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Is this game genuinely playable as a survivor?

As a someone who plays both side and top MMR on both I genuinely think this game is not playable as a survivor anymore (at least If you don't play as squad). The killers I'm facing with something beyond sweaty&toxic it's far beyond definable.
The doctor I played against today face camped 2 people (a.k.a shocking the hook continually without increasing the camping bar) until survivor dies after that he slugged other two to death going back and forth as he got over them for no reason... This is only one game, my all survivor games are like this, extremely tryhard tunneling with p100 nurses/blights like there is money prize on the game or face camp with killers who still have ability to do it.
Playing as a survivor is nothing but depressing and sad especially if you play solo or duo. I don't know if it's about my region but DBD I play is literally something different than from the DBD played by popular DBD content creators. It feels like the killers I'm playing against are in the competition of making the match as miserable as possible for the survivors for no reason.
I love DBD but it's so sad I can't even play one proper enjoyable match with my friend without getting left on the ground for 5 minutes or getting tunneled by P100 nurse. Additionally they insult survivors in end game chat after all things they did and reports literally do nothing... These all things I wrote happen almost every match even though I don't do the slightest disrespectful thing towards to killer.
It might be a coincidence but every doctor I have came across was very try hard and toxic as well.
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The game is playable as survivor.
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It’s playable in the same way that attaching jumper cables to your toes and cranking your car engine makes electric shock playable.
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I came back after a looong break since newest chapter looked super fun and playing with my partner we had ok matches and escaped a lot. However, my recent solo session - every single game the first person found was tunneled to death, I was tunneled 2 times out of 5 matches - and I am talking hardcore tunneling when the killer would down the teammate who was trying to help and proceed not to pick up to get me and it's just reminded why I stopped playing in the first you just do not get to play the game at all. Sad
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Just not fun, tuned well, or with any incentive to continue playing survivor.
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If you like to be a point pinata, sure.
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Playable yes but devoid of anything interactive or fun with subpar BP gains.
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Playable yes. Enjoyable no. Unless you're in a full swf.
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playable as in start the game, join a match, and do survivor stuff? yes. Playable as in enjoying the experience? No.
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I play soloQ and escape an alright amount of the time so I'd say for sure.
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As survivor you are basically only there for the killer‘s enjoyment. It‘s a miserable experience. The only time it‘s really fun (as survivor) when you are in strong swf.
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Really depends on what someone finds fun.
If you care more about theme and horror experience, then survivor is fine.
If you're competitive at all, even a little bit, then no. They've arrived at balance in a very contrived way (bad matchmaking by design), and you feel that most on solo survivor. Games very often feel like they were lost the second you loaded into the lobby with those players. I often feel like my gameplay on survivor doesn't influence the outcome of the match at all. I could try my hardest or be AFK and the result would be the same because one or two teammates are completely overmatched and the killer can tunnel them with relative impunity.
"You win some, you lose some" is not a valid response when it's matchmaking and playstyle differences leading to bad games. You can't have players waiting in queue, waiting in lobby, and loading into a game that's over within 5 minutes because one player is completely out of their depth. You have to respect the playerbase's time. There's no reason for matchmaking to be this bad. Saying "that's what players wanted" is a total cop out. And if it isn't bad, prove it.
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Seeing as I play solo queue every single day and way more than the average person with a win rate higher than losses, yes survivor is just fine.
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Well killer is at its easiest to play compared to over the previous years, with perks such as pain resonance, pop, corrupt, grim embrace etc it makes solo queue in particular very unplayable especially if the killer is competently downing survivors quickly.
A full team on comms that hard focus gens with atleast 2 people using reassurance/SB combo, OTR and strategically making safe unhooks to get deli up will almost always 3 man out 85% of the killer roster in pubs because most killers proxy camp/tunnel hooks as it is one if not the most effective ways to secure pressure. With that being said imo that’s to much coordination from survivors and there for you never see that level of gameplay in public matches…
I will say this that Nurse, Blight, Hillbilly, Spirit and Wesker are to oppressive, overtuned and way to competitive for the majority of survivors to face against in public matches nowadays. In a competitive setting in customs those killers are fine has there are certain rule sets and good survivor teams to make up for how strong those killers are. Those killers are a problem in public matches as they have far to much mobility for the average survivor/Swf to go deal with.
