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Skullmerchant vs Singularity effect

Marioneo Member Posts: 397

Skullmerchant: 70% killrate do to her extremely easy play style drop 1 drone of 6 at a loop and survivors gets hindred injured and revealed while SM gains haste. Survivors counterplay is disables drones for 15 seconds and they reactivate.

Singularity: 52% killrate with a third to last pick rate do to his need to set up his pods then monitor those pods to then infect a survivor then teleport for a chance to injure. Survivors counterplay is using emps to wipe infection and disabling biopods for 30-40 seconds.

My point of this? A killer with a automatic power that does all the work for them vs a killer with a do everything yourself power should be more rewarded and appreciated (please give love to singularity devs im begging)
