Looking for DBD Friends (LGBTQIA FRIENDLY)
Hello, I am a 30 yr old girl, really enjoying playing dbd. Despise Solo que with a passion. Looking for other chill people to game with. I have a small discord server with a couple people in it, would love to add more. We are LGBTQAI friendly, play for fun and good vibes. Most of Us play survivor more than Killer. Everyone is super nice, as long as you are respectful and a good temmate, come on in! Most of Us are very altruistic and play very team oriented!
Would love to play sometime! My PSN: itsvoodoo89
I'm on PS5 with a mic and do have some buddies that I play with at times so you're more than welcome to play with me even when I'm teamed up with other players.
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heyo i dont use discord but i can play on ps4 with the voice thingy lol (my father and i share an account so if you send me a request in game im more likely to see it lol my ign is lapewarriors ) im a closeted trans man and would love to join a nice little dbd community haha - im a chill player, killer main trying to get my survivor skills up a notch, and i have a whacked out sense of humor lol hope to see you :)
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Hello! I’m in my 30s and always looking for new players to swf with. Feel free to add me.
Discord: mortuaintus
PSN: StellarNebulae
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Hi, I just started on pc, but mostly game on switch. Love to have some people to play with as im sick and tired of solo q :-( My discord is bbggggggg and my steam is GHOUL. Let's be friends!
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I run an LGBT+ friendly server and we'd love to have more!
My Disc is LauraSaxx if you're interested for info, I have a post here too!