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Solo Build rating thread....with a twist!

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

Follow these three steps:

1) Rate the most recent build in the thread

2) Post your own build

3) Post your escape rate (it is OK to guesstimate)


(I know it's not strong...tear me apart and post your own!)

~50% this week

Let the party commence!


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    Your build covers almost all the bases - chase, exhaustion, healing. Just missing a gen perk. 7.5/10.

    My build this week is a bit of an info one:

    Empathy/Overcome/Alert/Deja Vu

    I haven't played much this week and I haven't tracked what I have played, so I'm guesstimating approx 30% escape. I didn't escape at all a few days ago but have escaped 3 times today. So basing it on those results.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,851
    edited March 19

    I am not big on Alert or Deja Vu as I feel killer location will be game sense to some extent and I always am the one pushing out unsafe/mid gens to break any 3 gen early. So I would rate 6/10 as I do think Empathy can have some value in solo queue

    My solo queue build: Kindred, We'll Make It, Balanced Landing, Unbreakable

    Escape rate: 4 of 10 at best (Edit: it really depends on my luck as far as random team mates go).

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    What I have been running until Weaving Spiders put me off solo queue for... a significantly long time, especially a bunch of people who swore up and down it was extremely good and couldn't do basic math that 60 seconds with 2 people doing the circle of stupid is still 120 seconds @_@. Never mind the whole fact that 9x7 never mind 9x5 is a lot less then 120. UGH.

    Anyway rant over.

    My build was Windows/Lithe/Inner Strength/Saboteur with a map that helps me find totems. I used to run Kindred over Lithe but Kindred is seriously depressing sometimes. Especially with stupidity circle.

    Sabo is purely for blood points. Yell at me if you want for that but sometimes it does draw the killers attention and the amount of ways that the tome makes you throw is nothing compared to saboing every so often if you see something along the way.

    My own escape rate is about 40% which is the average.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009
    edited March 19

    kinderd because q sool q are headless chickens without it. We'll make it cause u know that one survivor gonna be begging for a heal under hook 🤣. A exhaustion perk and unbreakable! pretty solid build 7.5

    Solo Q build- object, metal of man, overcome, bond.

    Excape rate around 30% to 35.

    6 out of 10

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I get the idea here although the object seems counterintuitive since I figure you don't wanna be found and just take hits for the team. 5/10 because the idea is there I just figure MoM builds are never reliable even more so in soloQ

    Botany/Strength in Shadows/Wicked/Kindred

    Escape rate is 61% so far this week.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    I probably only have an escape rate of 14%? I die in the majority of matches

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    7/10, -4 pts for Distortion cause I'm an aura reading Huntress main and cant use Lethal to take pot shots at you, +1 for Deja Vu more people need to be like you and run this.

    My go to soloq build is: Autodidact, We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures

    Escape rate is honestly probably under 10%.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    That's a good build. My most recent was OTR, Deja Vu, Built to Last, Prove Thyself. I bring a Commodious with extra charge add-ons. It's one of my stronger builds (I play several builds) for escape rates. I'd guesstimate 45 to 50% with that build.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,417
    edited March 19

    DH will always be a staple in my builds. Distortion is often subbed back and forth with Sole Survivor, so I love what you got going :)

    Windows and DejaVu aren't used often by myself, so I've little to add, but Now Im curious. Might try this. Looks like a solid 7/10

    My usual is DH, Object of Obsession, Sole Survivor, and Empathy.

    Object and Sole work well together, as I try to get myself sacrificed so the others can leave, per my name. If they kill others, Sole kicks in and denies them my Object aura. I try to get out at that point :)

    Em,pathy lets me know where the kill is for chases, and heal up vulnerable survivors.

    Edit: Dammit I was slooooowwww! lol

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    I run Self Care/Botany Knowledge/Deja Vu/Dead Hard

    And I think my escape rate is about 35~40%

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Windows is a crazy good perk.

