PSA for solo queue survivors

MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,876

I only really play solo and one thing I notice that probably 90% of solo players do is they immediately do the safest gens on the map first.

PSA is that if you don't break any potential 3 gen and remove the unsafe gens ASAP you likely wont get out either. Please consider the macro not the selfish micro aspect of matches!

That is all, have a nice day.


  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Your solo teammates do gens?

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,876
  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418
    edited March 26

    True, I wish MMR was intelligent enough to recognize solo players with enough experience/game sense to consider these kind of things and match them together, solo queue would instantly be a much better place.

    Instead I am matched with completely new players who are doing nothing even when there's no terror radius. I tried to play one match last night. The killer was clearly new, confused and pretty clueless. Didn't matter, everyone but me went down in literally seconds. And when I got finally hooked (nobody did gens the whole time I kept the killer busy, woohoo ...) I was left hanging to die on first hook ... with Kindred. My remaining teammates (one was so bad he got tunnelled out at 4 gens by that really bad killer) were crouching in different map corners, impossible that both had terror radius the same time, neither doing gens nor coming to help me. I kept watching a bit because I wanted to see the killer's build (was a P0, I predicted 2-3 tier 1 perks) but the game completely stalled there, one survivor was just locker-hiding, the other survivor was crouch-walking around the map border, so I didn't bother waiting that out. And that's my regular match experience, not the occasional MM screw-up.

    Although I have to say there were cases where I was matched with another solo and a 2SWF (clearly recognizable by their names and they played the same character with same cosmetics, the other one was 100% solo because he replaced someone dropping out of the lobby), and the solo teammate was a pretty great player, but it didn't matter because the 2SWF won the match for the killer in record time. It's not like solo queue players lack game sense and SWF players are good just because they have someone to play with.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, it's true. Survivors who do not understand this cannot be called sane.

    However, recently the theory has changed a bit, and the trend has become that it doesn't really matter where the first 1gen is completed. By creating a zone where the killer is not worth visiting, survivors in a pinch can take refuge there. The worst thing is in a gen where there is only one pallet loop nearby, the survivor will use the quick attack pallet just because the killer has arrived. This prevents anyone from completing the gen safely. Survivors with SB can barely follow.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,876

    Bro... I feel your pain, particularly dying on hook WITH KINDRED and especially first hook. I always run Kindred these days as a solo queue player it really is incredibly helpful and so underrated. But I have died on first hook many times and in my matches I also apparently have killers who can chase all 3 remaining survivors at once, as the ones that are not being chased are all hiding!

    I accept matchmaking will prioritise speed over accurate matchmaking and I like the chaos of solo queue... but at times it can be painful to the point I cant do it and have to play killer. Having the player status info still isn't enough to help some and I feel it doesn't matter how much info you spoon feed them

    I really need to duo with one of the many very experienced friends I have...

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,876
    edited March 26

    But what I see is they will do the gen that is the farthest from the rest as the first gen, so all you do is effectively reduce the killers patrol route significantly so they have immense pressure for the rest of the match.

    Leaving that most remote gen can be a win condition late match and I will stand by that being far more valuable than creating a dead area for the killer. These occur naturally throughout the progress of the match imo

    Edit: another mistake I see a lot is survivors all doing gens on one side of the map, pretty much ensuring the match is a losing game long term.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Well, its importance depends on which map. The two gens far from the main building of the groaning storehouse are clearly something that can be left behind.