Killer Updates Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Our latest update brings changes to several Killers: The Blight, The Clown, The Demogorgon, The Doctor, The Hag, The Huntress and The Pig. We'd love to hear your feedback on how these adjustments feel.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Rumble
    Rumble Member Posts: 121

    The pigs crouch speed needs to be more, the dash is useless at most loops. This is a buff for low mmr and new players. At a higher level these "buffs" do nothing for pig.

    I played the Pig often, but these changes makes player her more of a nuisance. L change for Pig

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Hag just need a small tweak to be perfect: her radious of trap activation still is too big, so survivors can trigger the tripper while running backwards, avoinding the hit even if you TP instantly. I think her activation radious could be the same as with the brown addon that reduces range. Them, survivor would need to wipe the traps (the intended counterplay) instead of triggering it and not getting a hit even when the Hag plays right.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    Kind of pointless to add gen kick perks when they are strongly discouraged from use with the new 8 limit system.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The part about doctors unhook is just not true, the shock delay barely got changed when running both addons...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The Huntress changes are nice, give it some time to see how it works out, and if needed make the addons on windup and max hatchets weaker, but the basekit buff itself should stay and is a nice addition.

    Pig changes are great, the dash became far better. Her crouch speed could still be higher, somewhere between 4.0 and 4.4 would be completely Allright.

    Clown changes are nice to have. Pinky finger was an annoying addon to go against and it is definitely not as bad as before to go against, I would still say it should get a new function entirely.

    Changes on Blight, Demogorgon, Hag and Doctor are Allright.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
    edited March 2024

    Pig is a W in my opinion. I have nothing to complain besides the fact that I wait for "Hello Zepp" in the game 😁. You could add an purple addon (maybe a new Amandas Secret, because the current one is not that useful) which gives Pig Aurareading for the Boxes for the price of a shorter Trap-Timer.

    Huntress extra-hatchets are not that necessary in my opinion, it would be enough if she had 5 hatchets Basekit instead of 7.

    Clown changes are a nice to have, but not too impressive. I guess its alright. The yellow bottles should activate a bit faster tho.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 506

    I think their reasoning with pig is that she can follow players with active hats and not initiate chase, and of all the stealth killers her stealth allows her a long speedy lunge which paired with faster movement speed would have her using crouch the whole chase to keep using it as a chase ability rather than as an ambush ability

  • LucaDuca11
    LucaDuca11 Member Posts: 23

    I'm a little disappointed to not see any changes to doctors hallucinations. I think it's such a cool and underutilised aspect of his power that needs a polish. Maybe if you make them chase survivors and try to attack them like knights guards, but then when they try to attack the hallucination disappears. I think this would make doctor a lot more fun to play as and against and would make his hallucinations feel more relevant. even if this is only achievable by using an add on and not basekit.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 142

    I know but 9 is more than enough with 1 addon and on top of it you can add Flower Babushka and it gonna be very strong. You don't need to think about reload and as a survivor you don't need to count hatchets anymore, it's just pointless.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    Overall changes to Hag with the smaller base trap trigger range she is not as easy to bully now. Very good job on Hag!

    Clown the purple bottles are worse you could have added ether 15% addon as basekit to compensate. But the yellow bottles good changes and 6 bottles as basekit was very needed. Overall good changes since I hated the blurry vision as survivor also. Only bad thing is the Pinkie addon that should be reworked and not be a one bottle addon or exposed effect addon but I think BHVR will agree on this and "soon" change it.

    Pig overall good changes.

    Huntress is a bit too strong but if I think selfish about it as killer I play Huntress like once a year and I'm on console so for me I need them buffs lol. Strong Huntress players..well she will be complained about as much as Blight probably and you will nerf her. This future is easy to see.

    Doctor have not tried him yet or Demogorgon but on paper the changes are needed.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2024

    It sucks actually, if I remember correctly at start of validation system we had situation which actually benifed players with better ping not the laggy ones, when I see killers with high ping (usually from a Saudi) who constantly trying to swing in noHit situation knowing high ping working for their advantage it's just feels bad and unfair. But her hitbox also matters, long ago on reddit there was a post about her hitbox and it's huge.

