tombstone hostage???

NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
edited March 2024 in General Discussions

i'm just reading a tweet in literal awe, a super petty survivor hid in locker for half an hour to deny the myers his achievement. and the funny part: myers got banned for it and he didn't. such a strong decision i'm not gonna lie but the point of the post is to ask for official clarification on the matter. is it bannable? survivor can just... get out of the locker and end the game so there is no hostage situation, no?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i mean that's an agreement between the two, survivor wants to be petty and myers wants to get his achievement and they both hold the ability to end it anytime they want. neither should've gotten banned but i just want a clarification since that's not holding anyone hostage yet a player got banned.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    It's not like that survivor didn't know what they were doing. So, they were extremely petty to say the least.

    In my opinion neither of them should be banned for it. Yes, neither of them followed the rules but they both created this standoff. Both of them could have ended this match at any given point but they made the conscious decision to hold the other hostage.

    This is like 3 gens remaining, 1 survivor dead and the last 3 hiding with no interest in doing gens. The killer is technically holding the game hostage as long as they keep on playing because the survivors have no way to do the gens without getting found but the survivors are also holding the killer hostage because they have no way to track them down. In this case, neither party is obligated to give up.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Well, the purpose of the game is to avoid making mistakes. In this case, Michael should have relented and just hung Survivor and hoped for the next match. Neither of they was at fault, they just did what they wanted to do.

  • Ranch_Jello
    Ranch_Jello Member Posts: 99

    If its an achievement then any way of getting it shouldn't be bannable in any way. It is a decision on both fronts. In this scenario the survivor is dead regardless of outcome so it is more the survivor being petty and showing a complete lack of sportsmanship.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    the survivor isn't obligated to leave the locker but leaving the locker would end the game and they made their choice.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited March 2024

    Who submitted the report? The Survivor or the Killer?

    Even if the Survivor wasn't "wrong", to brag about it gives off the vibes of two children fighting at school with one getting punished and the other being smug about getting off scot-free.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    yes it was the survivor and yes they were bragging about it. bet they were teacher's pet in their school years, gives that exact vibe.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited March 2024

    The survivor was NOT held hostage. The survivor decided to be petty and kept himself hostage. End of story. Killer didnt deserve a ban from this alone. It should have been both of them or neather of them.

    Survivor literally did not continue to play the game and refused to die. He also kept the game hostage as well. It is bannable to hide and not continue the game from survivor side as well. This person literally did not continue the game for 30 minutes. If this would have been different game where he was locker hopping for 30 minutes and hiding from the killer it would have been bannable. In this case both killer and survivor were petty, and kept themselfs hostage.

    I know you are survivor sided person so whatever i say to you i know you'll only see it from their side.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920
    edited March 2024

    Neither should have been banned. That’s like banning the killer for the old hatch stand off or because both players were AFK.

    I think it’s time BHVR for you guys to rework these add ons. If you want to ban people for doing this then please get rid of this stupid achievement. It’s unfair to ban either of them after you made something that encourages this.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I don't think they got banned. The reason was "harasment" which is NOT when you hold someone hostage or for gameplay stuff. Its for chat stuff.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    If it's because of what went down in chat then yeah, that's a whole different thing. Plus if the survivor is just assuming the killer got banned because of the in-game notification, then that doesn't mean anything. I think it was Mandy who said the notification just means the report was looked at and not necessarily that someone got punished.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    yes thats true you are not obligated to help with the achievment but you also have no right to call it a hostage situation when you could have come out and die. from what i have seen to this point bhvr says its a hostage situation when the survivor has no own choice to do anything that ends the game. the survivor had a chance to end it.

    both are supper betty and stubborn in that situation but this did not deseverd a ban. its a totally diffrent thing ofourse if its true that the ban was for harresment in chat like some people said

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347
    edited March 2024

    I kinda doubt anyone got banned for that, unless they started flaming in the chat afterwards.

    Anyway, no one held anything hostage. Both players had the ability to end the match with one button press, but they hoped the player on the other side of the locker door had less time to waste, then got mad when it turned out both were "patient".

