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I mean you can argue about much stronger the ambush got, but it did get stronger, how would you even reason otherwise?
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I just meant that the buff wasnโt too much, so that she needed a nerf at the same time.
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Probably because the same issues it had still exist. It is still hard countered by a predrop and highly telegraphed making it hard countered by just leaving the loop and making distance when the pig crouches/uncrouches. It is an incredibly situational chase power that cannot/should not be used for actual out of stealth "ambushes" and can only work at certain tiles.
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I mean he already explained his reasoning, and your explanation would not fit. Sure there are limitations to the power that did not get lifted entirely, but just the ability to dash around longer tiles can already make a big difference, and even if in practise nothing would have changed, in theory the numbers increase did make it stronger.
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I demand that Pig be able to see the โSaw boxesโ and the trap timer be reduced to 2 minutes, because the developers made her weak since the dash did not improve much and the traps generally killed her.
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Would be basically a guaranteed kill on 4th box search every single time...
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I would love to see, that they bring back the old box system, where one box had the key and if the pig camps the key gets moved into another box and highlighted to the survivor. I also think the timer should be reduced by 10-20s, because the traps arenโt a threat at all.
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Seems a bit too complicated, as you can basically just proxy camp it... To miss a survivor doing the box despite visuals and audio of it seems unrealistic... Therefore I prefer the current system.
I prefer them to be just game delay, but each to their own.
I dont like the base decrease, however decreased timer for every Gen that pops after the trap activated seems Allright to me. At least that requires survivor misplay to come into account.
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decreased timer for every Gen that pops after the trap activated seems Allright to me. At least that requires survivor misplay to come into account.
There is an addon which does that, but it also increases the timer by 10s, which makes the reduction by 10s/each gen pop not useful.
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I know, I like the idea of it though, at least more than just shortening the time without any counterplay.
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Honestly, I'm a fan of the Huntress buffs. She feels smoother to play and she doesn't feel any different to play against. Her counter-play is still the same, you just have to be a bit more mindful that she can punish you a little easier for bad plays. I know everyone is up in arms over double wind-up add-ons but that's a non-issue. When looking at the total time for wind-up and cool-down for her throws double wind-up is 2.95s - 4.29s, that's not the fastest she can throw. Babushka + Oak Haft is still her strongest combo, this makes her throws 2.61s - 4.03s. However, when comparing it to the old speed with that combo, it's faster for sure, but its not "bad" per say.
The old speeds were 2.7s - 4.24s vs. the now 2.61s - 4.03s, the noticeable difference is in her fully charged hatchet , but 4s in between fully charged hatchets MINIMUM is by no means "Machine Gun."
7 Hatchets, up to 10 with add-ons is honestly fine, The only Huntress who never EVER misses a hatchet, is a cheating Huntress or lying. Waiting for Huntress to reload can be helpful if you're in a bad spot but it's by no means her strongest counter-play. With Iron Maiden still being a popular perk on Huntress, you literally make more distance when she misses the hatchet vs her reloading. At the same time 10 hatchets is overkill and I don't think anyone who plays Huntress would care if they got reworked.
Kinda sad the movement speed was straight axed and not adjusted so it wasn't off the wall crazy. Easiest fix would have been to just make Shiny Pin base-kit (3.28 m/s : 82% vs the 3.54 m/s : 88.5%). Only the most eagled of eyes can tell when Shiny Pin is equipped currently so this change would have be leagues easier on the communities pallet. With this change you could still leave Shiny Pin at 5% and it still wouldn't be as fast as the PTB base speed, personally thought, I'd reduce it to 3%.
Although I would like to ask if we could get a minor add-on pass for Huntress in the future. Her last one was almost 3 years ago during the 4.7 mid-chapter and I think many people would agree Huntress has several add-ons that aren't worth the time it takes to read what they do.
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I like clown changes but I miss pinky finger. I miss the high impact rush of landing a direct bottle into a hit. any chance that cheap gin bottle+pinky finger could be revert to 3 bottles?
Pig ambush feels a lot stronger but I think duration or speed could be buffed a little bit more. Maybe another 0.2 second extra duration or +20% m/s. Pig kinda feels dependant on aura/scream detection type perks. It doesn't bother me as killer player but killer players that do not run detection and run 4 game-delay might struggle to get value from traps without pig box aura's. I would recommend buffing Amanda Letter to not remove 2 reverse bear traps to provide an alternative detection choice to get value out of pig boxes.
Demo. Still feels underwhelming, Portals still like an after thought. Lower cooldown is not enough of a cooldown reduction. faster pallet break is nice for shred.