    Probably you are right. Tbh having 3 or even 5 one shot bottles would be oppressive against proxy camping Clown but 1 is kind of useless so they should rework it.

  • Cloudland
    Cloudland Member Posts: 15

    IMO Clown's Iri could add an additional effect:

    Reduce reload time by 1s.(now is 2s, 1.5s with yellow addon)

    That will make iri clown's gameplay like deathslinger, keeping one-shot bottle while give less safe time to survivors, in some situations bottle could also be used as an anti-loop power.

    Blight double iri is just TOTALLY OP because you only get one of them's side effects.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879

    Most of the buffs are fine, although a few are strange and feel either unneeded or implemented without an equalizer.

    The Huntresses' buffs are very odd to me, she was already balanced and was amongst the most picked Killers. Sure she had a skill floor a tad higher than basic M1 Killers but she was fine. Experienced Huntress players could down people before they ever heard the lullaby and effectively camp from a distance.

    Adding more hatchets and making her faster while holding one feels a bit overtuned. I honestly would have simply increased lockers spawns (only when Huntress/Dredge are the Killer as a QOL change).

    The Hag buffs....I honestly wouldn't mind them if nearly every Hags didn't simply create minefields around hooked Survivors. Now with the traps taking longer to remove and the teleport being more generous it just turned most Hag matches into a slog since going for unhooks will almost never succeed without someone getting hit. Basement scenarios are especially egregious as Hags tend to simply make a line of traps along the stairs and hook to make even reaching the hooked Survivor take a ridiculous amount of time. Dredge, Alien, Singularity and (to a lesser extent) Trapper all have anti-camp measures built into their power, Hag should also have one (a zone around a hooked Survivor in which traps can't be placed, traps's auras are visible within a certain radius of a hooked Survivor, something to make this less boring for everyone). The buffs themselves aren't annoying or bad, it's combined with the ability to be one of the best proxy-camper in the game.

    Clown's changes are great, the dizzying effect is now manageable even for people dealing with motion-sickness and the Pinky Finger add-on change was needed to account for the more numerous bottles basekit.

    Pig's change is nice, finally a buff for our Piggy to make her Ambush better, too bad she finally got a buff after Sloppy and STBFL, both popular and good perks for Pig, got nerfed and then regression also got limited which, as an M1 Killer, affects her more. The loss of box aura is fine, it's to make forcing headpops more difficult and it should be difficult because it's an egregious playstyle.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 286

    Herman Carter — The Doctor

    Charging Shock Therapy: I wish that 3.08 m/s could be changed to 3.22 m/s. That would be perfect.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2024

    When I played doctor and pig yesterday, I did not feel any kind of buff, they felt like always. The only difference was that pig didn‘t see the boxes anymore, which makes her a lot weaker. I was kinda surprised every time I found someone while they were removing a trap.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,015

    The Clown = I thought the buffs would feel more impactful. I feel like with clown, i am throwing more bottles but chases don't seem to be ending any faster. Invigorate still does not feel that effective, but it is slightly easier to get the effect of it. Maybe i need to practice clown though.

    The Doctor = Change feels quite good.

    The Hag = She feels slighty smoother to play as, i rarely play her though but this makes me want to play her a bit more than before.

    The Huntress = I personally hate playing as huntress because i find the environmental collision frustrating to deal with. I know buffing her is a controversial decision but i like it because she does feel slightly less frustrating to play as for me, it's surprising how much of a difference 0.1 second makes to the wind up. The increased hatchet count means i don't have to reload after every hook now which i like. So i like it.

    The Pig = I think she overall is weaker. Being able to see jigsaw box auras was a huge strength because it allowed you to torment trapped survivors. The changes to ambush can help sometimes but i don't feel like it's a reliable way to get downs. Maybe i need more practice with this version of pig like with the clown but first impressions since PTB are that i'm not a huge fan of removing jigsaw box auras. I feel like the box auras made you feel like amanda. Survivors would play the game but then amanda would want to make sure they fail. But maybe that's not what the design intent was.

