I think the biggest mistake you can make at the moment is, to bring a character to p100

i would like to make one thing clear right at the beginning. I don't begrudge all the players out there their P100 achievements. It's a lot of work and as a reward the characters get a P100 symbol above their character in the lobby. Now that's something
But working in the game isn't everything. Not everyone has that much time. I think it's good that there are no more p100 rewards (e.g. extra outfits) in the game and I think it's good that players aren't forced to grind. DBD is a live Service game and i have a feeling, that the last 8 years will only be the start of something big. There is still so much more to do.
Especially collectors like me have a decisive advantage over p100 characters when it comes to certain event items, for example. It makes a difference whether you level a lv.1 - lv 10 blood net or directly level a p100 blood net just to get such items.
Briefly about myself: I've been playing DBD for a very long time. I have all killers at rep 11+ and all survivors at rep 6+ and each character has all event items in their inventory.
Example: I don't need 500 pies for a character. For me it is important that each character has a certain number of pies. Nicely distributed, but thats only my opinion and for myself. Of course there are players who do things differently, and that's a good thing.
The fact is that we're all going to get so much great content in the future that at some point the time will automatically come when a character automatically becomes p100. At least that's how I see it. Everyone should do what they want. I just want to say with this post that I'm glad it's equal for everyone to bring their characters to p100 or not. Not being forced is a wonderful thing.
Thank you very much BHVR.
How do you see it? Do you have the time or do you do it like me? I would be very interested in your opinion on this Topic.
The only issue with a P100 is lobby dodging. But really, if you think about it, I have over 400 (maybe even 500 Ive not done the math as I suck at math) prestige levels across every character in the game, so when you dodge my P50 Claire, are you really doing it for a reason? So what? I can just play Sable who is only P3... then you won't dodge, but I am the same player using the same perks, Claire or Sable, they are just skins in the end.
But as for why you would want to, once you reach 100 then every single bloodweb is a "level 50" which overall has a lot better items in it than lower levels. Forever. If you are a "main" of a single character, then its in your best interest to do so, which is why I am trying so hard to get The Pig to 100 during this event (or as close as I can.)
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I've always split my BP between all characters, making sure each is P3 at least. So I have a low prestige army.
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Guess it's intimidating to killers that someone can spend that much bp on a character, but in my experience a lot of the biggest potatoes I run across are p100.
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I've have only done P100 on the characters I main. Which is two. One on killer and survivor. They're the characters I am predominantly playing.
The only issue I have come across is on the survivor side. That's mainly with the lobby dodging. Some players are so intimidated by that 100 over your survivor. Even though prestige and skill are not remotely linked at all.
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Prestige 100 says nothing about the player, but you know they probably have a lot of good items and add-ons and some basic experience. (A lot of people are really stupid).
I have a surv at prestige 100 and the killer keeps leaving the lobby.
All the other surv and killers are at level 11 or 12 because I like to have a choice there.
I want the prestige to only show up in the endgame.
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That's not a bad habit. I distribute the blood points in exactly the same way :)
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I think P100 skins would be dope though. It gives you something to grind. And survivors would know if a killer is P100 when they see them in game instead of at the end of the game. I really like the P3-9 bloody skins too but they are just so common there’s no point to using them really. I bought the HoY Huntress skin and haven’t take it off once in over a year so who knows if a P100 skin could ever change that lol.
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Well... I'm about to finish the journey with Freddy, then I want to do it with Claudette and Knight.
I have to spend my points somehow.
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Coming up to 2 years since the prestige change, p100 doesn't mean all that much anymore.
I don't factor it in at all now, I'm much more likely to be weary of similar names, outfits, and loading in simultaneously.
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p100 skins would be great of course, but wouldn't many players feel forced to grind like I do?
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If they do anything for p100, I think the most it should be is a banner/avatar that you get for reaching p100 for the first time on any character.
Anything that's character specific is going to get incredibly grindy.
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You don’t have to lol. And it’s not like they are going anywhere. It’s a live service game so having something to grind for is good I think.
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I think the lobby dodging is just a mood. When I load in and there are three P100's and a P79 in my lobby, sometimes i'm just not in the mood..I just want a chill match.
At the same time, someone kind of hit the nail on the head when saying it didn't really matter.. a lot of P100's play low prestige characters…so you don't really know..you can only really judge by how they play. Though P100 is indictive of someone who put a lot of time into the game.
On the flipside, I have a p100 Jane..most of the time I cannot play her without being tunneled now because of the p100 and ttv in my name. So i've actually taken a character I love and made her unplayable. I'm not an amazing survivor. Above average..I am a killer main who really liked Jane and put a lot of BP's I earned playing killer into making her a P100. So I think people tend to forget that the P100 isn't everything when judging it.
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I have no interest in P100 on anything, I want to get every character to at least P10 as I already have all perks fully unlocked on everything.
It may be a bit different for killers but many P100 friends have regretted going P100 as they either get tunnelled or dodged in the lobby and have to resort to tactics like 6 second switching to their P100. The P100 curse is real and I have no interest in joining that group
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I mean, there are also a lot of players out there who identify with some characters, but yeah, it's a shame when you invest so much time into a character to get him/her to p100, only to realize that you don't play him/her that much later after all
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Yeah, I'm about to P100 my Nurse and now I'm affraid survivors will start to dodge my lobbies.