    I'd argue that it's one of the best perks in the game.

    Try it may be surprised!

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844
    edited March 19

    Solid Build. Personally, I like Wicked and I think the real strength of the perk is being able to see the Killer's aura after being unhooked. Even on second hook it's still useful, since it helps you know if it's safe to heal under hook or if the Killer's on their way back to tunnel you out.

    At the moment I'm enjoying Vigil / Sprint Burst / Fixated / Plot Twist with a med kit for healing the team or myself (depending on how well the trial is going). Escape rate is pretty much the usual 25-30%, if that. I'm pretty sure I could only improve my survival rate with a full hide for the hatch / gate build.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    We'll happily judge since our words don't matter ~ We like it, it gives all the info you'd need when you need it plus a way to heal.

    Currently Sable is running: invocation:weaving spider, soul guard, distortion, strength in shadows.

    Not counting the games where someone tries swinging immediately, surprisingly have a 4/7 escape rate.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 19

    The train got de-railed, so I'm going to rate the builds that have not yet been rated. Then I will post my build in a follow-up.

    Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy playing the medic, but the healing power is wasted if I cannot find injured survivors. I would've swapped one for Empathy, personally. That said, the time I invest into healing teammates (at my MMR) does not translate well into how long that makes chases last. (If they lose a health state 20 seconds into chase, them being healthy only buys them another 20 seconds, which is shorter than the time it takes for me to chase them down, heal them up, and get back to my gen.) ... 6/10

    Now that Prove Thyself no longer rewards bonus Bloodpoints for teaming up on gens/heals, I only find it useful where I know I'm going to get value (like a build with Aftercare + Teamwork: Renato/Thalita perks). Other perks are solid. ... 7/10

    A selfless build that I would dread running since I don't like interacting with the killer. I imagine a low escape rate.🤔 If only Mettle of Man was in a good spot to work with that build better than Dead Hard does! I'm sure the other survivors in your matches would thank you and rate your build higher, but if I were running this build myself ... 5/10

    Good info perks! Wicked/Deliverance can feel wasted in solo q since the others don't know you have it, but with how often survivors may just leave you on hook, I get it. As a killer who doesn't patrol the basement between hooks, Strength in Shadows works well for the survivors I face. ... 7/10

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 19

    Deja Vu, Resilience, Fast Track, Quick Gambit. Repair boost for problem gens, boost for being injured, boost for teammates getting hooked, and repair boost for others while I'm being chased.

    (Killer outcome shown in parentheses)

    1. 🔻 Died 1st at 0 gens done vs Plague on Cowshed (4k, 11 hooks, 3 gens left)
    2. 🔻 Died 4th at 1 gen done vs Executioner on RPD West (4k, 5 hooks, 4 gens left)
    3. 🔻 Died 4th at 5 gens done vs Nurse on Rotten Fields (4k, 12 hooks, exits powered)
    4. 🔻 Died 1st at 5 gens done vs Knight on Greenvile (2k, 2 out, 6 hooks, exits opened)
    5. 🔼 Escaped 1st at 5 gens done vs Doctor on The Game (0k, 4 out, 4 hooks, exits opened)
    6. 🔻 Died 4th at 5 gens done vs Ghostface on Circus Chapel (4k, 6 hooks, exits powered)
    7. 🔼 Escaped 1st at 5 gens done vs Unknown on RPD West (0k, 4 out, 5 hooks, exits opened)
    8. 🔻 Died 1st at 2 gens done vs Hillbilly on Azarov's (3k, 1 hatch, 10 hooks, 2 gens left)
    9. ⚠️ Killer disconnected at 2 hooks and 0 gens done.
    10. 🔻 Died 2nd at 4 gens done vs Alien on Lery's (2k, 1 out, 1 hatch, 10 hooks, exits opened)
    11. 🔼 Escaped 1st at 5 gens done vs Nemesis on Torment Creek (2k, 2 out, 6 hooks, exits opened)
    12. 🔼 Escaped 4th at 5 gens done vs Nemesis on Salloon (2k, 2 out, 10 hooks, exits opened)
    13. 🔼 Escaped 1st at 5 gens done vs Legion on RPD West (2k, 2 out, 4 hooks, exits opened)
    14. 🔻 Died 2nd at 4 gens done vs Alien on Azarov's (3k, 1 out, 10 hooks, exits opened)
    15. 🔻 Died 3rd at 2 gens done vs Blight on Warehouse (4k, 11 hooks, 3 gens left)
    16. 🔻 Died 1st at 5 gens done vs Knight on Nostromo (3k, 1 out, 8 hooks, gates opened)