    Overall i appreciate these tweaks to the killers. Just keeping killers updated makes me want to play more of a variety because it makes me feel like the balance of a killer has been verified and updated by the devs. Some killers like myers have not been updated for years, they feel outdated, like they are not matched up with the current environment of DBD, making them feel insufficient.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    Hag changes feel perfect, triggering traps is much riskier now, but the counterplay of baiting a trap is still somewhat an option if the hag isn't quick to react.

    Pig, idk I used to love the ambush, but it is still too situational. Ambush is fun for the rare time it is the right call, but this won't really help her all that much. Predrops and simply leaving the loop and making distance while a pig wastes time crouching and uncrouching will still limit her lethality.

    Clown, I never play as, but playing against has actually felt tolerable for first time since I am someone who easily gets motion sick.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,173

    Hag's addons still feel underwhelming:

    1) I think we need -30% trigger range to stop people from doing the "run at the trap while looking away from you" thing, which means we're always using the green rarity trigger range addon, or we're stuck using the yellow + brown rarity trigger range addons... which doesn't feel good. If BHVR doesn't want to actually remove the "run at the trap while looking away from you" thing, then I wish something would be changed so that the yellow rarity -trigger range addon was enough to stop this, so that we aren't stuck burning through bloodwebs for a very specific green rarity addon.

    2) The +setting speed addons feel bad, because setting a trap has 3 phases, and these addons only affect 1 of these phases. The game feels so much faster now, than it did when Hag was first released, and Hag's trap setting speed is so slow that it's a relic of long ago DBD.

    3) Teleport range still feels bad. How can BHVR tell us they don't want killers to find a 3 gen, and defend it the entire game, but still force Hag to have such a low teleport range that she's sort of stuck just defending one side of the map, if she wants her traps to always be active.

    4) Hag being 4.4 is kind of garbage in modern DBD, considering that she often has 0 chase power if the survivor runs to an area with no traps. And if the survivor isn't stuck at a specific loop, then trying to set a trap mid chase just causes the survivor to run away, which means Hag is still not really using her chase power (unless there is a really obnoxious loop that Hag would rather run away from immediately). Can we just make her 4.6, then figure out whatever buffs/nerfs need to happen to balance it out? Trying to run around pallet loops as a 4.4 killer feels bad, if the survivor is really good at hugging the loop.

    TD;LR I still don't feel like Hag is worth playing in modern DBD. And yes, there was a time period in this game, where I thought Hag was really good. But that was long ago.

  • Jay_Whyask
    Jay_Whyask Member Posts: 614

    Clown changes feel amazing!🤡

    I have zero issues with the changes, and I have more I'd love to see.

    • Red head's pinky finger rework
    • Afterpiece Antidote basic attack score event (Antidotes only give 150 points, why)?
    • Cigar Box nerf (Haste is 5% instead of 10%)?
    • Spirit of Hartshorn buff
    • Robin Feather rework
    • Party bottle buff, more confetti? RBG gas? More points?

    I'd also love some more clothes to buy for the Clown. Preferably common & uncommon rarity recolors of the default outfit, like that black & gold anniversary outfit that keeps popping up on dbd's twitter page.

    Also that one mobile exclusive Halloween outfit that turns Clown's stomach into a green furnace! I'll take three of those please!


  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922
    edited March 2024

    Why did every other killer have their add ons adjusted to compensate but not Huntress, the one killer on the list who didn't need any changes in the first place?

    The wind up buff wasn't needed but if it must stay then her add ons certainly should have been nerfed alongside it.

    7 hatchets isn't too bad but when combined with her add ons it becomes too much. I'd say either reduce it to 6 hatchets base kit or again nerf the add ons to make up for it.

    The changes to the other killers are all nice, it's just Huntress who should be re-adjusted. Although I feel Clown could use a few more buffs to make up for the removal of the blur effect.