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this was a wonderful update BHVR, we are all happy and truly pleased with a good killer update
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Can you please give the status effect addons of pig new effects or merge some of them. They are so useless and some are only good for tunneling.
Also please change:
- Amandaโs letter to no more remove 2 bear traps
- Jigsawโs annotated plan to start without a timer increase
- Last will no more charge up penalty
- Jigsawโs sketch new effect
- Amandas secret, that you also see the aura after theyโve hit a skill check on a box
I would love to see an addon, which also hides the aura of boxes after the traps have been activated (if too strong with a timer increase)
When we already talk about pig, please revert hangmanโs trick back to not be a scorch hook perk?!
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I'm glad Clown's Afterpiece Antidote's activation time has been reduced, but I don't think it's enough. You can shorten this time as a basekit or produce an add-on that shortens this time or eliminates it completely, because most Clowns use the yellow bottle only for traveling around the map, not for chasing. You can also restore the add-on that allows us to give exposed, because while some killers can insta down as a basekit, some have to make many sacrifices to do this.
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Huntress sells a lot of good skins (do well in game->players buys skin->bhvr makes money) plus they might want one of the strongest killers to be part of the base game
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Nearly every huntress i've gone against runs the hatchet addons and just camps more than ever. They don't ever need to reload so now she is even better at camping. This was always the most obnoxious playstyle for huntress.
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Could you please make the charge up time shorter for doctors L2 shock (PlayStation-Controller). Most times it takes far too long to shock someone with it and if you timed it well they still jump through the window, because of the input delay.
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Huntress does not need the extra hatchets since she was already in an above average position before. You should have used those resources on bringing up a killer that needed it or fixing the improper detection on high speed projectiles.
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Blight is still OP, stop buffing his already insanely powerful kit with addon compensations. His addons are still super OP.
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Huntress feels nicer to play as, with 7 hatchets.
Clown feels better with 6 bottles, it removed the need to bring more bottles add ons and made them into a "nice to have but fine if not chosen" add ons instead, which feels much better.
Post edited by HypersKng on1 -
We still need an option to be able to use our actual mouse sensitivity for Billyโs curve windows.
My mouse is permanently on a decently high DPI, and thereโs zero reason why I should be forced into a skyrocketed high turn rate during the curve windows, when my mouseโs DPI by itself would be good enough for curving.
The result is that it feels like Iโm forced to move my mouse in 1 millimeter increments during curve windows, which is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.
We really just need a separate mouse sensitivity slider, thatโs specific to Billyโs curves, so I can set mine to 100%, and all the people using low DPI can set theirs to 400% or whatever they need to curve properly.
Alternately, can mouse users just use the controller sensitivity setting for the curve window? Then I could set that really low, so that when the curve window super boosts the turn rate, it all balances out to an actually reasonable turn rate.
Post edited by Coffeecrashing on0 -
Revert the huntress buffs. She was fine before. Now you get machine-gunned every game
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The patch did nothing to doctor that was not already a thing before.
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So what? I think even without it the window is short enough to prevent an unhook if the survivors just stand in front of the hook like scarecrows, you can still run in and out to get the unhook...
Also you do realise the value on the addon got nerfed? Basically making it so the difference with one addon before and one addon now is really not that much? So just from a mathematical standpoint your argument does not work.
Besides that if it was impossible to prevent an unhook he would have been a great facecamp er, but nobody played him that way, so I don't think it will be problematic now.
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I mean think about it... Base shock delay was one second, addons were 30 and 20 %, using both resulted in a shock delay of 0.56 seconds.
Now it is 0.8 seconds base and the addon values are 20 and 15%, resulting in a shock delay of 0.544 seconds... So the total difference is 0.016 seconds... That's basically nothing.
If we however look at the value of only 1 addon used we get 0.7 seconds before and 0.64 now, so a difference of 0.06 seconds, which is still really minor. Are you telling me that this is such a huge difference? No offense dude, but this is just so minimal in comparison, I would be really surprised if that is a time difference you can in practise work with and get the unhook. We are talking about fractions of seconds.
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Yeah feels the same as before.
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That was not my point, but easy and toxic strategy often happen frequently, which leads to the conclusion that it either is not easy or consistsant to pull off.
Yeah sure it does more, the question however is how much more... You are telling me 0.06 seconds is that big of a deal?
I claim if it is possible now, it was also before. Besides that if you just stand still in front the hook ofc it is, considering your cast time is shorter than the shock effect duration, so what? You are not standing still on a spot though.
