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Singularity Audio Bug

T4chy4wn Member Posts: 2


There's currently a bug with the Singularity where, if a biopod gets disabled by an EMP, the disabled EMP audio cue will play constantly and globally even outside of the biopod until the biopod gets re-enabled or destroyed by the Singularity. Since it is a constant high pitch noise, it gets extremely tiring to hear especially since the Singularity can't do anything about it except wait if the biopod gets disabled across the map. The audio effect also overlaps and gets louder the more biopods there are that are disabled at the same time. I noticed this happen twice in a row so I assume this is occurs in every match as him.

6 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • Lord_Kaine
    Lord_Kaine Member Posts: 39

    Can confirm, very irritating and has occured in every match i've used the Singularity

  • Atomicrow
    Atomicrow Member Posts: 26

    Can also confirm this. While it CAN notify you of cameras being disabled across the map as if you were looking through them, the high pitched sound is extremely irritating and playing even a single match can become headache inducing

  • goodguygenc
    goodguygenc Member Posts: 3

    just had this happen, I had to leave the match because the buzzing was too much for me