I know I wouldn’t sound crazy that those 5 killers should only be allowed to be played in customs only but it’s really getting close now especially with the gen regression meta currently.
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The doctor isn't breathing in Top MMR, right? It's like he was "doctor stopped" before the fight even started. Survivors usually don't lose unless they're up against a world-class doctor.
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- You lose significantly more than the killer. The average player is escaping less than 40% of the time if we factor in games with disconnects. Players like Otz with over 10k hours couldn't get above 40% in solo queue during their experiment. I always get a good laugh at that one killer main who goes around claiming to escape 70% of his solo queue games. Like do you just hide in a corner with Left Behind? What is the point in telling a lie like this when nobody believes it?
- You get significantly less bloodpoints than the killer in addition to losing significantly more often. Just play a few matches as each side during the current event. Killers get SIGNIFICANTLY more bloodpoints in the average match.
- There is practically zero matchmaking which leads to there usually being at least one weak link on your team if you are in solo queue. You might also get paired with a 5000 hour killer running four slowdowns even if you are on a big losing streak.
- Your game can be completely ruined by the other side if they decide they want to tunnel out the 500 hour Dwight. Maybe they will bleed you out too.
Survivor is not fun due to all of these things. The game is only fun if you have three good teammates which is rare in solo queue.
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If you're at high MMR as Survivor, you're escaping quite a bit, so clearly the game is not only playable, but also winnable.
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As far as I know, there seem to be areas where suicide and DC are more common and areas where it isn't. Although there is not a day that goes by that we do not see suicide or DC in Asia, the incidence seems to be much lower internationally. Therefore, in Asia, suicide and DC are less likely to disrupt a survivor's successful experience. Perhaps that alone would change the situation, but I can't bear to see survivors themselves go out of their way to put survivors at a disadvantage.
The fact that there are no other decent survivors besides Otz makes him a pitiful figure. His match is messed up because the Survivors are bad.
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It’s funny how everyone on these forums is at high MMR.
Where are all the crap players at?
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You should play killer.
It stands to reason you get less BP’s as survivor than killer because let’s face it, you often aren’t in game for as long as the killer is.
The great thing is BP’s are universal you can spend them on either killer or survivor.
There is matchmaking but given survivor is a team game it’s gonna come with the limitations of playing with strangers online. Set your expectations accordingly.
If you aren’t having fun as a survivor then play killer. If you aren’t having fun as killer either then maybe play something else for a bit.
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I've seen so many posts like "I'm on a high MMR but I'm tired of the 5gen tunnel." Apparently they live in a different dimension than my experience. In my experience, this has only happened in a few battles or at most 10 battles in 5,000 hours of play, and those are also cases where the killer was a divine nurse or the victim was killed by a clearly bad rescue.
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I could make a joke about how "you aren't prevented from queueing as survivor so the game is playable as survivor" but I don't think that's the question you're asking. Moreover, if I made a joke like that I'd be worried people might interpret it as an attempt to dismiss any complaints you have about the state of the game (balance, matchmaking, what have you).
Wow, that was a weird tangent.
...To answer the question you were actually asking, between the survivors who give up at a moment's notice, the ones that refuse to do anything, the killers who seemingly play DBD out of a love for getting a "you won" message rather than love for the mechanics of the game, or players on either side who believe the win condition is to make their opponent as miserable as possible, it certainly sometimes feels like solo queueing for a survivor game is more like pushing the button on a slot machine and your gameplay will have little impact on the outcome of the match, no matter how well you play. I've had two people give up 1st hook after getting 3 gens done, had teammates who refuse to heal or exit the gates while letting teammates die on hook despite the rescue being free if she stayed, and teammates who fail to so much as touch a gen until I'd managed to prove 2 gens with another random, get two hook rescues and heals, and was midway through what should have been a chase that lasted the remaining 3 gens. Additionally, there was a killer that downed an AFK player at 5 gens, proxy camped them and tunneled them off hook, then went around W-S teching the slugs of the remaining 3 survivors as they bled them out. All that happened in the last 5 games I played as survivor. There is certainly a lot to complain about in solo survivor queue.
