Spirit Need A Change

The spirit need a change due to the maps that where recently added, referring to Toba Landing, Nostromo Wreckage and Greenville Square, maps that are too big for its powerful but short power. For main survis and those who never played spirit Im going to give context about her. The Spirit in her main power can move at 7.04ms (withouts addons) for 5s (withous addons) but is does not pass through walls, pallets, windows, etc. She is a very difficult killer to use since when you are using her main power you cannot see the survivors, you can only hear them and see their scratchmarks. So, it becomes very difficult to find someone; simply walk away from the generator when you hear that she is about to use her main power. Spirit does have addons that improve the duration of his power without harming it, and its a yellow addon called Kaiun Talisman that adds 25% more duration to the main power, wich in my opinion starting from a base of 5s is quite insignificant.
Also Spirit has disadvantage that it takes too long to charge her power (15s without addons) and if you add an addon that gives more time to the main power this increases. And finally I want to mention that is an M1 killer, practically all survivor use exhaution perks, when you receive a hit you can use Lithe, Sprint, etc. And his base movement speed is 4.4 if she doesnt have her power she wont be able to hit you again.
With all this I want to make 2 suggestions for the killer, add to te base kit the yellow addon Kaiun Talisman (increases the duratión of phase-walk 25%) and the brown addon Gifted Bamboo Comb (increases the charge speed of yamaoka haunting 15%). With this, the final result would be a spirit with a main power of 6.25s and recharge time of 12.75s, much fairer too me more than it is currently.
I would like to read your opinions, if you think it would be good or the spirit should stay like as it is now
Credit Image to SweetCookiesforyou SweetCookiesforyou - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt
It's odd to me you cite newer maps as a problem when Toba is one of the smallest maps in the game and Nostromo is no bigger than Haddonfield with no mention of the actual largest maps like Disturbed Ward, Shelter Woods or Azarov's Resting Place.
You also cite exhaustion perks but those are absolutely nothing new, Sprint Burst and Lithe are some of the oldest perks in the game.
I don't think Spirit really needs any changes when she's the 3rd strongest killer in the game and nobody really threatens to take that spot from her.
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While I wouldn’t mind your changes, the community has a long standing vendetta against Spirit it feels like. People are going to vehemently be against any buffs to her. Really rarely ever go against her anymore.
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Haddonfield is survi sided we all know it, but leaving aside the houses it has too many dead zones that are of great advantage to spirit. Toba is "small" but is full of structures and it has a high ambient noise and we are talnking about a killer that depend on vision and hearing. And that you say the spirit is the 3rd strongest killer is your personal opinion.
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I would say that most of the community agrees that she’s at the very least top 5.
There are plenty and plenty of killers that deserve buffs before Spirit does IMO
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She is a killer with many accessibility difficulties to play, not allow errors and whenever you face it is a guaranteed tunnel
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Literally find any tier list from an experienced player and they'll have Spirit as number 3 I have never seen any deviation from that from the moment Blight took her number 2 spot.
Haddonfield is a weird map it's not survivor or killer sided but it's not balanced either the houses are ridiculous to deal with as killer but the entire middle of the map is a giant dead zone where you go down in 15 seconds if found there. Regardless I was talking about size which is the same as Nostromo which is a map where half of the map is a massive dead zone littered with unsafe pallets. It's size is not really an issue.
Toba has a relatively strong main building but I don't find the jungle gyms there anything out of the ordinary. I think it's actually a very balanced map but I can interfere with listening as Spirit but again I don't think it's a massive problem for one of the strongest killers in the game coupled with the fact some of the loudest survivors like Feng, Meg and Claudette are the most popular.
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I do think Spirit is one of the higher skill requirement killers in the game but people tend to have a “Spirit is easy” mentality that has perpetuated for a long time. She is quite punishing for misplays if you mess up I agree.