    Overall a great update just Huntress is very questionable.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    No, thank you. Can we not make a balanced killer 4.6 please, she really doesn't need any changes and sits almost perfectly at the intended killrate. I'm still not entirely thrilled at 4.6 trickster.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited March 2024

    Clown still sucks. I still don't use the Yellow bottles due to the long cooldown and low bottle count. Imo, Clown needs 7 Bottles base kit and a cooldown reduction.

    Hag still gets destroyed on large maps due 4.4 m/s and forcing to spread her traps too thin.

    Post edited by adsads123123123123 on
  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 408

    The huntress update was completely unwarranted. The only thing she needs is better hitboxes on her hatchets

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I absolutely love the Pig's buffs. Ambush is now a lot more oppressive and feels just as satisfying as it used to when succeeding ambush hits. The score event buffs are nice too, especially the trap set ones because of how limited RBTs are. Removing the jigsaw box auras is a... mixed bag. On one hand, it feels more satisfying to terrorize survivors off of RBTs because you actually memorized the location of the jigsaw box. On the other hand, it nerfed one of my favorite playstyles for Pig: Endgame Piggy.

    The solution to this is actually easier than it seems: make a new add-on!

    This will allow for potential snowballing on Pig's part when the exit gates are powered and could make for some interesting builds.

    Amanda's Secret's old effect can go to a yellow or green add-on. It's a decent effect but not worthy of being Very Rare.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,149

    normally i'm at odds with the community, but in this unique situation i agree that the huntress hatchet max being increased to 7 seems a bit much.

    i like the windup animation being lessened, but as someone that already runs both belts for bonus hatchets giving the extra 2 hatchets seems overkill.

    if the goal was to make it so more add-ons are viable than just max hatchets... okay, but then you got to remove stacking the belts. i've never been a fan of irridescent axe head or the debuff heads. the only things that matter - in my opinion - are movement speed, throw ready and release speed, ammo count, and refill animation duration.

    since the axe already injures the player and that whole dynamic is pretty negligible in terms of what happens outside of exposed being used.

    and it's more effective to just use an expose based perk rather than the add-on.

    would rather have a power meter that fills as you wind up to throw. if you hit the sweet spot the axe will throw straight and quickly. if you release too early the axe will have a slow ball effect. if you release late it has a parabolic effect. to me that would make huntresses axes be more skill based.

    or even just a visual indicator of how long to hold the axe before it makes the noise that it's fully powered.


  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    What huntress needed (and frankly dredge, trickster and survivor locker perks) was a map locker rework. So many maps have huge locker deadzones and make these killers more map dependent than they need to be. The wind up buff is solid, huntress's base wind up was p. painful.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 123

    The Pig: recently the community has made an out cry about the pig boxes being extended to 30 seconds. Since then it has been reverted but I can understand the reasoning behind this change and why it was reverted due to backlash.

    Imo this was a necessary nerf to push the boxes into more of a slowdown instead of a alternative killing method due to how unfair the boxes can be especially to new players but I guess majority of the community do not think that for some reason

    i would like to suggest a healthy nerf to achieve both the goals in mind with the nerf that received so much backlash and still helping to alleviate the tunneling playstyle that pig boxes tend to attract.

    The Pig boxes should simply retain their progress if interrupted via screams and exiting out of the box.

    this change would eliminate scream orientated builds that plague the pig which causes head pops to unfairly happen just for trying to get the trap off and would hopefully help against pigs camping boxes and scaring off survivors

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
    edited March 2024

    For Pig however, I have to say that Id rather have Box-Auras instead of the "Standard-Timer". Without the Auras, it takes away a huge strategy, which is Box-Defending. Also the survivors needed to think about it which Box the killer might suspect you are on.

    For me personally, give Pig the Box-Auras and increase the Timer if necessary. Another option would be to keep your progress on a Box when interrupted.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2024

    Both nerfs are unnecessary. When playing her the only difference you feel is that you can‘t see the auras. The ambush still has the same counter and isn‘t really stronger than before.

    I hope for skill check perks to work on the boxes, box auras back, a smaller terror radius and a faster crouch speed.

    For the scream nerf; boxes should simply lose progress over time.