Unknown needs a big nerf

I had very high hopes for this killer, after seeing the trailers and reading the lore, I was VERY hyped.
But the gameplay against him just feels so miserable and it feels like I can't even play a single match against him without dying.
His ability to make me only play with my left hand is sickening and there needs to be a control scheme for it when facing him. I have this issue with no other killer but Im tired of playing one handed for the past 3 days
He feels good againts Survivors who don't look at him and don't try to dodge his ability and those who ignore his teleports.
He is kinda weak againts decent Survivors who know how chase and power works.
Sorry but this sounds like a skill issue. He is at BEST top B tier if you know him well and I mean you can hit almost all your shots.
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I disagree, I just think the AOE from his spray attack is a bit BS how it can hit you through walls especially and the problem that countering his power involves looking behind you - something less skilled players don't do very often so it makes him a bit of a noob stomper.
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Unknown is terrible against survivors who arent baked potatoes. You obviously have skill issue
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Im glad at least one person got it
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How is it a skill issue I have to change my pants after every match? This is bs I'm sorry
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- New killer gets released
- People dont know how to play against it
- People complain
- Time passes
- People learn to play against the killer
- There is less complaining
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until this is possible he will remain too OP
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One of the suggestions around that is to actually reverse the power. Make it so when you DON'T look at the unknown the weakness go down, but when you DO it stops (or goes up). Would nerf the killer against low tier survivors, but buff against high tier survivors.
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Everyone read the OP VERY CAREFULLY before commenting.
I'm gonna go shower now after reading that.
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Complains are less, but that does not change the fact that most recent killers are a chore to go against
- Chucky braindead chase power
- Xenomorph braindead chase power
- SM Breaindead chasepower
- Knight braindead chasepower
Did i forget anybody? Singularity is the only killer that is not braindead in chase and has at least some serious counterplay outside of placing turrets and hold W. Not much, but something at least.
Do not want to judge Unknown yet, but from what we have experienced, he is potentially another candidate for that list.
Small sample size of this epic gameplay.
"Just dodge and look at it"
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I felt I should've clarified how...hard...it can be to face him. But at least I'm opening a discussion I guess😂
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Yeah I saw Scott Jund talking about that in a recent video.
Mixed feelings on that tbh as I do agree in theory but I think looking behind you is an ability you should master very early in DBD. I am more concerned with the generous AOE personally
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I saw this killer and knew immediately he was stronger then most assume.
Bhvr seem to be going the route of: Killer gets down every minute thanks to cheesy powers, survivors sit alone on gens and don't interact to prioritize leaving the game/"winning".
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we're barely halfway into march and already we have a strong contender for forum post of the year
honestly i think there's a big issue on this forum of people not fully reading posts before they respond to them. otherwise i think a lot more people would understand how... hard... it truly is for you to go against the unknown
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Have you tried playing the killer? The AoE is definitely not as generous as you think it is.
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I'll say it more like this.
●new killer release
●survivors adapt quickly
●survivor complain about the counterplay
●killer fade to 2% to 3% pick rate like most of them do. (skull merchant, knight)
●surivors beg for a nerf
● A new killer come out with more questionable counterplay. (sliding pallet chucky & turret depending Xenomorph)
●people stop complaining about the last killer as much and focus on the newest one.
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Some people only read topic titles and the gist of the message. Any subtly or nuance is often lost. This can be used for amusement but is often frustrating for those who want to convey a complicated point.
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Nothing is more attractive than horrors beyond our comprehension.
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I would disagree. I wouldn’t say he needs a nerf by any means.
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oh i really hate that i understand what this is getting at
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Ive been playing 1 handed against the Huntress for years tbh. And they actually did nerf her, her hooked on you skin doesn't have bewbs like she does in the actual game😡
Biggest nerfs ever!
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It's highly generous on indoor maps.
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Sure, on some. But huntress sucks on indoor maps and is better on open ones. Some killers will be better on some maps and worse on others.
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Only against bots tbh... and while it can feel like that even against bots I do think the fact the AOE can hit you through walls with a spray and pray attack style is a bit much
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God damn it man you actually had me going for the first 2 paragraphs... flipping got nerd rant whiplash when it actually landed... the rest of the thread just makes it worse xD
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The Unknown is indeed the most sexual killer of all time. Everything it does clearly is something Freud would have an absolute field day with!