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Obviously there are many other killer that deserve a buff before, like the trapper so you can start the party with all the traps in the hands with any penalties but my post is for spirit in this moment
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The same thing can be said for survivor to counter so its the same for both sides as far as hearing.
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I dont think feng min is the survi preferred as it was before in this moment BHVR has released too many survivors that are very silent and present difficuelties for spirit rose marigold, sable ward, ace, ada. I leave you a link so you can see the comparison of the sounds of the survivors made by a main spirit.
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But spirit has terror radius when it is close to you, my mention to the loud noises on Toba Landing is the difficult to hear the breath of the survivor. There are no point of comparison between terror radius of spirit and the breathing of a survivor when is not injured, is injured and crouch or is a specific character like ace visconti, ada wong. If you miss the hit they can throw a pallet, jump a window, run away, etc. Miss the hit with a spirit has a lot of penalty.
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Well that loud noises is suppressed for survivor also on that map when it makes that sound. There is no terror radius when the spirit teleports just a little sound.
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i think it came from the MDR+Purple amulet combo. I would make her kintsugi Teacup refresh the power cooldown on successful hits and increase her base m/s by 15% so that she is 7.1 in the ability. Spirit is too slow at downing survivors when she successfully lands her ability. She has chucky cooldown syndrome problem now.
If they wanted to make her good vs best players, remove her directional sound audio in addition would make her more difficult to loop.
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I miss old spirit so much
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Yeah vs good survivors shes too slow and basically loopable.
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if anyone needs help it’s Freddy and Twins. No one else should be touched until they’re fixed.
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Nah, Spirit's been going under the radar as being incredibly strong since they deleted Iron Will. She really doesn't need more power uptime.
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Whats the problems with Freddy? I see the twins are disabled but I didnt see anithyng strange with Freddy
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If they wouldn’t let Huntress keep her speed change then they certainly won’t give that to spirit. Huntress is affected far worse than Spirit by bad maps.
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Personally i believe spirit should be 115 just like blight. If blight can be normal speed killer i'm really not understanding why Chucky and Spirit are 4.4.
Spirit has been getting nerfed a lot lately and i feel like her cooldown is now too long and basespeed is too slow.
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Spirit is fine, excellent base-kit and variety of add-ons. She is still top 3 in my book and she takes skill to pay off for her strength.
There are other killers that need priority for buffs and QoL changes, the ones on the top of my head being Nemesis, Dredge, Knight, PH's add-ons, Singularity.
Her recharge speed may be long, but the fact that you can control the meter similar to Legion's Frenzy cancel makes up for it.
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The LAST thing Spirit needs is a buff, she is fine where she is and a skilled Spirit player is already very hard to deal with for a public lobby of random survivors or even all but the most competent SWF's (most aren't).
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If anything Blight should be 110%.
Spirit is a powerful killer. She doesn't need to be able to traverse the whole map with one power use. Idk why you think one of the best killers needs buffs because she doesn't excel in every area of the game.
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Spirit is more than fine and her power should be used in short bursts a large majority of the time to be able to still cover large distances and have lethality not far behind.
The only quality of life change I would give to Spirit, is an indication similar to Sadako of when shes about to shimmer
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Spirirt is not a "difficult" killer it took me 2 matches to master her and also spirit dosent need a buff no it needs a nerf. How about you play some survivor against spirit and see how much "fun" it is to face an invicible overpowerd better wraith? And you want to make him even more 'funnier" to play against? There are good maps and bad maps for some killers i main ghostface and there are only THREE good maps for him and you dont see me asking for some buffs instead you are here asking to buff the third/second strongest killer in the game because you get every 10 to 20 matches 1 map that is "bad" for spirit?!??!?!? I just dont get it did you had a tough round? Was it a 3k instead of a 4k 😁🤣
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Everything i agree with except for the proposed power activation charge speed, and should be given an overall faster power recovery speed at base without having to run a recovery add-on. She needs duration and recovery to keep up in chase and for map traversal.