    A lot of deaths, but I noticed gens are getting done for the most part, and good killer variety at my MMR. Escaped 5 of my past 15 matches. 30% escape rate.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 562

    Wouldn't run weaving personally not until it gets a buff (if ever)

    Soul gaurd is a bit situational for me too & I don't see enough hexes personally but I'm certainly not about to dismiss anybuild in the game the variety in this thread is way more refreshing than my games!

    My build for a long while is


    Deja vu


    4th perk changes a bit almost always intel currently empathy.

    Escape rate this year 52% escape rate 2023 (56%) escape rate 2022 (54%)

    I keep stats. Intel will always beat any other perk type for me personally & suits how I play.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967
    edited March 19

    Also why I like using leader is giving my teammates a small boost on basically everything just feels nice

    considering it’s 25% you are giving a teammate wake up numbers on a exit gate for example

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Potential Energy, Windows of Opportunity, Wake Up, Distortion


  • ChucksterMainin
    ChucksterMainin Member Posts: 38


    no exhaustion perks(they makes games to boring)

    and it gives the killer no excuse they got outplayed =D

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 221

    windows / balance landing / DH ( I consider "dead hard" an anti-tunnel perk)/ strength in the shadow (but I don't like this perk, I just use it to try something different... soon I will return to my LOVED Deja vu😍 )

    I think I had 30/40% escapes this week (I didn't do an exact count). if I had used Deja vu I'm sure I would have escaped more often

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I'll go again since I got skipped.

    I actually see BL/DH fairly often and I actually kinda like it as a combo most killers only expect one exhaustion perk so it can throw them off when you pull out the DH. Windows is obviously good and while I like SiS a ton I really think it needs Botany with it as it takes slightly too much time otherwise but very solid 8/10.

    My build is still Botany/Strength in Shadows/Kindred/Wicked.

    Win rate bumped up slightly since I last posted to 62% escape rate out of the 45 games I've played since last Wednesday.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 638


    Off the record.

    Plot twist.

    Sole survivor.

    Doubles my escape rate. You just have to play towards the build. Not the team.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited March 20

    Realistic, fun, bit risky but strong in general. If the team fails, just prey the killer doesn't have No Way Out. 8/10

    I run the meta. Just need to prey my team is good: Windows - Bond - OTR - Adrenaline

    Escape rate? Inconsistent MMR, i don't really count my wins.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    I love that you have info perk bond and anti tunnel perk OTR. Windows im not a fan of so ill rate your build 8/10 Your build has a lot of everything so its good, but it depends a lot on the teamwork and we all know soloQ lacks exactly that :D.

    My build. Kindred, Botany Knowledge, Strenght in Shadows and lithe. I have faster heals for the group and if im healing myself. I only use the basement heal when absolutely safe and needed. I quite often stay injured and do gens not to waste time self caring. I'm quite often using medkits to heal others even faster, never use it on myself due to botany.

    My escape rate.. 40-50 maybe. On good days 60.

  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 348
    edited March 20

    Pretty solid, and very good escape rate.

