PSA and Plea to BHVR: The Killswitch does not apply to anyone currently logged into the game.

So as my title says, the killswitch does not actually disable anything until you log out of the game and log back in. Now, I am not telling you this so that you can abuse it, i am tell it to you as a warning as tonight, a full six hours after the Bloodshot Eye offerings were killswitched, my friends and I went up against a Doctor who brought a Bloodshot eye and therefore completely wasted our 4 Blood Party Streamers.
BHVR, please, if it is at all possible, figure out a way to fix this glaring issue with the Killswitch feature, as I have seen similar things happen in the past with Killswitched perks and even entire Killers.
I don't think they killswitched everyone's eyes. This may sound weird, but after I logged in today and even last night after seeing posts saying it had been killswitched, mine still aren't disabled. I can still put them in. What is going on?? Is it fixed?
Edit: As of 9am EST mine are disabled and I got the announcement showing up that they are KS'd
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on0 -
i still have not played the event what do the eyes do?
hold up for me this post was created at 12:18AM so either a late up american or someone from another place in the world. cool!
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I'll list its effects in bullet points.
· At the start of the start of the trial, show the auras of Fragile Blood Basins for an additional 40 seconds.
· Blood Zones stay protected for an additional 15 seconds after their creation
· Creating and removing a blood zones [sic] is 50% faster
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next question whats a blood zone and what does it do?
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It gives both sides general effects and specific role-based effects. This includes increased BP gains in the Blood Zone.
Taken from the DBD wiki, so take this info for what its worth.
While inside the Blood Zone, Players benefit from certain special effects:
General Effects
- All Score Events triggered while inside the Blood Zone have their granted Bloodpoints
- increased by +25 %.
- Since Blood Zones are collaborative, depositing a Blood Droplet grants all effects listed below map-wide for 20 seconds to the creator of a specific Blood Zone.
Killer Effects
- Increases the duration of a Lunge Attack to 1 second, doubling its default reach.
- Increases the Cool-down time after a Lunge Attack to 2.14 seconds, doubling its default duration.
Survivor Effects
- Reduces the volume of their Grunts of Pain while injured by -50 %.
- Accelerates the Fading time of Pools of Blood left while injured by +50 %.
- Reduces the volume of their Grunts of Pain while injured by -100 % when crouching.
- Accelerates the Fading time of Pools of Blood left while injured by +100 % when crouching.
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I'm not a dev so I could be wrong, but I'm not sure BHVR can do much about it. It's the same as having to restart your computer after performing an update on the OS. Sometimes a full restart is needed for changes to take effect.
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There is still I think ways to do it, like maybe as soon as you exit your current match, you get disconnected (not during the match) because as far as I understand it, that's all that's truly needed, you just have to go back to the title screen for the killswitch to register. That, or if a restart IS required then maybe disconnect you and not let you reconnect until you restart. Imagine if there was a bug where Sprint Burst gave a survivor +100 Haste and was unlimited... well, that would be killswitched immediately, but I could keep using it all day and all night as long as I don't quit the game! Hacking? No! Cheating? No! I have no idea it's been killswitched, honest! Now, granted one could maybe get me on exploiting a bug, but still.
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now to figure out what the blood droplet is
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I'd just let 1 person force close with task manager so only 1 offering goes to waste
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The droplets appear around the map and they look like Oni's floating blood orbs. You might be able to find one at the beginning before you start on your objective. Just pick up an orb and deposit it at the basin. It's pretty straightforward actually.
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I had to chase a bird out of my house earlier today, but it wasn't angry.
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it wanted some of your nuts
and thank you for all the info
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You're welcome.
It probably did cause I have a bunch of gourd seeds laying in a pan
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Surely its as simple as applying code that fully disconnects anyone in the lobby when a kill switch is applied and then applys that to anyone in a game. I mean make the kill switch work like Adrenaline. It activates instantly for anyone available, aka not in a game and activates for everyone else once they are available, aka once they finish the game they are in.
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It's well known players get around Killswitched things by keeping the game up and going. I'm pretty sure forcing everyone's game to close would require a patch update to be put out. If so that would be next Tuesday at the earliest.
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now im hungry lol (id honestly say you are my best friend on the forum then TheSingularity then GenralV) all you rock
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Besties 😊
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Technically even that doesn't actually kick anyone. It's fully possible to be playing the morning before a patch goes live and then just not quit. Now, your queue will get longer and longer as the day goes on and more players log out to patch, but in theory you dont actually have to log out, not even for a patch.
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absolutly :P