perks that require unique hooks should deactivate

once someone is dead so they actually incentivize and require spreading hooks. and nwo shouldn't gain further stacks after first death.
gift of pain was already nerfed with the sloppy changes and it’s impossible to trigger its secondary effect with how survivors constantly bodyblock off hook to delete the penalty or stay injured for the whole game and preventing its secondary effect from ever happening so no point in nerfing it further to make it disable after a first death or even making it token based
and I disagree with NWO change idea
I run this perk on phead and it’s a nightmare to get full stacks when you’re using your base special hook ability
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So there should, in fact, be a way out against No Way Out?
Sorry, I tried not clicking send but I'll be thinking about this comment If I don't.
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tbf nwo definitely doesn't need a nerf, just included it because the perks have the same mechanic in common and it made sense.
i'm talking about pain res, grim and no way out. pphead struggles to utilize hook perks that's a given unfortunately.
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Ok MB but I’m still not a fan of perks disabling for killing a survivor
especially with how some survivors force themselves out of the game whenever they get hooked
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But what about hook suicides?
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And I wanted to mention that as well but didn’t
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those definitely would screw killers over, true. i won't act like a death is worth possibly 2 really strong perks because it might not in some cases.
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Depends on when that death happens, but yeah there would still be a risk.
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I don't think NWO is strong enough to warrant this, but I completely agree for Pain Res and Grim Embrace.
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No way out should deactivate if the hatch is closed
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No it doesnt. Its fine as it is. Do you want to add that nerf to bad perk like Rememeber Me too?
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Agreed. Perks like this should be an incentive to go for different Survivors, yet they are very bad at it since the Killer can still get this incentive when they tunneled someone out.
I had the same opinion when BBQ was around (no more Stacks after a Survivor died), but unlike BBQ, for NWO and Pain Res it would be totally fine to deactivate those Perks after a Hook Suicide. Because even if some Survivor decides to suicide on first Hook, this is usually very beneficial for the Killer. They basically won the game (which is also the reason why they play Perks like Pain Res and NWO), so it is fine if those Perks deactivate.
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no lmao. hatch should be removed instead.
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I don't think the perk a killer had to work for should be turned off so that a survivor gets to escape if the gates happen to be undefendable or if the killer has no mobility. Incredibly unfair.
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Honestly, I completely disagree. They added this effect to Ruin, along with nerfing the regression speed and it basically killed the perk, I'm pretty sure that's why they reverted that change. If Grim Embrace stopped gaining stacks just because someone died and you didn't get 4 individual hooks yet then it's basically an empty perk slot the rest of the game. When I play killer (I typically don't tunnel and camp) then I actually have a decent game where either it's hard fought by both sides, or I get destroyed by survivors doing generators way too quick (even with stuff like Eruption/Pain Res this can happen). When I play survivor I feel like it's rare that I actually have a decent game and I hardly escape, this is because of solo queue and tunneling. The only reason survivors think the game is so hard is because of slugging and tunneling, if these issues actually got addressed and fixed by BHVR the game would probably feel more balanced, if the perks had a downside like that it would probably incentivise more tunneling because no one would see the perks as worth running and they'll use other perks to have a way around it. When it comes to NWO I'm not sure how severe of a nerf that would be, but it does kind of makes it's entire effect almost useless. Maybe something where if the exit gates are powered, or when it comes down to so many generators or a certain number of hook stages you stop gaining or using stacks would be a better change instead but I don't really see any of it working well without basically ruining perks.
Edit: also, sometimes the survivor wants to be tunneled, or they're the only survivor you find and the killer shouldn't be severely punished for survivor mistakes either.
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Pointless nerf, people would just run other things because that just kills perks.
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so grim embrace and pain res goes to the trash bin. whats else left for killers? at this speed, you might also want to nerf perks like stridor lmao.
stupid change and this proves some people never ever play killer properly.