Make unhooking not count as a conspicious action

So who is the killer supposed to go for if both people can have OTR or DS? How is it even tunneling at that point? (Because if it isn't then why should anti tunnel perks be active?)
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Remove conspicuous actions!
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No, they got introduced for a reason,it was quite annoying to have someone working on a generator and you just could not hook that person without getting ds'ed... You had a full minute of invincibility and that was just terrible design, it did not even fulfill the anti tunnel function because you could just go back on the generator and you couldn't get hooked for the duration of DS.
Unless you can bring up some good arguments against it, I fully disagree with you.
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You shouldn‘t have to bring a perk only against tunneling. The current ds should be basekit and the perk should be without the conspicuous actions. A perk should never deactivate only by doing what you are supposed to do. At least conspicuous actions should only be gens. It‘s just dumb that this perk deactivates through everything. I saw so many people do stupid plays only to get value from it. It shouldn‘t be that way.
It‘s so dumb that I‘am not allowed to heal or do anything if I don‘t want to lose it. Therefore this perk actively punishes teammates by design and people who play it, often refuse to heal teammates or do gens and then again they do stupid plays.
I wouldn‘t make it an anti tunnel perk, I would let it be active during the start and then put it on cooldown for 8min after a use.
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The perk deactivates when you progress the game in any way, which is kind of fair... You need to make a decision whether or not you are in a risky position or somewhat safe to once again focus on objectives. You should not be able to just stun the killer without thinking about priorities or the right thing to do. It only punishes people who mindlessly do things without considering the consequences...
I agree that if tunneling is an unwanted behavior it should not be defended only by perks but by basekit mechanics.
I think ds used to be similar to that, without the 8 min cd, but that is just way too strong, a safe stun and a second chance simply by equipping a perk is really broken... That would the same as the killer just pressing a button and all survivors lose a health state on 8 min cd... Does not sound balanced either.
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I'm all for basekit anti tunnel but if that form of new ds was in the game what would be the counterplay? Sure slugging but suvrs hate that too and i could see unbreakable being a meta combo then and the counter to unbreakable is picking survs up wich you can't cause ds... isn't that one of the named of you do dammed if you don't situations that everyone dislikes.
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The game is nowhere balanced, killers are constantly favored by the devs. Balanced would mean both sides would have the same chances to win that‘s not the case and making everything balanced in a boring fair way isn‘t fun. Both sides should have good things not only killers.
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I don't think one side is favored over the other and there is a difference between stuff being good and being busted...
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Some time ago I thought about maybe killers could get a counter skill check to negate it, but this might make the perk useless. So I would maybe give iron grasp the ability to negate ds.
For me slugging is more appealing than tunneling, if some time in the future slugging would become meta, I would be more than happy to use boon exponential. Currently it is useless, because almost no one slugs.
If unbreakable and ds would become a problem, why not make picking yourself up deactivates the perk, sounds a lot fairer to me than the conspicuous action stuff.
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If you are unhooking a survivor, you aren't being tunneled.