    Strength in Shadows, Wicked, Reassurance, We'll Make It

    Probably a 20-30% escape rate, I prioritise getting the rest of the team out over me.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Thanks but that's with that build though. Overall I get about 35 to 40% but I switch builds up a lot to keep things more interesting. If I only stuck to stronger builds on a consistent basis then my MMR would go up and my weaker but also fun builds would die too fast for me to have fun.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 876

    7/10 I like this build.

    My most used one is probably:

    Streetwise, Kindred, Deja Vu, We'll Make It

    Sometimes I like to put Balanced Landing in it.

    30% escape rate at best.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,934
    edited March 21

    Quite decent. Kindred is a no brainer and the best information Perk for Survivors, Deja Vu in it's current state is also good and We'll make it makes tunneling quite hard if the KIller is semi far way as it reduces healing time by half. Streetwise is a weird one, but you surely use a good Item as well, but personally.. I'd not use it in my main build. 7.5/10

    My current most used:

    • Better Together (allows me to get information while doing a gen)
    • Background Player (If I see no one is near the downed and picked up Survivor, I sprint towards them with immense speed.)
    • We'll make it (Rushing the unhook fast and also allows me to heal the person quickly.)
    • Plot Twist (Plot twisting myself denies Surge/Stbf and such and if I plot twist before getting downed anyway forces the Killer to pick me up, even in senarios where slugging might be good, otherwise I heal myself up.)

    Escape rate solo: Don't really pay to much attention, but Perks don't really make you escape more often anyways.. efficient teammates do, but if I had to tell a number, it'd be around 25 %. I die more often than I escape.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363
    edited March 22

    Solid set of perks. Personally I would have gone with Lithe/SB instead of Background Player for that build since they have more overall utility, but if it works for you i can't criticize too hard, and my build uses BGP too.

    Been going into games a lot with this build lately:

    -Empathy to track injured friends

    -Background player, to run into position to use...

    -Saboteur, to prevent the killer from hooking the survivor

    -Break Out, to run alongside and help the survivor wiggle off before the killer finds a new hook

    Been working for me even in solos and I feel I'm getting better at predicting killer and teammate decisions. This has me at around 50% escape rate compared to the average of 40%. preventing hook states is strong

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,720

    I'd run bond instead of empathy. I used to be a huge empathy user, but generally found with a sabo style build if they are outside the bond range I can't help them and bond gives me info on other survivors. But yeah, sounds like a solid sabo build.

    I change my builds up pretty frequently (though probably stay within about 20 or so perks), but the last build I used was:

    Off the record, fixated, sprint burst, quick and quiet (I was doing a hide within killer radius archive) with a medkit, bandages, and a styptic.

    Don't track escape rates (but they've been good during the event), but last two games:

    Died vs a Dredge in 2e - this game should have been a 4e, we were hitting gens well, and I managed to run the dredge while the others set up Weaving Spiders. We were down to 2 gens left with only one hook when the spiders player got hooked. I was on a gen, one survivor in chase, and the other free, and he did nothing for the whole first hook stage. I ran across the map for the save after the chaser went down, no idea if that other player just went afk or something. I died after the gens were complete going for a save and the others survivors left.

    Given Hatch vs Myers with all gens done - Infinite T3 Myers. Good game, the sprint burst helped early to get away from his stalk, and I used quick and quiet a few times to make vaults later and stealth away with fixated. Finished the final gen right as the last survivor other than me was sacrificed. Myers caught me before I could get anywhere and gave hatch.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    A fine build that is... but from personal experience in using Sabo builds youre going to need some sort of Endurance perk or Unbreakable since a good chunk of the time you wont be able to avoid a hit after sabotaging. ESPECIALLY if you only have Saboteur. I still give it a 7/10 tho :)

    Build of mine for Solo Q:

    Bond / Object of Obsession / Sprint Burst / Deliverance

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Dead hard, off the record, ds, adrenaline. Such a fun build if you like chases but I will say you don't survive allot. Lol but allot of 3 man outs