

    I don't believe that happens. The people that get these winstreaks have play DBD as their full time job. I'm not saying it's fair but i mean the more important thing is how those killers perform for the majority of players. They can't just balance the game around people that play it as their job.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Don't twist my words I said "100 hrs to master that particular killer" ofc you need to gain some experience overall but that can be applied to all the killers. Well yeah, you are just wrong at this point, "good Nurses" will leave you with no chance on any MacMillan / Autoheaven, "not super easy for her when survivors can still move unpredictably" you probably faced only newbies on her, no offence. No they are not, again this killer is not that hard to master and it's just justifying brokenness of this killer leaving solos with no chance and doing 500-1000 games win streaks and you don't even need 4 slowdowns for that.

    "I also don't think it's a problem if Mathieu isn't expert level. He isn't the one in charge of balancing. He's mostly about partnerships."

    He's one of THE guys, he's one of the major devs, he's been around for a long time and when he's saying something like that I'm just afraid to imagine what other devs who are relatively new to the game think lol and who actually balancing the game

    It happens man, it's pretty much there, people who playing only Nurse with 4 slow downs have pretty much insane win rate, not everyone needs to be streamer to show this. And it's not really just Nurse, if we take Average Blight + 4 slowdowns + hard tunnel , he will have insane Winrate too, with Nurse it's just way way worse, you just need to believe it, it's facts you can't deny that buddy.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Even if 10 solo escapes in a row is too much, it is not so unusual to escape in more than 5/10 of the matches. Of course, there are days when you can't escape even one match. At least now that the HUD makes the action visible and the base kit BT allows you to save one park slot, it's a lot more comfortable. Since that time I also started playing solo survivor outside of SWF.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    When MMR just implemented I could escape like 10-15 times in a row, sometimes it was 2 kills / 2 escapes but matches felt way more quality than it is right now. I mean if you are good player with good teammates why wouldn't you escape, not every time but most of the times. On the other hand we have killers who can run meta and do insane win streaks so even 10 escapes is just nothing compared to this.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,979

    I assume nothing with regards to anything the man, the myth, the legend Mathieu says... nothing he ever says can be trusted; he plays us all like a fiddle and relishes every minute of it xD

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Good for you, "You can have a huge sway over the games outcome if you yourself are very good." but don't spread lies pls, DBD is a team game and even if you have 1 guy with like 500 hrs and killers is experienced it have a huge impact on the game. Maybe you just being lucky, some days I also have good escape rate when MMR matching with not so good killers, so it's ok.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    In 10k hours it’s not luck, that’s a large sample size. It’s learning the game and taking accountability. These aren’t lies. It’s just not taking the easy way out and blaming teammates every time. It is a team game but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a huge sway over the outcome. Many other survivor mistakes are salvageable from other players making good plays.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 15

    What I said was you can have a large impact on the outcome if you’re skilled enough. I did not say you’re gonna win if you’re skilled. I would also say if you find it shocking I’d say that after so many hours maybe you could be wrong? If someone I talked to that had a ton of experience in something had the opposite opinion of what I did, I’d reflect that maybe I could be wrong. I’d try to see if there was an angle I wasn’t looking at potentially.

    You jump to a lot of conclusions that I did not say or even imply. I never said or implied that there’s no issues with mmr matching or lack of coordination in solo queue. There’s nuance in all things. Matchmaking is very bad and could be improved and coordination is much worse in solo queue than swf of course. I’m simply saying that you have more control over the outcome of your matches than you imply. I’m encouraging people that through learning the game more they can improve their solo queue win rate significantly instead of just throwing their hands up, taking no accountability and saying they lose because “solo queue bad”, which never changes their current situation and they just continue to lose.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    In fact, there are many streamers who lead their teammates this way. You are probably a talented person with the same mindset and experience. However, I think that the importance of each action will not be conveyed to people who have not reached the level where they can logically understand what you are doing. It's also a skill issue.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134
    edited March 15

    You can but what if killer decided to tunnel your 1k hrs teammate? What impact will you have? You can bodyblock but it won't do much. When you are facing experienced killer every player need to have an impact cuz it's a team games. There's no angle to it, what I brought up in this topic is experience and facts.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That’s understandable. I guess my rational here is simply to encourage people to improve to solve their difficulties rather than using other reasons they have no control over. This gives them agency over their play experience.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134
    edited March 15

    Oh yeah trust me I was improving every single time back to the days looking for my mistakes thinking maybe I did something wrong but I consider myself as a good experienced player who's always try to play till the end even if teammate kill himself on hook or dc but soloQ have been miserable for quite some time already, since MMR I would say. Yeah one day you can have 70% win rate and thinking "well maybe it's not that bad" but then most of the times you would face typical MMR / SoloQ issues. And when you have desire to blame teammates sometimes you thinking "well how could he know, the game doesn't provide him with this sort of info" 

    I just found out Otz gathered some data yesterday about soloQ you can see it yourself (just intro and ending of the vid)

    UPD: I though this message was to me

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 15

    The amount of games with tunneling is vastly exaggerated. I play way more than most and I don’t see it that often. What I do see very often is players making bad plays and then getting punished for it. I see after chats all the time of my teammates calling the killer a tunneler/camper when they definitely did not and those people are making excuses. For the record I would want nerfs to prevent tunneling even more added to the game to encourage healthier game play.

