Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Blood Moon is wonderful.

Member Posts: 106
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Blood Moon is a very cool event. Bhvr put work to satisfy just for some people to talk negatively which obviously is gonna happen but I haven't seen much talk about how good it is accept the outfits. The outfits are great and the gameplay is wonderful on both sides, ( my opinion) I feel a lot of people who have negative thoughts for blood points but that's not the point. Just relax and enjoy yourself, games are for entertainment, not severe frustration, unless its your career than I can understand. Nothings perfect.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 657

    Well the event on its own is fine the problem is whenever there's an event people go out of their way to make the other side miserable.

  • Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2024

    Well I play the game pretty well, and winning feels good, even when I lose I'm fine.

  • Member Posts: 761

    Very cool? honestly, Wonderful was the 2019 lunar event, the 2018 halloween event, the anniversary event. This event is a huge dissapointment. They said will be "the best bp event" and hyped people about it and u just make the same amout bp like the summer event (another flop event). People need stop acept lazy events. The Mikaela's skin is a completely solid skin, zero physics. Skins are nice, but, where the physics? nothing move, its so boring to play with a .PNG art in my character. Every hair has a zero physics and they moves like a helmet. This game need improvments. But ok, i respect your opinion about it.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Both sides do their best to ruin it for the other side. I'm not trying to be a debbie downer its just a reoccurring trend with dbd events. The events are are supposed to be fun and make players not want to sweat so hard but instead people just take whatever crazy event modification and try to find a way to abuse it.

    Stuff like this hens isn't abusing it but other people are.

  • Member Posts: 149

    What are you enjoying about the gameplay changes on both sides?

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    True. I don’t play her enough to warrant buying it though.

    I was really looking forward to Ace’s but oh well.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    The skins are nice and the lobby BG as well!

    But I can't see anything as killer, it's too much red and so noisy 😵 and RED!!! 😭

  • Member Posts: 421

    Great you can enjoy it, I can't even get a game going to judge it for myself. I can't find a SWF so I was - reluctantly - trying to play solo to see for myself what it's like.

    I was just sitting here just lobby dodging and dodging and dodging. The game was mostly handing me lobbies with P0 and P1 Claudettes and Megs in plain default clothes. If not then there was a Sable in it (I dodge them because I'm afraid of them bringing the Invocation perk and instantly winning the match for the killer). There were three lobbies that looked halfway fine that I accepted and - I'm not kidding - all three killers threw a Black Ward and since I'm still mentally so wrecked from the last time I played solo queue and I really wanted to try a chill event match and not have to deal with a tombstone Myers or 5 gen slugging Billy or other monstrosities right the first match I play after a break out of sheer solo frustration, I was kind of relieved that fortunately the game somehow crashed during the loading screen all three times.

    I've given up for now. I thought about maybe playing up to the rift level with Yun's head (32?), but I don't see it happening anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,855
  • Member Posts: 69

    The old Blood Feast event was better imo

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I really hope they don't change the anniversary cakes. I was hoping to do some levelling up this event but I've finished the tome and it's not worth playing anymore games at the moment because the bloodpoint gains are negligible. I played for a few hours today and haven't even managed a whole prestige gain (very close though). I'm kind of relying on the anniversary now.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Is this your first dbd event?

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    The gameplay seems to be pretty mediocre. It's not the worst we've seen but it's also not good. To top it off, the BP gain is a joke. I'd rather play the Lunar New Year event. At least then, I'd actually get a few more BP out of it. But this is sad. It's barely noticeable and you have to do way more to get something out of it. So much so, that you might end up throwing the game, which means you get less BP than you would have normally.

  • Member Posts: 106

    the event is not lazy, as a community we earn points to get more points

  • Member Posts: 106

    I guess you have point, It is pretty frustrating to have to get the little red thing back from a survivor who stuns me but its all good.

  • Member Posts: 106

    yeah, you have me there, but understand you have to earn BP to get more lol. It's not like year 7 where we just get the points from bringing an offering, its not always gonna be simple.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I personally have been having very good survivor and killer games. 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s been a very fun event for me!

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I apologize for missing your question. I enjoy looking at something different visually in the trial, I also really enjoy towing around with the blood basins 😂

    The glowing bloods are cool, looking too.

    I definitely feel like this event should be giving us a lot more blood points than what it is, but at least it’s something I will take that.

  • Member Posts: 621

    In my opinion, this is one of the worst events they've ever made.

    First, I'd like to point out that it seems to me that they didn't do a Chinese New Year event for the Dragon this year, because of this event. Then, take into account the fact that blood point gains are the worst of any event I think they've ever produced, except at the very end of the event when it will be 400% now that they've buffed it. That's if we even unlock the bonus, which might not happen because the gameplay in the event is bad and almost entirely pointless.

    So, bad, pointless, unfun in game portion. Low rewards. Difficult and/or annoying tome challenges.

    What is good about the event? The art. The skins. That's it, in my opinion, and I am one of the players who refuses to pay for skins because BHVR have made it clear they will change them at their behest after you've already paid for them. They have already done this once, ruining skins I paid money for so I won't bother to give them money for that again.

    In other words this event might offer a BP bonus worth the bother of turning the game on at the very end of the event, and that's it. Nothing else of value, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 106

    Honestly, In my opinion the only bad thing is the unnecessary lunge, and its cool down. I can see the balance there, but if someone quickly lunges and they miss, they are penalized for that.

  • Member Posts: 106

    understandable. I lobby dodge when I see Tool boxes because I'm not trying to have 8 minute games, where I cant even get 5 hooks before the gens are popped. It doesn't always happen but it has become more and more common. Whenever I try a generator build, It can be tough to catch people sometimes because of the maps and pallets everywhere. It may be like 10 pallets but oh boy is it a waist of time sometimes. I don't wanna have to do Enduring spirit fury all the time to eat up pallets. Without brutal strength, it feels so bad breaking pallets because its so unnecessarily slow.

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