Casting shock therapy takes 1 second and disables the survivor for 2.5 seconds. Then there is a 1.5 second cooldown duration for m1 and interaction, which I think also counts for initiating another shock. Even without addons you can prevent survivor interaction forever if you look at those numbers.
That is my whole point if you just stand still and let yourself get hit you don't need and never needed addons to prevent an unhook... You need to dodge the shock and then swoop in...
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Blight need a little more nerf. maybe killer 4.4.
Spirit need nerfs Dried Cherry Blossom and Rusty Flute tryhard Addons
Billy use instadown your curve are insane and OP!
Doctor: Reduce interations with objects of 2.5 to 2.0
hunters: A little hitbox ajustment
Adriana: Remove free hit with drones so maybe less boring
Wesker fix hitbox already helps!
remove hugtech and check hit validation!
thats is all
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Little late to this but double iri on Blight is probably the most busted add on combo on the game. These 2 add ons are much stronger than old Alch Ring & Vial. Why double speed got nerfed for these 2 add ons to exist is beyond me. Double speed were Blights only balanced addons, and I would like to see the double speed nerf get reverted and double iri nerfed.
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I think most of them are pretty good. Theres one that is a major winner and one that is a major loser change imo. Clown being the w and Huntress being the major L.
Clown: Removing the disorientation effect made me enjoy playing into this killer 100X more. I didn't get motion sick per say, but just have 0 idea what is going on during the effect felt pretty bad. W change.
Huntress: 7 hatchets and wind up speeds just makes the survivor experience lame af. even if you get the reward of making her miss a hatchet she can still just wind up so quickly that it isn't like you can make it to a loop or something. I am also a strong proponent of skill expression in this game, and huntress has always been a flagship killer for that. Land your hatchets, you do well. Now there is not really a punishment for missing, its near impossible to miss 7+ hatchets in a chase. Reducing the suspense and intensity on both sides that the hatchet brought to the game. The thing that really needs to happen with huntress is adding a max duration for holding a hatchet. Being able to just chase down a survivor while holding a hatchet takes the mind game and skill out of everything.
Demo: I cannot really see that big a difference when playing vs or playing demo so probably a good change.
Blight: Idk we will see with the hug tech removal where he sits. The double iri add on combo seems pretty busted right now.
Hag: I cant really see a difference in gameplay from either side. Maybe what I can tell is hags are chasing less, camping more, and just trapping generators with ruin and chasing you off them when you trigger the trap. Gives major skull merchant vibes. These were all things that happened before so I cannot say hey this is a new issue or something.
Pig: Ive only played a few games into her, probably seem like good changes to me. The focus on putting more power in the chase and less on hey imma just follow survivor around with hat on interrupting boxes is always going to be an improvement for the game. I didn't mind the 180 seconds for trap timers.
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honestly all of huntress buff should be reverted she's too strong now. she was already a very strong killer and never needed to be buffed. she pulls up her hatchets way too fast now and can make it even faster with add ons and on top of that you gave her more hatchets this is too much.
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Took more time to test it all many times.
Blight's C33: thank you. This buff open space for more addon combos and by itself it's not awful now. Should be released at this state. Removing hugtech is big L btw.
Clown: amazing changes. But can we decrease Antidote activation to 1,5s please? It will create so much more situations, where you can express skill and use both bottles to outplay some places. And Pinky Finger just need rework, it is awful now.
Demo: good, but he feels the same. Hope he will get more than this soon. At least addons and portals could see some work with.
Doctor: good changes, but he is kinda in the same place, just less addon dependent.
Hag: still waiting for 4,6 Hag. Still hate her gameplay.
Huntress: great changes! I know you guys read a lot of crying about her, but stay strong. Especially since you didn't buff her m2 movespeed, she is the same killer as before, just slightly smoother. I still heavily believe that speed with hatchet shouldn't be reverted completely and we can see something in between. At least give her Shiny Pin basekit please. Maybe she might have 6 hatchets in basekit instead?
Pig: firstly i thought it's great change, but to be fair, now i think that ambush is almost the same. Crouch > leave loop > repeat. It definately more useable in more loops, but overall it's the same experience. Please consider add 5% speed to ambush, or prolong it slightly further.0 -
you sure you don't want them to nerf freddy and trapper while you're at it ? ๐
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Freddy need buff. Maybe teleport was in the clocks and not in the generators. In the end game Freddy loses his teleport mobility.
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hag still doesn't need 4.6, you still don't need to like all killers
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Huntress is so unfair with this combo. She just spammed the hatchets with no consequences like a Maschine gun. She didnโt need any of those buffs.