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Please change the killer meta



  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'd love for the meta to be changed often; nerfing the big perks and buffing lesser ones on a regular basis to keep things fresh.

    Many also want more fresh builds, but the problem remains that quite a few who do want this also don't want to have the perks they like changed and get upset if a whiff of this may happen.

    Fear of change is holding back a fair few things here.

  • Member Posts: 429

    If players are no longer able to use the strongest perks together, then they would be forced to, by definition, use weaker builds.

    Its not just a killer nerf to a single playstyle. This is a killer nerf across the board

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    ofcourse but a nerf that overall would be healthy for the game. with system like that you perks could feel more powerfull cause we dont need to fear what happens if these four slowdown perks get combined or stuff like that.

  • Member Posts: 429

    I mean, we finally for the kill rates at the 60/40 they should have always been at. I don't think that should change.

    I recall when kill rates were closer to what survivors are currently calling for them to be. I remember when the kill rates were 49-53% on average. This didn't make the games more fun. It made killers straight up stop playing. DO you not recall The Great Killer Exodus, because I certainly do, and I remember what survivors were complaining about CONSTANTLY back then: Long que times.

    Like I said, we finally got the kill rate right where they should be. Lets not rock the boat

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    edited March 2024

    At this point I've seen over 5 or 6 different claims of a "Killer Exodus", so it is hard to know what are we talking about. Or if they even happened in the first place.

    The kill rates aren't exactly the problem (though they are part of it), it is mostly the way they were achieved. Making the game genuinely worse for survivors isn't exactly fun either.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    but i dont talk about changing up the balance. i talk about changing the builds to be less stale and frustrating. 4 slowdowns dont feel great to face and four slowdowns dont feel that good to play either.

    with a point system you could say hey i want the strongest slowdown build possible but all the strong slowdown perks have high points so you can at max use two of them and then either a one perk of moderate power or two perks that are weaker.

    with that we can change the meta and the balance without making perks bad or even worthless cause we can just change there points so you cant combine the perks to be to strong. i really think that could change the fact that often you face the same three builds all the time. ofcourse this system would require further balance, many weak perks would need to get buffs cause they are near worthless right now and bhvr would need to monitore the win rate closely to keep it how its right now but like i said the good thing that system brings is a simpler way to balance

  • Member Posts: 429

    No hate, but I must ask, were you around when kill rates were around 49-53%? Were you not around when a dozen forum post were made per day complaining about high que times for survivors? I'd say it was about 2-2.5 or 3 years ago, give or take. It was one of the darkest times in DBD history. The game had become so survivor sided that a lot of killers just stopped playing. SO I can assure you, it ABSOLUTELY happened

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I've seen this exact same claim time and time again, I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific. I started playing DBD in 2018, but took a long break after the first Resident Evil chapter was released because the game was no longer enjoyable. Not sure if that helps.

  • Member Posts: 588

    I think it feels really tiring because gen regression has been the meta since last year. When Call of Brine and Overcharge dominated. Survivor meta was healing back then and while both sides got nerfed, healing is no longer the meta for survivors while gen regression still is. It’s the same present just in different wrapping paper.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    Of course the killer exodus happened. Do you remember that before MMR, we had red ranks, which was super easy to achieve, and they had a 68.19% kill rate? A lot of killers got really upset when the 68.19% kill rate dropped way way way down. Many killers had an extremely high win rate, even if they were playing a "lower tier" killer, because the matchmaking was just that bad.

  • Member Posts: 429

    then you might not of been here for this. It was a dark time for killers and survivors alike It was roughly before the big meta shake up of 2022, so the time i'm referring to is roughly all of 2021 and the first half of 2022. Average que time for survivors was 5-15 minutes. The killer community was dropping faster then a lead ball dropped into the ocean

    For all the crap the mate shake up of 2022 gets, it really did save this game.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I do think Pain Res and Pop could be toned down a little. I know these perks are necessary to stand a chance against good survivor teams but against average survivors, the combo is truly oppressive. Sometimes I wish we had original Pain Res back, or a hybrid of current and old. Less regression but bring back the scream notification so the killer knows which generator to pressure, keep the 4 tokens if it really needs a limit.

  • Member Posts: 53

    As nice as it sounds balance wise this change would ruin the game for alot of players including myself, half the fun is experimenting with with different perks, I purchase characters Bc i know there perks can be combined with any other giving me lots of replayability and stuff to try. Now your going to tell me I can't use a build I want because some imaginary number made up by some sweaty kids telling me it's to OP. I'd honestly stop playing Dbd instantly.

    How do you even balance that what dose the game do in situations where there's conflicting perks like STBFL with GameAfoot or nemesis? arguably all good perks, you would never pair the 2 but the game could recognize this as a "strong build".

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2024

    If you nerf the meta, the meta just becomes something else for you to complain about.

    Instead of nerfing popular perks, how about we BUFF unpopular ones? I'm so sick of people taking the "KILL THE FUN, KILL THE FUN" approach to either side in this game. ######### buff something for Pete's sake instead of slashing everything that generates interest in the game. gods forbid someone should feel attracted to playing Killer.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    If it was happening during the entirety of 2021 then I was here for it. The RE Chapter was released on June, if I recall correctly.

    As for the meta shake up, if you are referring to patch 6.1.0 then I strongly disagree with that notion. It is a strong contender for one of the worst patches we've ever seen, imho.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Please change the survivor meta of making it literally impossible for me to hook people.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Grim got buffed and look where that got us buckle up got buffed and look where that got us the buffs aren’t something people like either buddy

  • Member Posts: 2,113
    edited March 2024

    That's what happens when BHVR keeps nerfing every other alternative. This 8 limit regression gutted non regression kick perks, surge, and eruption. Heck, they even nerfed a multitude of perks that used mangled effects recently. Now there's even less perks to run. Pop/PR are some of the very few perks left to run, especially for weaker m1 killers.

    Post edited by RpTheHotrod on
  • Member Posts: 347

    I would gladly take Eruption, Overcharge, Call of Brine and Ruin buffs if that meant seeing more Killers run it. Sadly every gen slowdown perk other than pain res and pop has been forgotten by the devs, and the 8 kick per gen did nothing but kill them for good.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Keep in mind though this game has no ranking system. Only a monthly bloodpoint reward system called 'Grades'. You being at iridescent Grades won't make matchmaking harder, as it has no link to matchmaking. That's what Machmaking Rating (MMR) is for. You can be Ash Grade and play with 3 other Iridescent Grade people, there's no link in MMR.

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