Functionally "ESP" when breaking walls


Platform - PC

Description - Whenever I break a wall as seemingly any killer on any map (Though I have only tested on Eyrie and The Game, Demogorgon and Unknown), the entire map just de-loads for a split second allowing you to see any survivor within your FOV range without blockage. This does NOT work with pallets. Only walls.

Steps to reproduce - Just...break a wall.

How often does this occur - Pretty much every time I break a wall.

I have also uploaded a YouTube video in case of extra proof.

3 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,716
    edited March 25

    I reported this over a year ago. I've been able to spot survivors inside lockers unintentionally due to this. Provided video of the issue, but no fix. Might be harder to fix than we'd expect. That being said, I have not personally noticed this happening anymore, but looks like you are having the same issue I had.

    Here's the old video I submitted.