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The simple truth is the developers don’t care about the solo-queue experience and they have no plans to make solo-queue play fun. The developers focus is putting out new killers/chapters.
If you are looking for a team based game, this is NOT it. There are plenty of team based games that are actually fun and balanced, just play those.
I know it’s hard to believe the developers aren’t going to do anything about solo-queue, but they really aren’t. They haven’t for years, since patch 6.1. Their direction is almost solely on getting content out. They don’t even have enough time to balances perks.
This isn’t a bad thing, but you need to understand the developers priority or you will be banging your head against a wall.
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For new players that have friends that aren't new no its unplayable for them they wont last more then 2 seconds which sucks because no one wants to play without friends.
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How do you know your "high mmr"?
Im curious.
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Thats why this forum is not completely representative of the whole player base.
How often i read here how this and that killer is eeeeeezzzzzzzzz...
I am somewhat mid tier and a lot of things are far from ez in normal games.
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"Playable" yes, but "fun" is an entirely different matter.
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I was lucky with the few soloq games I have played. I would get a decent group for about 4-5 games then get one that lets you die on your first hook. I can see why it would be frustrating for those who can only solo. Hopefully they start to at least bring in the quality of life changes like seeing perks and more communication methods like the ones the mobile has.
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I have a hidden cheat code that'll make you all enjoy DBD a bit more eventually.Play something else for once. I take long breaks from games like DBD, Destiny 2, and other live services. If you keep playing the same thing over and over you're gonna get burnt out. For how much he was memed on Cote was right all those years ago. Take a break and try Civ 6.
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The forums are not representative of the entire player base. You don’t say.
I’d hazard it’s representative of the whiniest cohort.
Mid tier eh, a player whose ego doesn’t make his assumptions for him. I tip my hat to you sir. 🎩
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I think I decided to stop playing survivor during the Blood Moon event were killer are just a bit wayyyy out of control with toxity
goign to play Legion to get more BP instead till the event is over.
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Is it playable as survivor... Hmmm.. less point gains, less interactive stuff to do, solo que hell... I feel you need to be mentally prepared to lose 90% of the time and just play to play now. Your chances of escaping are pretty slim but i guess that's the game.
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That's just because most of the people who play him are newer to the game. It's the same with Wraith. New players get stressed out pretty easily, They are overwhelmed and often get angry and toxic as a result. Experienced Doctor players are surprisngly chilled out most of the time.
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New killer players surprisingly have the right idea how to play the game; tunnel, camp, and hit survivors on hook to sacrifice them faster.
It's like some sort of bell curve. Survivor tho is just a pure meat grinder
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Whatever level you are, SoloQ is perfectly playable and also winnable. It's challenging, and on occasion it can very well be that some trials are Dark Souls level of difficulty when against a really good killer player, but whenever anyone says they feel it's "unplayable", I have to consider whether this is reality or just frustration because of some bad trials - I vastly believe it's the latter.
I'm dubious of the claims here, because the topic comes across as an amalgamation of several types of topics. What I would say is that if you're facing mostly P100 Blights and Nurses and survivor is "unplayable", I'm going to assume you lose many of your trials (which is not a criticism, and there is nothing wrong with losing) so it's unlikely you're top MMR. Not that MMR matters anyway.
Maybe take a break from the game? It's clear you're extremely frustrated by your experiences, so continuing to force yourself through an unenjoyable period doesn't make sense. Play some other games for a bit and come back to it afterwards - this may freshen your perspective.
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More killer buffs on the way each patch.
Survivor will only get worse.
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If it's so bad why do you all still play Survivor?
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All you said man can be applied for survivors too you know? Gen rushers and exit gates and them tea bag in gate all that can be frustrating and killers replicates the same behavior
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Playable yes. Enjoyable quite often no. It's possible it's just a regional thing (a previous thread about the differences between AU and NA discussed thus) but tunneling has at least doubled in incidence over the last few months and that has decreased the quality of matches.
