Tunneling is out of control... again!

Every time I start a match and notice the killer focus on a single survivor until they are eliminated I just want to quit this game, and probably the tunneled survivor too. I am talking about the absolute worst kind of tunneling where the killer won't even attack any other survivor but completely focus on one player until they are eliminated. Nothing the other survivors do can stop this. Watching this happen and being powerless to stop it is beyond frustrating. Having it happen to you is even worse. Tunneling is completely out of control in this game and it needs to stop. Not nearly enough has been done to deal with it.

Any killer that chases down an unhooked survivor should be punished so bad they will never do it again. If all 5 gens have not been completed I think killers should not be able to run faster or even as fast as the unhooked survivor if they decide to chase that survivor. Make it impossible to even catch them. Give the killer a debuff that only wears off when they stop chase with the unhooked survivor for at least 30 seconds. They can run at normal speed in chase with any other survivor but not the unhooked survivor for a duration of time. This has to have a severe enough deterrent to where killers simply will not do it. I don't care if "eliminating survivors is the killer's job." This method of doing it is in no way fair. Survivors have absolutely nothing in their kit to deal with this in an effective manner and neither should they be required to.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    It's rare that we aligne but I'm eith you on that one.

    I'd say make the survivor loose all collision for 2 minutes. That should solve all tunneling. No killer is going to follow a survivor around for Two minutes and the whole effect cancels when the survivor starts progressing the game again aka gens totems and what not. Now make flashlight or pallet impossible to use while that effect is on and its not possible to use that effect as a weapon

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly, Just Scrap the stupid endurance BT Basekit after being unhooked and make the Survivor lose collision with the killer, not just hit collision but also body collision so they won't get in my way when I am chasing another survivor, especially the rescuer. Make it last a minute or more; as well as cancel early if they decided to do any form of conspicuous actions like fixing a generator, unhooking another survivor, etc. As well as Endgame. (So it cannot be exploited).

    The problem with tunneling in general, is that is the most efficient way to win as Killer. Toxic we all know, but it definitely is indeed the most effective way to win if you are certain the survivor being chase doesn't last long in a chase a.k.a Their are literally the weak link or "worse survivor" on the team (swf or not). To killer, is scream free kill and easy victory when tunneling opportunity presents itself.

    Of course, what would also be nice if maybe hooking other Survivors killer bugf incentives, like Mini Basekit Pop Goes the weasel per hook or something decent to reward killers with non hooking the same Survivor A.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I would like to see something like a mini badekit bbq set me on a new target thatway I don't even think about sticking around the hook

  • Baixaki
    Baixaki Member Posts: 18

    I also witnessed an increase in tunneling lately. Because of that I've been running DS, OTR and DH to make it atleast very expensive to tunnel. Helps alot imo.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, that's the right choice. I wish there were more survivor players like you.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    I always bring OTR. You need at least one anti tunnel perk imo. It's a decent bandaid till spreading hooks is changed to be more rewarding. OTR and some Exhaustion perk like Sprint Burst or Lithe is great. Or you can run the tried and true DH, OTR, DS combo.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 812

    Yeah, Killers love to defend tunneling, we all know it's miserable for Survivors, but what people don't talk about is that it's actually detrimental for Killers as well.

    Why? Because those Killers aren't upping their skills, and then they face the higher MMR Survivors with higher skill, and tunneling will no longer work, but the Killer won't know how to do anything else.

    It also screws up their stats so that the devs won't help the Killers that actually need the help. They'll look at the stats of any weak M1 Killer, see the number of kills they have (that they only obtained via tunneling), and decide, "Oh, that Killer has enough kills; they don't need any buffs."

    So these are additional reasons why tunneling needs to be scrapped. I may have an idea that I'll post in a new thread...

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Even though Tunnel Killer can't win when encountering a high MMR survivor, does the kill rate still increase? I can't really see what you're saying. You just list what you want to say, but there is no correlation between them and it is illogical.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Agreed, there needs to be changes made to make tunnelling so non-viable that killers have to actually yah know... defend gens?