It really sucks that duration add-ons increase the power cooldown time -_- the purple duration add-on has a 25 second long cooldown to it when it’s fully used, can you imagine? Like…hello?!
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Omg so like Kintsugi teacup would increase her haunting speed from 176% to 191% AND would fully replenish the power upon successful hits?! That would be so gooood
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Bro… the LAST thing Spirit needs is a buff of any kind. I think she is in a good spot now and even as someone who rarely plays her I can 4k fairly easily when I pick her up after months of not playing her.
I still think she is S tier and I do not want to see S tier killers buffed in any way
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Spirit doesn't need any buffs.
Just remove passive phasing I would not care if they gave spirit access to the Nuclear launch codes as long as passive phasing was removed it's the most cheesy mechanic in the game.
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She can 4k even in a comp setting and without addons, as we seen in an older spirit showcase and it is basically still up to date as there have not been changes to her basekit since then.
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If you play against a good spirit you are not looping her, you can drop God pallets and loop those, but everything else will result in her getting the hit... We have seen this in many comp games. She is one of the strongest killers in the game and is completely fine as she is.
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That would be busted as hell... If the spirit is good almost every power usage results in a hit...
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Spirit is in an ok spot if you ask me. She really strong in chase but bad outside of chase.
Not many killers can down survivors in less than 20 seconds despite strong tiles being in play.
Shes extremely hard to play against due to the speed she moves when using the power. Being invisible is more of a strength for the spirit than for the survivor.
I have started an experiment yesterday, where I used knock out, Stbfl, surge and sloppy. I try to win the game with exactly 4 hooks. I know how unfun this is to go against. I want to try out how ineffective or effective hooking is compared to bleed out.
Until now I have lost one game. A game where I played really poorly. All the others where massacre with 3 gens still up.
Spirit can do this. Many killers can do this.
It's incredibly strong.
My take until now: pls rework knock out. It's extremely unhealthy as it encourages this playstyle.
Whats the point of me bringing this up? Spirits chase is one of the best in the game and leaves the survivor with severely less counterplay than against many other killers. This is balanced by her lack of mobility. That's fair.
Whats really problematic with her is, that she is a accessibility - problem on her own. She can't be played by people hard of hearing and is almost impossible to play against when you are hard of hearing. Not everyone has a 100$ headset laying around just to play against Spirit.
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My headset is 10 years old and was 30 bucks, is completely fine for playing her and against her... So is this a bit of an overreaction.
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Can be, can also not be. I heard of some people that literally can't play against her despite having an ok headset.
It's not my intention to make her seem op in any way. It's just something that has never really been addressed as far as I know.
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Sure I guess but sound is essential for every killer and survivor, that's a give, changing that would make the game more boring. But ofc I agree that it is not for everyone because of that, but that's fine I would say you simply cannot make it accessible for everyone.
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So comp Spirit on an extremely killer favored map with survivor perk restrictions and just tunneling someone out asap is representative of most matches against Spirit or Spirits balance as a whole?
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It indicates her maximum potential, it is more about what she does in chase and not about her map mobility.
Spirit is a killer with a lot of potential you just need to put in the effort to get good with her. And if you don't want to do that, that is kind of your choice, but don't complain that the killer is weak then when she clearly is not.
Also I would not call maps like Wreckers yard or so extremely killer favored... And restrictions limit both sides.
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That’s disingenuous as there’s “significantly” more restrictions placed on the survivors and wreckers yard “is” one of the most favorable killer maps in the roster. Saying it’s about chase and not map mobility is also inaccurate as map pressure plays a huge part in whether they’re good or not.
If we really wanna talk only maximum potential and getting better at the game then that’s opening a whole other can worms. If we’re gonna use that frame of reference then swf is completely imbalanced and 95% of the killer roster needs massive buffs. By this frame we wouldn’t be caring about solo queue nor the average player.
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From that standpoint the restrictions are necessary to somewhat balance it out.
Wreckers is still an overall decent map... Debateable if it favors killers, it has great loops and some of them lead nicely into shack creating strong setups.
