Seen a lot of survivors complain about lightborn on social media, but I feel like some of them don’t play killer or don’t play enough killer to fully understand why this perk is needed because I personally hate going against 4 flashlights.
On top of that it’s possible the survivors probably brought in flashbang, blast mine or any other blind perks I mean that gives me a headache.
You should just leave it alone. Killers have a lot to think about and don't have time to listen to all that noise. Survivors say they don't like losing one perk in OTR, but Killer brings out Light Bone because it's necessary. Since you're spending one perk on something you need to do, there's no reason for your opponent to complain.
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The perk needs buffs if anything. It’s generally a wasted perk slot.
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Idk maybe have it give you extra bloodpoints for flashlight evasion.
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whenever a survivor attempts to blind you, that survivor is immediately sacrificed. I think that would be cool.
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Nah I would say Lighthorne is absolutly perfect the way it is.
It has immunity against any kind of blind wich can't be countered or worked around and it even gives a bit of aura reading that is already good enough.
If Lighthorne now would get a buff even more survivors would complain about the immunity so let it be its niche perk that is good at just one thing but that thing it does really good
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Lightborn is a wasted perk slot, unless you see 4x flashlights in the lobby then it can be a great counter and rage bait lol
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Many survivor players don't like sitting on gens. They would rather follow chases and go for saves. Lightborn removes that interaction for them and they are forced to do gens
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with background player into Flashbang i can understand why ppl run lightborn now
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Well... I have lots of fails and survivors who think I don't have ears and who waste a lot of time trying and failing to get blind saves of all kinds. But very few actual blinds...
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Preach brother/sister!
Preach of the glory of our Lord and Savior Lightborn 😎!!!
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Don't listen to the heretics!
Let the "shady" power of our Lord and Savior comfort you.
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Recently, more and more survivors are using flash grenades to save their lives. This is confirmed regardless of the killer's line of sight, so if I feel that the survivor is swf and is likely to come after me, I often bring it.
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Background player is a pretty popular perk, especially paired with flashbang. A good survivor with Background player and either flashbang or flashlight can be really annoying to deal with, so sometimes people just wanna put on lightborn and actually be able to pick survivors.
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Lightborn is yet another reason why killers shouldn't get any info at the start of a match.
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Okay, I didn't read previous comments, but I'll explain why I run it and my thoughts. I play Trickster and I run Lightborn, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, and Franklin's Demise. I'm tired of going up against people who flashlight chain and body block. Am I saying flashlights are toxic? No. I'm just tired of working hard for a down and then poof! blinded.
Now for the thoughts. Lightborn is a handicap perk that teaches bad habits as opposed to good ones. You become careless when you have it and like someone had said, it can be a wasted slot. Will I switch it out? No, I'm too addicted to it and I don't wanna run the most meta of perks. I just wanna have fun and being blinded isn't fun for me.
Again, I'm not calling survivors toxic. If the flashlights are allowed, its fair. I personally just hate blind saves. It's demoralizing.
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I totally understand
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Lightborn should not give an immunity to blinds. If I bring a full blind build lightborn shouldn‘t counter everything I brought. Otherwise survivours should have the same to counter powers and perks, because items are the survivors power. Before anyone says distortion, you still need stacks, which lightborn doesn‘t.
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They have. Calm spirit blocks all screams that mean all perks that make you scream and half of doc's power
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Honestly no one would ever run calm spirit, but your are half right, it does still interrupt you. Personally that can go with lightborn.
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I mean I get where you are coming from but if bhvr dares to touch my lord and saviour lightborn they better bring a complete fix to flashlights cause Its ridiculous how often you cant do anything against being blindet even when you cant see them they somehow blind you and we need a real counter that is not look at a wall and pallet blind currently also have ony lightborn as a counter.
if that happens i support a lightborn rework
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the only situation I dislike lightborn is for the purpose of flashlight challenges
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Well essentially it’s currently just for new players. Other than background player use if anyone is getting hit by flashlights it’s typically a skill issue. There’s zero scenario I would ever see it being worth running, even with 4 flashlights. It’s a wasted perk slot. Plus as soon as they see you weren’t able to be blinded the entire team is now never trying to blind again as they all know. You want them to waste the time.
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I love this perk and I never take it off any of my Killers. It's a quality of life perk for me (alongside Iron Grasp).
I don't know why, but the Entity doesn't tend to send me their best Survivors. So against weaker teams I essentially have only two perks that do anything at all, giving these teams at least a chance against me. I'm not tooting my own horn here, I know I'm a very average Killer. But as a terrible Survivor myself, I know there are more of us out there than there are terrible Killers.
But if I do get a more experienced team, these perks can often win me a trial because they want to take hits, body block and make saves. Lightborn / Iron Grasp makes sure every down is a hook. In other words, they save me time.
The alternatives to Lightborn are more slugging (with Knock Out), bringing an extra slowdown (Thana on Legion) or Franklin's Demise. And I hate seeing these perks as Survivor, so choose your poison I guess.
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It's always so interesting seeing the vast range of complaints people have about the game. Some survivors complain about being tunneled, others complain about not getting chased often enough. I've recently seen people complaining about survivors sticking on gens; by contrast this thread expresses frustration with survivors who would rather spend time off gens trying to deny hooks.
All of those complaints are super valid, btw. You're not obligated to change your opinion just because someone who's not you has a different opinion. It's also just super fascinating to see the ways in which those complaints manifest
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You shouldn’t worry about the complaints. They’re never ending and it’s just a waste of time to let them bother you.
While I agree that Lightborn is good to give you peace of mind, I prefer Franklins’. It removes flashlights as well as toolboxes and medkits from the equation. You can set up some funny situations with Insidious and some light camping of their dropped items. I also enjoy farming salt in chat. It makes my potatoes taste delicious.
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Before you could realistically deny most flashlight saves with good camera placement. Now that flashlight saves are insanely easy + background player exists there is basically nothing you can do. Unless a survivor goes down right next to a wall & isn't on a pallet it's out of your hands if they get saved with that perk existing.
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For sure man, I'm not sure what your post has to do with mine (maybe you meant to reply to someone else), I was just observing the wide range of complaints people have about the game and commenting on how cool it is that such a wide range exists
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I 100% agree with that
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there's a survivor perk that encounters a whole aura reading build, I think its perfectly fine my good sir. They would have to make an equal fair change to the two perks if they want to make it no immunity to blinds.
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Distortion can run out of stacks, lightborn doesn‘t even have stacks. Your argument makes no sense. If distortion wouldn‘t have stacks you would have a point.
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so when I run a full hex aura reading build, I never see the survivors aura, not that its that important but in some ways it is, especially when hex retribution is cleansed and no longer works, then what? my point isn't huge but its there.
If you kick a gen and there's a mine, the survivors aura is not shown with that perk, like literally. (just to go back to the light born point)
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I mean that's a bit like bringing a medkit and healing build and going against Plague. Unfortunate, but doesn't mean we should rework her power because of that.
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If plage only hits you, you can still heal yourself even tho I would prefer to heal myself by cleaning the infection.
I‘m fine with killer power‘s countering survivors power‘s (items). For me items are the equivalent to the killer power and they shouldn’t be hard counter by perks like light born and calm spirit do.
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Wish it had synergy with two can play hex, oh the fun that would be 🤣