I'd guesstimate my current escape rate at about 40% which isn't too far off from the 46% I had last time I measured it. What is significantly different, however, is the enjoyability of the matches. The matches are quite often as enjoyable as stubbing your toe since tunneling is the majority of games. I'm not super competitive and I don't really care about winning or losing; what I do care about is having my free time be enjoyable and that's what is lacking in many of my survivor matches.
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It always seems to go in cycles. One day can be great with close, tense matches and good teammates that even if you die you can still say "Yeah, that was a good match", the next day every match the first survivor caught kills themselves on hook or you are constantly left to die on your first hook and every other match seems to be against P100 comp wannabe Blights.
The back end of last week, I went through a spell where I thought I would never escape again, think it was one escape from twenty odd matches. Felt like one or two survivors were also playing killer!
But sometime during the weekend things flipped and I've had constant fun matches, and have escaped from 18 out of 21. A large number have been close, and have had challenging end games. Only one of those 21 I would call an awful game. A proxy camping, tunnelling Unknown. I was tunnelled out at 5 gens and the P100 Feng DC'ed almost instantly once she realised what was happening.
No doubt I'll have another bad streak very soon though. All pretty much depends on what sort of teammates you get really in solo queue.
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You can definitely play the game as a survivor.
The problem isn't just the killer. Sure, if he's camping and tunneling, you'll definitely die, but at least two will come out.
That's no fun.
It's mainly up to the survivors themselves.
1. choice of perks (what crap gets played)
2. doing too much crap on the side
3. just screwing and pushing gens while camping and tunnelling
4. tend to hang out late when the killer is also camping and tunnelling.
2 people always get out easily, if not 3.
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Amen. And it got worse with the Unknown with how rough even remotely countering him is. I can't even count how many matches where the killer tunneled, slugged, or otherwise was toxic. I literally block those killers on sight and I keep bloody finding more and more of them still. I am completely sick and tried of it. If I want to deal with tryhards, I could just play a squid game from another game maker and STILL have more fun then the average match as survivor lately which is kinda sad.
3 -
Survivor is probably the easiest it's ever been outside of when you could permanently stun the killer with flashlights. They can't even stop you from repairing a generator after 5 kicks anymore. You're pretty much guaranteed to win as long as you don't suck and don't give up.
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Thanks to everyone who read or replied to my thread. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who experiences these things. I decided to quit DBD and uninstall the game for my own good after thousands of hours of playing and spending hundreds of dollars. It upsets me to give up one of the only two games I play but it is what it is.
It's just not worth getting frustrated for 10 games in a row, trying your luck to find a killer who is not on his five hundredth win streak with Nurse/Blight or a killer who is not queuing to make the game as miserable as possible for survivors.2 -
If you are top MMR, you are likely playing in a SWF group, at that point you should win the vast majority of your games. If you are playing solo queue you probably aren't high MMR (no offense, its hard to organize with randos and win) so you aren't running into top tier killers.
Secondly, playing "sweaty" is not toxic. For every game you play against that "sweaty" killer, that killer also played against a SWF squad running 4 commodius toolboxes, sending them to garden of joy, and using discord to get 87 perks for free. And i'll tell you, it may feel "bad" to go against a sweaty killer when you are not. But nothing feels worse than going against a team like that as killer.
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I play solo queue mostly since I don't have a group to play with. Has never been easier than before to win a survivor. If I'm eliminated, it's either due to hard tunneling or due to being altruistic to try to save someone where I could otherwise escape. In my matches, it's usually at least 3 people out. Granted, I use distortion, so that excessively increases my survivability.
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I rarely play anymore and when I do it's 2/3 of the time soloQ. - And only because I like most of the rift cosmetics. Which also gives me rather straightforward win conditions that most of the time have absolutely nothing to do with constructively working toward the objective. That's alright tho; most of the time I play with other soloQ and everyone seems to be on the same page. See if you can do your challenge/ritual - if not, attach yourself to a gen and go next sooner rather than later.
I'm also not expecting anything more at this point.