    Anything about achievements is utterly irrelevant to decide if someone should be banned. Petty? Sure. Against a single rule? Nope.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited March 2024

    A ban in either case is ridiculous. Both players are playing by the rules BHVR have set.

    They made the achievement the way it is. They made the Killer have to go for standing executions only to get it, and they made the only true counter to it be to sit in lockers.

    The killer is playing by the rules that BHVR have set; he can't grab out of locker because then he can't execute the survivor, or if he does he has to let the survivor wiggle off, which the survivor can just jump back into the locker.

    Both players understand the terms of what is going on. If the survivor refuses to try and escape the match, then if anyone is to blame for taking the game hostage, it's the survivor, but even that's a bit of a stretch.

    "Taking the game hostage" for playing by the rules of the achievement is stupid, and a case of the survivor reaping what they're sowing here. If you want to deny the achievement, fine... but you don't get to complain about being made to wait when you're the one who is refusing to play.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    I dont understand why you would sit there and waste 30 minutes of your time sitting in a locker to not get morid if you know your gonna die anyway.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 259

    I had the same situation a couple of months ago. I was the last survivor against a Myers Tombstone. I was in a locker and Myers was camping outside. when the third crow arrived, Myers walked away for a few seconds, I reached a hill (Balance landing) and we started a 30 second chase... but when I almost reached the hatch... I died! GGWP Myers

    both me and the killer were happy... this is normal gameplay (for me)

  • Veritere
    Veritere Member Posts: 38

    I doubt he was banned specifically for that... I would have a much easier time believing he was banned for what was said in the chat after the game ended.

    This achievment is a pain in the ass yeah but if I was playing killer I would have just grabbed the survivor and hook him. No point in wasting my time

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707
    edited March 2024

    It's stuff like this that's still in the game why I continually call DBD a toxic arms race. Both sides play toxic to counteract the other sides toxic stuff and some people are just too petty to be the better person. While it's nice to hope that people should be better, BHVR as the moderator and group that enforces the rules SHOULD be on top of this.

    This achievement is awful and simply moring all 4 survivors REGARDLESS of method should suffice (mori offering, devour hope should count) but neither player should be banned for it because of it because both are playing the game by the rules BHVR themselves have created.

    It's situations like this that are harsh reminders how blissfully unaware BHVR are of how toxic their game can get within the normal circumstances of playing it and they need to play it in public lobbies more and actually SHOW us doing it even if they are anonymous while playing. Even if they cherry picked footage, they would still see the bad enough to realise something has to give.

    Tomestone in general as well as this achievement needs to go and Myers need to be reworked a bit as a killer so that his power level isn't drastically changed based on whether or not he has Tomestone and/or infinite tier 3.

    Further whether someone got banned for this or stuff in chat is also besides the point and what should come as a result of this debacle. I can only hope lessons are learned by the right people.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited March 2024

    Achievements aren't part of the base gameplay, using the argument that a match couldn't be completed or played to the end because of an achievement is silly.

    I've told this plenty of times but I'll tell it again, I've given the Myers his kills before for Tombstone, and multiple times they've already had the achievement for years, so I'm absolutely going to be hopping into lockers at any point in the match if I can't make it to a pallet, I've never had an achievement given to me and I'll never try to help someone out with theirs, either.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2024

    Neither of them should be banned in this situation, since both can free themselves from the 'game-hostage'.

    Was the survivor petty? Yes

    Against the rules? No

    If I were him, I would have jumped out of the locker and ended it, I certainly wouldn't have waited 1 hour without doing anything, but that doesn't take away from the fact that everyone does as they please.

    The killer is not entitled to demand the kill, and the achievement is no justification, in fact technically since his aim is to kill survivors he should have been the one to end the game first.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited March 2024

    They absolutely are part of the base game, things like throwing the rest of the team under the bus for Hemophobia, slugging and sweating for adepts, even things like the Tome challenges to hook all players in basement or get 4 hooks in end game collapse.