    In my experience the tunnelling is out of control on NA servers especially and from watching streamers it looks like EU is almost as bad.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    nothing the other survivors do can stop this

    some times, not helping your team mates is a good option, let them cook, just do the generators and hope for your team mate loop long enough, also, BT is a really good perk against tunneling, the unhooked survivor will be 4.4 for 20 seconds and the killer can no longer wait for basekit BT to end, i hope it helps

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    Right. It seems BHVR is really into having hook-related perks having some effect on generators which is killing two birds with one stone but all it does is exacerbate those who do tunnel.

    Im on NA servers too and 8/10 games result in someone getting booted out of the game at 4 gens.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    You don't know if the killer is going to tunnel until someone goes for the save. Then it happens and you have 2 survivors involved in that situation while the other 2 survivors don't figure out the situation until its already in the killer's favor. You can only deal with this to an extent in a coordinated SWF group. If your solo que, this situation always ends in the killer's favor. Most survivors are altruistic and want to try and save their team, even when the killer is playing in the most toxic ways. In fact they often seem more motivated to do it because they hate what the killer is doing.

    This often happens at the start of a match. They don't care if survivors are doing gens fast or not. They're going to do it regardless if they choose to do so.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    No matter what the reason, a truly altruistic and decent survivor would definitely not allow one person to be sacrificed as a 5gen. This is because they is always in charge of completing the gen so that the efforts of those chased and hooked are not wasted.

    And if we create a gen completion zone, we know that unhooked survivors can escape there and be deterred from pursuing the killer. Chasing there will leave the gens in other places weak and the survivors will be able to do whatever they want. The biggest problem is that the vast majority of survivors do not understand this.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,934
    edited March 2024

    Something I see often on either side is Survivors unhooking before the killer has had any real time to leave.

    I've regularly seen multiple survivors come off gens and start sprinting towards hook to make a fast save, and wondered why on earth they freely invite tunneling... just waiting 20s so the killer has to decide whether to commit somewhere makes a big difference. I even have builds that benefit unhooking that I've had to stop using, because getting a survivor to stick a gen is really hard.

    I saw a game against a Spirit yesterday, where she very quickly ran back to hook after gunning down Maria early... made it really clear she was tunneling. Survivors instead of leaving her on hook a while, the safest place she could be, unhooked her in 10 seconds... She was dead in maybe 100s from the start of the match... we still squeeked out an escape, I got out alive mostly cause I ran object of obsession and resilience and I think she took her foot off the gas thinking she had the game in the bag while I cranked gens.

    I avoid taking an exhaustion perk cause I'm trying to get better in chase without one. To my frustration, one of my most successful builds is Deja Vu, Stake Out, Fast Track, Off the Record, simply because Survivors are so unhook happy, and I'm the only one who sticks gens for a few seconds just to see what the killer is doing. Doing this I can usually get all my stacks. I take OTR in case I get tunneled to try and discourage it, and give myself a better chance of building up/using my stacks.

    Point is, tunneling is effective yes... but there are a good number of survivors who make it frustratingly easy to tunnel.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    It's a common but terrible story.

    I've been on this forum for a while, and I'm amazed at how many players are unaware of these theories. I'm sure there are some explanatory videos for beginners on YouTube, etc., but aren't they shared at all?

  • Bradcore
    Bradcore Member Posts: 72

    I don't see it as often, but I can think of many games I tried in the past where I couldn't get more than 5 steps from hooking a survivor before seeing someone run to save them. I'd down everyone and they'd accuse me of camping. It's like dude, it's not camping if you're not even giving me time to leave the area, especially when you are running out in front of me to unhook. I assure you, when I play killer, I will come look for you if you give me a chance.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    thats true they act like second phase statrs after ten seconds so they bold to that hook the second someone gets down