    I’m not backing up on anything, I stand by everything I said. You just misinterpreted some things I said. I said “usually”, that’s not always. You do have personal control over skill, that’s something people can improve on. Average stats are that way because on average most survivors play bad, but that’s something they can improve on. We’re having a normal conversation here, there’s no reason to be hyperbolic and sarcastic with things like “magically 70s%”. I track my stats while I’m streaming, it is what it is.

    Just average or even good Nurse usually have a good amount of counter play available. Only the extremely skilled nurses can give that no counter play feel but those are extremely rare. Don’t get me wrong though, I’d nerf nurse some if it was up to me. This is also why no one uses Nurse in balance conversations, she’s an exception to all the games rules and not comparable at all to the rest of the killer roster. So we shouldn’t even bring up Nurse.

    You’re probably not getting tunneling matches like you’re referencing nearly as much as you are saying. Like I said before, I play way, way more than the average person and don’t see that many actual hard tunnel/face camp matches. It’s quite rare.

    Most of the time people do have control over their matches. It’s a hard pill to swallow, for myself included. This is what helps us improve at the game.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    A lot of those mistakes the teammates make are not from them not being provided enough info. It’s almost always just poor situational choices that they hopefully learn from.

    I actually liked matchmaking much more before mmr as well. I think mmr was a failure and the old rank system was way better.

    I actually disagree with Otz on a lot and that’s okay. We want the game balanced for different things.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134
    edited March 15

    Not really, I used to play 8 hrs per day till I took a break and it got stale. Killers usually check profiles for weak link and trying to tunnel the guy out as quick as possible or they targeting low prestige players first so it's not really exaggerated and most of the times players who hate tunneling doesn't bring perks like OTR or DS but again it's MMR problem, people bring lightweight or other useless perks instead.

    Yeah right but you skill doesn't matter when MMR doesn't match you with people of the same skill, that's what SBMM supposed to do.

    "Just average or even good Nurse usually have a good amount of counter play available"

    Okay sorry but I just cannot takes this seriously, you can "loop" a bad learning Nurse but if it's experienced player you have no chance, don't tell me about breaking LoS or double backing, it's getting old. "extremely skilled nurses" I'm saying it again, Nurse is not hard killer to master, Blight for instance needs more practice and experience. We absolutely should, game with decent balance shouldn't have killer who can do 500-1000 games win streaks no matter how hard it takes to master the killer. Her ability should be reworked entirely.

    I got tunneled sometimes and if it's normal killers you can do something to help your team if the doing gens but if it's Nurse / Blight / Wesker or Spirit for example you are pretty much #########

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, I truly believe that. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and develop a theory. That prevents mistakes. I think too many survivors don't understand why they died. That's fine, but before blaming the killer or game or be soloQ, for something they don't understand, I want them to think about the cause.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Yeah randoms should learn that I have adrenaline or some combo or deliverance and not going for save. I mean this is just pointless conversation, it seems like you are living in fantasy world where soloQ is "not that bad" and where you have 70% escape rate, let's just leave it at that. You want to look at things positively go ahead, doesn't change the fact that the game have big issues with soloQ / MMR / and broken killer like Nurse.

    Rank system was better but MMR on paper should've been better but it's not cuz it's not doing stuff it's supposed to (matching people with the same skill level) MMR was fine only in the very beginning.

    I think Otzdarva is not that great of a survivor but everything he said is true tho.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Most Nurses those tricks do work against. The extremely good ones you’re referencing are very rare. There’s no need to be hyperbolic on the win streak stuff. The win streak you’re referencing was “one” nurse who was a comp player and it wasn’t as high as you’re saying. You’re going to use a .0000001% of the population for your stance on Nurse? These aren’t the nurses you’re facing. While I do agree that people exaggerate how hard it is to “learn” nurse it’s not as wildly easy as I feel you’re referencing. Nurse is not having zero counter play with 500-1000 win streaks from just learning her. Anyone with sub 500 hours on solely nurse for example still has counter play. Blight, Wesker and Spirit have tons of counter play as well. I would also agree Blight takes more skill than Nurse though.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah basically lol. Not enough reflection. I’m guilty of it as well. I can get in the heat of the moment and make excuses but after I calm down I can recognize that it was my fault and I could have made different choices that could’ve changed the outcome.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    There a lot of streamers who are doing win streaks not only on Nurse, I'm specifying Nurse cuz on her it's way easier. And you don't need to be streamer to have this streaks, people who main Nurse with decent amount of hrs have pretty much insane win rate.

    And SupaAlf is not comp player he's just streamer so you clearly not familiar with most Nurse mains around. Yes I do face average and good nurses, I'm tired of this, Nurse is not hard to master and is broken characters period. And yes I faced many of them in pubs . You wouldn't stand more then 30-40 seconds in chase against good Nurse / Blight and Spirit with good addons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is hyperbole again. Niche adrenaline or deliverance plays of course they can’t know but those are very specific situations. In the vast majority of cases you can play around most things. All things? No. Most things? Yes.

