Bloodmoon BP Multipliers have been doubled! (now 200/300/400%)
Now that is more like it. Thanks BHVR!
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Thank God they do listen to the Community.
Now it might actually be a good event for farming bp afterall.
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Awesome! The drizzle is finally becoming a proper rain of blood points.
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Props to them, way better this way.
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Now we're talking! This is much better.
Thank you very much developers for listening and making this to what it is supposed to be. Thank you!
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Wuuhuu Ultra BPs!!!
k, in that case, I’m back to playing this event😄
Stoked to level-up Sable as far possible🥳
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I will say that BHVR has been listening to the community more and it's nice to see. I just hope they improve this event next year because this one has been very meh. Excited for the BBQ and anniversary events coming soon though!
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Now we are talking! Very nice wp devs.
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Now this is a pretty good job!
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What's that smell? The sweet blood, oh, it sings to me. It's enough to make a man sick...
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The event offerings are still sort of useless because they don’t have a BP bonus, and I’d rather run a +25% BP offering than an event offering.
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That‘s cool, but I still hope they make the event offering a 50% or 75% cake and they should make the circles of blood bigger and give it better spawns or let us place it where we want.
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Didn't participate yet in the event.
Do we see how much BP the community already "cashed in"?
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While the % being upped is nice it still is kinda pointless when over half of the blood zones don’t cover gens or hooks that might be in play. Also the lack of any meaningful incentive ingame makes it pointless to interact with the event as survivor
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They should give killer and survivor 5% more speed in the blood zones.
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I'm not sure how it's pointless?
You're getting a flat 200/300/400% bonus to bloodpoints earned at the end of the match, without even having to interact with blood zones.
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why would killers need 5% more speed when they can lunge from earth to the moon, also both surv and killer getting the same speed boost essentially cancels them out.
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Nope, if the killer looses you for 1s you are basically gone. I just think it would be interesting.
They could also make that only the team, which sets the tone up gets the speedboost.
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Good change. Thanks, BHVR.
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This is a huge improvement. Very happy that they actioned this so quickly.
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The zones almost half the time don't cover the area of the map where you are performing an action
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Yep they should double the range and/or we should be able to place them wherever we want.
I also don‘t like placing them, I think it would be cooler if they appear and disappear from time to time all on their own.
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Now this is a change that is welcomed now let's hope we can get some extra bp as compensation for all the lost bp offerings
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That's not what theyr'e saying.
The bloodzones don't matter and you don't need to interact to get any of the flat bonus BP. The percentage increase is actually huge since now when it's at 400%, if everyone uses streamers or the equivalent, you'll get a whopping 900% increase.
You don't have to interact in the event at all to get massive BP.
That said I do agree the zones should be a little bigger. They feel rather small at the moment.
Edit: Spelling.
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The offerings are currently kill switched and tbh they are not likely to have any changes made to them, we've increased the BP and will have an extra bonus login reward out shortly to make up for the issue with the Event offerings.
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I thought they were seeming to add up fast all of a sudden, thank goodness as it seemed a bit lacklustre points wise before this
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It would still be cool, because then we could also use the offerings like a 50% birthday cake after the event, but I understand that there is no need for that.
Thanks for the blood point increase.
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Can the event offerings be removed from the blood web if they will always be worse than a yellow rarity +25% bloodpoint addon?
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Unfortunately without an update there's no possibility to get them removed, we are sending out a BP login compensation for the loss of BP offerings earlier in the week and for the kill switch on the Event offerings.
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Sucks how much this was hyped for it to kinda trip at the finish line. Just gotta be ready to run the line better next year. Theres always another chance. This event has amazing potential and was just expected to do to much as a first try.
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Mandy are there any plans to make the doctor and Mikaela outfits not linked. I really want to buy them, but not as a linked outfit. They look good together don‘t get me wrong, but I want to mix them later.
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It looks like they are much rarer than before. I spent the 1 Million BPs to get at least one Offering and one Map on every Survivor and I got way less than before. I barely got one Offering on the last 4 Survivors compared to the 37 Survivors where I got at least one Offering per Survivor with 2 Million BPs I had before.
I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
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I like to collect at least one event offering for every character too, and I've also noticed that they seem far rarer this evening than yesterday.
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They seem rarer than they used to be, yes.
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I like to get the event items not much the offering.
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I hope some update will be made during the period to improve the visual damage and fix the scratch bug. I can't play the killer for a very long time.