Survivors need to get an add-on and item pass

Sarrif Member Posts: 52
edited March 25 in Feedback and Suggestions

So tldr there's numerous issues with survivor items add-ons. Numerous ones are objectively useless such as the leather and rubber grip for flashlights. Or are outclassed by other add-ons you are almost guaranteed to have for example prayer rope on the key. The lowest rarity key is green which means you are never going to run out of prayer beads before you run out of the actual item you need to use. There's also just add-ons which have extremely niche uses but due to that they are never going to be more useful than some of the basic brown add-ons. For example spring clamp on toolboxes, just bring scrap at that point.

Not to mention the fact that base map is an out of date relic and should be reworked. In the past it still had some remote use due to the fact with the black silk cord add-on you could track hatches before they spawned in but that got patched out which meant that the map can only really be used for a few rare builds but at that point just use a rainbow map which you are again almost always going to have due to the fact that base map (and most of it's add-ons) are pointless. Even now with the new event map I've seen maybe one person bring a map even with them now revealing injured survivors, that's how worthless maps are.

TLDR a solid majority of item add-ons are pointless and should either be buffed to make it more of an option or have their functionality changed. (And before any killer mains jump down my throat, yes a lot of killers have trash add-ons and should get the same treatment.)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,477

    Yeah I agree. Items and add ons need an overhaul.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    As long as they don‘t nerf anything about the survivor items, I‘m with you

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,233

    They actually stated in one of the Reddit AMAs that they have planned a rework/addon pass for survivor items iirc. Same with offerings. Though if it is still planned or another scrapped idea we don’t know..

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 713

    I am hoping they do a rework... map offerings are imbalance in my opinion, and survivors items addons, especially with maps and keys are rarely understandable and beneficial.

    Medkits and toolboxes are useful in survivability and rushing objective; sabotage toolboxes and flashlights are fun for sabotage the Killer's moment (only more effective in swfs), and maps and keys are only good for tracking and somewhat BP farming (with the red map?) Or solo escapes by close hatch

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,279

    100% agreed. The Survivor-Bloodweb is just loaded with stuff, they have 3 times as many Bloodpoint-Items as Killers and most of them are not really needed anymore.

    Like, you dont need 4 different Medkits which all do roughly the same. You dont need green Maps and certainly not Add Ons which let the green Map track anything but Gens. Keys are mostly pointless.

    IMO they can easily combine a few things or outright remove them.

    Ideally, I think they should just make it that Survivors can use Items as their Power. So basically, you can decide what your Power would be for that match (a Toolbox, a Medkit, a Flashlight, a Map, a Key) and then you can add the Add Ons to it. And those Add Ons should also be combined or sometimes just removed. With that it would probably be possible to bring the total of Add Ons down to the same number of Killer-Items in the Bloodweb.

    Obviously, Tweeks would be needed, but it would make way more sense than having 3 different Keys where you only use one, two maps where you only use one, 4 Medkits which are all the same, etc.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,164

    Also some offerings are horribly outdated. Spawning all survivors together should be a killer offering and Shroud of Seperation should be a survivors offering. But is a killer offering?

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,683

    Right? I want them to be together especially as a legion main why should I want them to be nicely spread over the map

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,855

    My example: What I still find baffling isnt that Med Kits got nerfed, it's how they got nerfed. Before they were at least somewhat unique, but now.. the only difference is that you can heal others 5 % faster with a better Medkit.. ranging between 35 and 50 %.

    For self heals, it literally does not matter which MedKit you take.

    And the Add-ons are just boring.. nothing unique about them except maybe the Styptic/Syringe/Surgical Suture and Needle and Thread. Every other Add-on is practically the same or useless. (Wow, I heal 33% slower, with that Add-on I can heal 28 % slower.)

    I wish they gave Med-Kits a nice rebalance as well as Add-ons and make them all unique in their own way.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,232

    Toolboxes need a nerf/addon pass, similar to what happened to medkits.

    Commodious and Event Toolboxes give way too much value, when compared to other toolboxes, and they stack way too much with other survivor generator perks. Toolboxes having a much high skill check chance is also stacking way too much with perks like Hyperfocus.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 52

    Would totally be fine with toolboxes getting hit if we also reduce the amount of gen regression perks. It's pretty bad on both sides how gens could be done in a few seconds one game and then take forever the next.