Seriously, how could we have lost this? (maps)

I'm not even going to explain why maps were better in the past in terms of aesthetics, the images already speak.
May I add my favorite map in the game?
I miss those maps so much, my friend.
We absolutely should have the option to choose which version of the maps we want to see in our games. DBD supports people playing on the same map with different lighting, so why not give us our maps back?
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Dark Coldwind was peak. I miss the aesthetic of these maps, gave DBD a charm like no other.
Current Lery's looks like it's intentionally supposed to be built as this haunted hospital attraction. Old Lery's actually looked like a real hospital. I still like Lery's but old Lery's has a charm that the current one doesn't.
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Precisely, my friend!
I'll tell ya, I LOVED the creepy hospital atmosphere. It was so good!
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I wish Cornwind had a 50 50 chance to be day or night like RPD East/West
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I have played this game since the beta was avaliable, and contrary to most people I preffer the new maps over the old ones. Old lerys being the only one id probably miss and even then I still preffer the new one. Old ormond looked dead af, legit boring looking. I personally cannot fanthon how I played in old coldwind, its a less saturated borgo, just an eyesore tbh. Notalgia can be one hell of a drug.
Now I am not saying that new maps are perfect, they can be visually horrible like borgo or an atrocity gameplaywise like garden of joy or both like eyrie of crows. However I think greenville is very good design, has good loops and amazing visuals, hope is not a lucky mistake but the map design team is getting better.
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Notalgia can be one hell of a drug.
This isn't really fair, mate. Not everything is nostalgia or rose tinted glasses.
Sometimes people just have different tastes in graphics and aesthetics.
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Exactly, we agree completely, hence why I made my comment. The OP says the old maps were better in terms of aesthetics which I as an old player cannot disagree more.
Its ok people have different tastes in graphics and aesthetics so saying old maps were better is just an opinion not a fact. one I personally disagree with.