What's with Unknown players bringing themselves to indoor maps?

I've had 6 games against the new killer since the new patch dropped and 5 of them sent themself to an indoor map (1 lerys, 1 gideon, 2 rpd, 1 hawkins). Indoor maps strike me as bad for the killer's power - survivors can just go around corners to avoid the power. Did some content creator I don't know about release a video claiming the opposite was the case, and indoor maps favor survivors?
My experience with the new killer is his power goes through objects when it explodes. This gets easy hits consistently and most of my solo'Q games have been a stomping ground for the Unknown when on indoor maps.
Havent played AS him yet, but Ill test this out first hand.
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The weakened status effect is removed by looking at the killer and shots can be bounced around doors or angled to burst near a wall an hit the other side. I'm not sure indoor maps are ideal for him but they make removing weakened hard and allow for some cool shots which sounds alright.
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I played on hawkins ones as unknown and it was awful but midwich was really good cause the tp gives you quick acces to the first floor and you can hit them from below when working on gens. In general i would say indoor maps are bad on him except may midwich and the game
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because they THINK indoor maps are good, but they´re not
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The power bounces and explodes through walls, having more walls in a loop = more chances to hit with the power. Plus with wide open maps it's much easier to avoid the projectiles.
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If you shoot the roof it bounces back down, so maybe for some trick shots?
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He has a stealth perk, his power hits through walls, more spots to bounce off of, and weakness is removed by staring at him. The only reason he isn't better on indoor maps is because most indoor maps are survivor sided lol
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I don't think indoor matches are a handicap to The Unknown. Having lots of surfaces to bank shots off of is nice and there are plenty of stealth or terror radius transferring perks out there to take advantage of the sight blocking walls. I wouldn't fault the killer for choosing an indoor map but I wouldn't call it a huge disadvantage for survivors either.
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Unknown is an unusual case of a ranged killer that manages to excel best on indoor maps compared to other maps due to its ability to bounce its projectiles.
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Unknowns power becomes legit slowdown on indoor levels. Otherwise you are ready to eat some damage next time he runs into you.
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This was a reply to a comment that I believe got deleted. They came in here with negativity, so I basically tried to spread positivity.
Since I don't want to promote negativity, I'll be deleting the original comment, which contained a quote of the negative stuff that was said, and replacing it with this disclaimer. Promote understanding and community, yall!
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He's fantastic on indoor maps. Big, open spaces are a nightmare for him so tight hallways are like a wet dream. gives you very little room to be able to dodge