    This all encourages more unfriendly and toxic styles of play to accomplish, this stuff is absolutely in the base game.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    No achievement is necessary for a normal match to finish, at all.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited March 2024

    So what you're saying is, don't care about achievements... that's a fine stance to take, but... they exist, and BHVR created the achievements with the intent for players to go for achievements. If you don't care, fair enough, but others do, and if the achievement/challenge encourages or even requires toxic play, it's not really the fault of the player...

    e.g. If I have a challenge to sacrifice 4 players in basement, I have to keep trying to take that player to basement. If they keep sitting in a corner and ensuring I can't do it, and otherwise won't try to escape, isn't the survivor the one who is not engaging in normal gameplay and thus holding the game hostage?

    Edit: I'd also appreciate the distinction made between a survivor where they have a Myers staring at them survivor in a locker, vs. a Myers who is carrying them as far from lockers as possible and then trying to catch them before they make it back to the same locker.

    The latter is more obviously trying to play the game and get their kill, but the end result of both scenarios seems to be the result of the same problem, where it is the survivor that is not trying to reach hatch, and is the one holding up the game.

  • blackfox0408_fr_
    blackfox0408_fr_ Member Posts: 79

    Still not a bannable reason, but i would say there are multiple instances of that kind of situations that are very bitter for both sides / have little counterplay on one and should be removed in all cases (MYERS MORI ADDONS, full slug, survivor having background player and another getting downed under a pallet, etc, etc)

    OK, nice hypocrisy, but what if he was just waiting there to let the survivor pass through ?

    It feels wrong right ? Both were just as petty and unrespectful, but still that situation should be prevented by the devs for the good of the community ... (I would be grumbling that myers needs love from the devs)

    And stop about that rulebook argument, if you play both sides it seems pointless and useless.

    I don't either ? To feel proud of having opponents bad enough for you to succeed ?

    And most ppl feel like they are the survivor so that may be the issue sometimes ...

    Archievement are implemented by whom ? DEVS What do devs do ? The game ! So are the archievement a part of the game ? Yes ! And thx for giving kills for free to this poor myers that needs 4 ppl to do that to succeed ...

    Cauz if you are not bad at the game you litterally destroy that guy anyway (and if you are the obsession, hide !).

    If i wanted to do this archievement again i would get destroyed, i played too much oni to get bad survivors ...

    And it was a pain even when there was the rank system ...

    YES ! Finaly someone that play dbd and doesn't only go on forums to rage at himself in ten minutes ...

    Disclamer : it's possible that killer did get banned but for smth else BTW ... And it's not even impossible for him to have been a cheater at one point, to have stopped cheating but having been registered as cheating and getting banned a few minutes after at the same time as 10000 cheaters ...

    Id see the point of arguing about any of the above tbh i just do that enormous post cause i have time to waste ...

    Dev don't listen anyway ...

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited March 2024

    Neither should be banned but the achievement is stupid. This type of gameplay is all on BHVR not the players.

    For clarification - This is the equivalent to banning someone for the old school hatch standoff. Both players have the ability to end the game but they choose not to.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    the thing is there is no advancing the game at that point. it was the last survivor when the survivor leaves the locker hes dead if he gets pulled out of the locker hes dead there is no chance for the survivor to win.

    now before anyone comes with like the two or three unlikely situation where the survivor has a ace up there sleeves.

    if he has ds not opening the locker is the correct counterplay just like being in the locker is the correct counterplay for tombstone.

    if the survivor by chance has a wiggle build and the locker is in a freaky deadzone where the killer could not reach a hook no matter what the survivor would be dead anyway cause then the correct counterplay is to drop and let them bleed out wich probably would have gotten hate too.

    there is no right or wrong in that situation the survivor had all rights to stay put and dont give them the kill via tombstone and the killer had all rights to wait it out too. that was a game of wills and obviously both had a strong will and sat it out.

    in the end we cant blame anyone and i really think the ban was not for "holding hostage" cause then bhvr would contradict themselfs it was more likely for being rude af in chat after this incredebly long staring contest

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077

    I'm closing this here as we do not discuss bans publicly, plus there seems to be missing context and speculations around the situation.

    If you have doubts regarding the game rules, please refer to this post:

This discussion has been closed.