Ultimate Weapn is EXTREME OP

You need to reduce its action radius to 30 meters from the closet and not let accompany the terror radius. Fast or teleporting killers become EXTREMELY stronger (including Blight, THE BEST killer in the game).
I hate it.
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Nurse is the best Killer in the game.
But in response to the actual purpose of the post, yes mobility and teleportation Killers make the best use out of Ultimate Weapon. But no it isn't OP. OP means there's no counter to it. You can easily use Calm Spirit to not reveal your location to the Killer.
Seriously, everyone moaning about Ultimate Weapon, just use Calm Spirit. Use Calm Spirit and stop moaning about a perk that's actually fine.
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You know perfectly well that to stay competitive u just cant equip calm spirit. Blight is the best killer in the game hands down. (Nurse got nerfed get updated)
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Then it's useless. Basically worse Whispers.
I would simply stop the effect few seconds after first scream. It will do the job and get you into next chase fast, but won't allow you to run around whole map and find every survivor.
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Dunno about extremely OP. It's not incap eruption. Maybe slightly OP. It should just turn off after one survivor screens instead of being a scream aura that follows you around
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You're arguing it's a wasted slot? When, in the topic of conversation, apparently Ultimate Weapon is OP. Ultimate Weapon being OP would dictate that Calm Spirit is definitely needed to stay competitive. Since it's the only thing that counters it.
Nurse ignores every core element of DBD, of course that makes her the strongest. Blight is a nerfed version of Nurse that has to play the looping game. He has to deal with God pallets just like the rest of the roster. Nurse is the only Killers who doesn't care what tile or loop the Survivor goes to.
Who are you copying that thinks Blight is the best? Or simply, how are you coming to this self-created conclusion?
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Agreed - something must be done about it. Fast or teleporting killers become EXTREMELY powerful as is now.
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It's on the roadmap. It should be between April and June.
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Blight got recently nerfed as well though? So maybe elaborate further...
And to quote a comp player "you don't need ultimate weapon, you can already know where people are if you use game sense..." so maybe elaborate further on why the bubble up is that oppressive compared to some other stuff.
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Arguably before his recent nerf Blight probably was stronger than Nurse, so maybe the guy just didn't get the update yet? (Just because of how busted some of his addons were, his basekit is entirely fine, though which is why I hope they don't change it too much in the upcoming rework/change a few months from now...)
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Nerf: It's on the roadmap. It should be between April and June. Discussion over, as suspected I was right. It's OP.
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Is it clarified as a NERF on the roadmap? As far as I can see it is called "perk update", so not necessarily a buff or a nerf, maybe just a rework. Or do you have a different picture to show?
And just because something gets nerfed, does not necessarily mean it is or was OP, and besides that "discussion over" seriously? Therefore even if it was classified as a nerf on the roadmap does not mean anything about your statement is right.
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Sure it is. Case closed. Rework, nerf whatever you want to call it means, as is now, it's not healthy - everyone agrees it's too powerful.
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No, no one has ever been stronger than Nurse in the entire history of DBD. Why do you think Blight is or ever has been?
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I don't think so ^^
Maybe they just came up with a better idea? Does not necessarily mean the current version is bad... You should put in some more work to reason and not just claim stuff.
As for the everyone part... Absolutes are hardly ever accurate, many people also think it is completely fine, as you have seen in this post...
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Because Lights strongest addons pushed him onto another level, there has been a showcase by Otzdarva where you could see that his strongest stuff performed better than Nurse as her addons didn't give her too much.
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I doubt that.
Also, on that line of thinking, Tombstone Piece Myers is the best Killer in the game then. He can kill someone quicker than any other Killer can. It isn't a tangent of the conversation worth exploring.
Even with Blight add-ons that increase his strength, Nurse's basekit will always be the standard of what a truly powerful Killer is in DBD. Her add-ons don't need to be insane because her basekit already is. They've toned her down so much over the years since her release at the start of DBD's life and she has never once fallen from the top spot.
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The sheer number of comments here, means this is a killer meta op perk that they know is op and survivors feel it as op.hence will be nerfed - end of story.
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Watch the showcase then and make up your own opinion, Nurse was stronger with no addons and with mediocre addons, however with the strongest addons Blight was stronger than Nurse.
I dont think that is a valid argument, because even as tombstone Myers you can prevent the kill by going into a locker or spam vaulting pallets and what not, against really good survivors getting into meele range to mori someone is hard enough.
In case you want to watch the showcase:
Based on that point you could argue either way, however since Blight also got his addons nerfed I don't think this is still the case.
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Could you please stop ending every single comment with "end of story" or "case closed", that is really contra productive xD
I mean if you ignored one side that argued against it for sure, but on the other hand this is a rather short thread as of right now and others that were long were far more diverse in the different opinions voiced. So it would be rather short sighted to just say "everybody agrees on this" don't you think?
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Like I said, change is coming. Case closed.
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I mean yes and we already know that for like 3 months? Did you somehow manage to miss that?
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Something being too strong on Blight or Nurse isn’t a reason to nerf, that’s a Blight and Nurse problem. We can’t be balancing the entire game around them. Overall I don’t see the issue with the perk. This nerfing of everything else is how we continuously end up with just 4 stacked gen regression/block perks over and over and over. We need more diversity not less. I’d rather a killer run that perk than another slow down.
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I wouldn't say it's OP, but it definitely needs an adjustment. At minimum. The cd should be 45 seconds.
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it will be. Just wait for Apr-Jun. Can't delete this post. Was a suggestion to Devs....