Spirits power is mostly about chase, especially basekit, sure you can run speed and recharge/duration to use it more for map mobility but then you suffer quite a big cooldown, which usually is not worth it unless used in short bursts.
You as killer player are the sole person on your side of the team, which makes it so you can get better, you are not relying on matchmaking to give you decent teammates... Spirit is the 3rd best killer in the game and if you want to buff her just because you don't want to put time in her then I see no reason for that... Even if you are not a comp level spirit, if you spend some time learning her with how bad matchmaking is you will win the majority of your games.
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I never said I’d buff Spirit..
Also just because the killer is solo and the survivors are four doesn’t change the fact that it’s a 1v4 game, not a 1v1v1v1v1. You can’t control your teammates but that’s irrelevant. The game is balanced around your team making mistakes. The survivors are able to recover from many more mistakes than killers are.
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However it means when you play killer you play more consistently than with 3 strangers that can be all over the place from the perspective of skill.
I dont know about that recovery thing... Debatable at best.
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Except it’s not strangers, you pick your 4 man on coms, because remember you were talking top tier best vs best, not average solo queue games. That’s the balance metric you wanted.
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But while even a top tier survivor playing solo will not get 3 other top tier survivors when queueing you as the killer have it in your hands to become a top tier pub stomped... Because matchmaking won't find people on your level… she is more than strong enough for pub games.
My argument was that if she performs that well under the comp circumstances she will perform even better in pub games, so none of those she is weak arguments fit. I didn't advocate for her in a comp setting... I just said she is strong enough that if you know what you are doing you can basically 4k almost every match, because a. She is a strong killer and b. Matchmaking is God awful. And will not give you players of equal or similar skill once you ve reached a certain level.
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I never said Spirit was weak.
The options aren’t comp or solo queue. You can be in regular pub matches with your 3-4 mans on coms. That’s the most common matches at high mmr. While mmr does throw random potatoes here and there it is “generally” still giving you high tier players and mostly swf at high tiers.
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@Blueberry i want some of her add-ons buffed and some qol changes like :
1- The chase music starts dying down when reaching halfway through the power activation part where she does the twitchy hands thing and as a result, by the time she fully charges her power, the chase music is gone. I hope i conveyed what i wanted to say right 😅
2- She should see her own passive phasing just like how survs see her so she can kind of use that for mind gaming purposes.Add-on buffs/rework examples:
1- Mother’s glasses ( rework )
2- kintsugi teacup ( buff )
3- Uchiwa ( rework ) as it’s heavily dependent on the survivors for it work , they can just pre drop pallets and make it useless
4- Dried cherry blossom ( rework , very uninteresting add-on ) and work on creating accessibility options for both sides without giving more advantage to players with normal hearing , just something that hard of hearing players can work with.
5- Wakizashi saya ( rework )
6- revert the changes made to duration add-ons, super unnecessary -_-
Also, omg hiii!!! My fav blueberry 🫐😂1 -
Haha hey buddy!
I agree with most your thoughts here, especially the issues related to phase duration and recovery. I've always thought since her release that she should see her own phasing to give more potentials for mind games. This isn't something most Spirits would be able to utilize but would increase her skill ceiling for players looking to put the time in.
She definitely has a few addons post rework that you've kind of pointed towards that are kind of gimmiky and not quite practical that could use some improvements. I've always disliked Cherry Blossom. I understand the need for accessibility so I don't know how they'd get around this, but it's current form is typically used to just remove all skill from playing her.
I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I liked how her old version had survivors baiting sound to mislead her and make her react incorrectly. That's just not a thing anymore. I used to love facing her as it required higher skill levels, but now it's just super basic and requires very, very little.
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How would you know it is like that? We don't have any data about it... That's just guessing. Nobody knows what's their mmr and with backfilling and so on you can never know the mmr of the people you have, especially with the soft cap.
Wishful thinking, but I don't think it works like that.
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