    I’ve given you many reasons why the issue isn’t solo queue. I’ve also provided them quite calmly and kindly for that matter as you’ve constantly been sarcastic and mocking towards me with nothing reciprocated. Just blaming solo queue will not change anyone’s situation but the advice I’ve provided can help those people that are having trouble.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    No it's not, there are a lot of such situations, I'm not gonna list all of them as it's pointless cuz you gonna stand on your own.

    Like I said I don't agree and I provided why, yes soloQ is the issue and MMR itself is the issue. Gap between solos and swf is huge and if you denying that you are delusional, want to cope go ahead but stop spreading lies. SoloQ problem for every player considering even most experienced ones who know it all, that's why they play only in SWF.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 15

    You can do the exact same thing on survivor.

    Now we’re adding addons as well? Are we putting syringes and BNPs on all the survivors too?

    The irony of lasting “30-40 seconds in chase” is that loses you the game as killer. When someone knows high mmr games they understand that you need chases of 25 seconds or less or you’re losing the game. Consecutive chases lasting as long as you are describing is unviable for winning. If I go down in 30-40 seconds that’s a win.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    I don't think this is disdain at all, this is their interpretation of how a horror game should be played. Agree or disagree.

    That said, I don't agree that SoloQ is in a good spot either. Teammate loadout information and tweaks to perks to help show other survivors you have it active (being able to unhook yourself via Deliverance and Wicked, or highlighting your locker when Head On is ready for example) and some kind of anti-slug that survivors can't manipulate would help a bit.

    However, saying the developers straight up hate a large portion of the community is just rage-baiting and makes 0 sense. They're clearly viewing things on the dread factor, not trying to make things easier to escape just because survivors don't like x killer. And one look at their cash shop should tell you that they definitely don't want to lose that revenue either. One of the biggest problems I have in SoloQ is survivors giving up, even if we're winning and get 3 gens popped before they go down, because the killer is Knight, Nurse or whoever they hate (Even Scratched Mirror Myers for crying out loud!)

    As for Nurse herself, I do agree she's not as hard to master as Cote thinks and most Nurse players I face are very good. I do think she's hard to get into though, I myself took months of trying to really get into her because I first thought the teleport was disorienting, but once you know what you're doing she's pretty simple.

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 109

    It is disdain.

    People have been talking about the gap between swf and solo since year 1. There have been tens of thousands of posts about it.

    It took 8 years for a HUD to get added which allowed some form of teamwork information. The most basic form of gap closing between swf and solo. 8 years.

    They obviously do not care about the solo experience. Comments from the video just confirm what I and alot of solo players already knew.

    Disdain, please buy my skins though.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783
    edited March 15

    Again, you're misinterpreting their intention. Survivor was always meant to be about getting yourself out alive, which I still think is a bad idea in a 4v1, but just because that's their game design philosophy doesn't mean it's a personal vendetta against that entire aspect of the game.

    It would be like if I decided to grow grain or some kind of feed in a chicken pen. I don't hate that grain, but I need something for the chickens, and getting rid of all that grain wouldn't be beneficial to me in the long run.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 617

    SoloQ players mostly do this mistakes due to lack of info / coordination. There is a drastic difference between soloq and swf in terms of info / coordination and devs are afraid to "give solos too much info" but having solo and swf being two completely different experiences is completely fine lol...

    this is in my opinion a huge issue. I play mostly killer and the difference between a SoloQ and SWF can be really huge. SWF can turn the match in their favouir by just dropping the right offerings (map offering, bigger distance between hooks, luck offerings) and then adapt their builds and items to the map, weakness, or strenght. This is for SoloQ impossible. This alone is just ridiculous. However, if the developers would lift up SoloQ to a similar level of SWF by giving them infos and coordination (showing other builds, light Kindred, quick messages like in DbDMobile) we had more reliable good survivors and see how strong these types can be (reliable ground of which the game can build up). Another plus is also that this would remove SoloQ-stomper builds and killers like KnockOut-Build, Pinhead, or Myers. Then the developers could buff/tweak killers in the right direction and nerf/tweak Perks, Offerings, and Add-Ons on both sides to make them healthy in this new meta. I also think that by giving SoloQ the direction to work together, they will do it by working together during the game but also by using teamperks. I mean, now we have the issue that SoloQ is rather selfish but I believe that some SoloQ-players are selfish because players and developers tell them they are selfish or it's better to be selfish (e.g. don't do gens, or unhooks once one survivor is dead, wait in basement of hatch with Calm Spirit, Distortion, Solo Survivor, and Left Behind) - you know?

    Year, statistics are sometimes a pain for the game. Just because a number looks okay does not mean the number is okay in a healthy way. Just like because something is not common/looks good, does not mean it is healthy for the game (Nurse for example). This is something the developers still don't understand in my opinion. I also don't trust the numbers because the developers did not count dces and yes like you said what considering win for soloq.