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General Discussions

Let’s talk about about DS buff



  • Member Posts: 140
    1. Comparing prove to shattered hope is outrageous considering you know it’s one of the worst killer perks ever which has never been popular unlike prove which really shined during the three gen meta considering breaking a three gen was and still is a priority. Even with your talking point that prove is only worth using in endgame at least it’ll come into play once in the match unlike shattered hope which 9 outta 10 times you’ll never even get to use.

    2. im not cherry picking when I’ve never been in the cherry garden. That was the only match from the streak that I’ve watched and I’ve never heard of him beforehand. I deemed it appropriate to bring up as an example considering most people that keeps up with news within the community know about the incident.

    3. Sure of course, I have already admitted this post certainly contains personal bias to say that it doesn’t would be a disservice because I’m not an essay generator and what I write would be influenced by my own personal experience, the concerns I’ve heard expressed by other killers and my fear that seeing the same perks on every survivor would become the norm again. I find it healthy to hear the opposing view on matters to come to a middle ground when the subject is controversial. But I didn’t go and say a perk like prove is objectively bad

    4. killer perks overpowering survivor perks shouldn’t come off as a shock because survivors have 16 perks while the killer have 4. Killers have 2 add ons while survivors have 8.

  • Member Posts: 140

    I responded to this but it didn’t quote it for some reason but you should be able to find the response by scrolling up a bit <3 :) Sorry for the inconvenience

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    But……. decisive strike isn’t a three second stun, now is it? You have to wait till you get out of the animation and drop on your feet…You’re really only stunning the killer for a second and a half for you to get away.

    I wouldn’t call decisive strike a good perk or great for that matter. This buff was definitely needed in my humble opinion.

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited March 2024

    It will be back to "I'm tired of nurse, I'm tired of blight, I'm tired of wesker, I'm tired of chucky"

    People that legit didnt know how to use DS got it buffed. While the people that were already running 3 seconds DS will benefit massively from this.. OTR + DS + DH in all lobbies coming soon..

    PS: no way I'm playing during this next patch the game will be stale after 2 weeks until the next set of changes.. GL with that..

  • Member Posts: 140

    yeah sure thing is I just returned after a 5 month break.. but sure "we all take breaks.."

  • Member Posts: 30

    I think the animation time is implied whenever we talk about DS stun duration

  • Member Posts: 322

    So again teams will abuse the perk to get enormous advantage on most killer players. I would say they at least should make it so the perk is disabled if going into a locker. That would at least prevent swfs to exploit it and it wouldn't really affect a tunnelled survivor.

    The amount of times in my games survivors have abused it pre and post nerf is hilarious. I do feel that tunnellers should be punished, but not in a way that grants teams (not even teams, really, decent solo q players will get value out of it too) more chances to abuse and bully-squad killers who are not tunnelling.

    I sure hope they tweak it again before going live, or I, too, will be taking a break again, most likely.

  • Member Posts: 143

    why do you feel the need to advertise it here? "making a scene"? surely that will change people's mind, including the devs

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    "I understand reading things you don’t agree with isn’t the easiest"

    You pre-empted this entire thread with a 'if you disagree with me, you are low skill', so I don't think you can accuse anyone else of having difficulties with reading things you don't agree with.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I agreed with Scott Jund on this one, if anyone else saw his vid…

  • Member Posts: 657

    The only people who dont agree are blind even hens 'EvErYoNeS GoInG To PlAy BlIgHt AnD NuRsE" good let them try even easier games.

  • Member Posts: 120

    when you have many killers tunneling why wouldn’t people run anti tunnel perks 😐

  • Member Posts: 337

    There will always be that one group that complains about why survivors can still walk around upright at the start of the round and not crawl around on the ground like the worms they are.

    Decisive Strike has the only one-time use to counter a specific play style. If you, as a killer, are only able to play this style of play, it will be countered somewhat. If all survivors use one or more perks to counter this particular play style, then you should avoid forcing this play style anyway. This means that way you automatically deactivate a large part of their perks and are very likely to win the match.

    Unfortunately, Dead by Daylight currently still requires skill to be a major factor in winning a game. As long as this is the case, your first priority should be working on yourself.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Totally agree, I was a Nurse main myself btw

    The solution is simple - do not tunnel. It isn't that hard to do and if I can win almost every killer game (NOT on Nurse either) without tunnelling at all then anyone can. I am starting to have to run a full anti tunnel build when I play NA servers, so I can punish the tunnel with OTR, take down and punish that with DS to reset deep wound then punish that with DH.

    It all could be avoided by the killer if they simply chose to NOT tunnel me.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    You completely missed the point of the post, Pulsar. As did the 21 people who liked your reply.

    "You know how killer’s “meta” builds are basically 4 gen slow downs? Well this is the survivor equivalent of that, but you don’t see survivors running this or is even considered meta, why?"

    • He's didn't say prove is good, he's asking why the killer's meta is 4 gen slow down, but the survivor's meta isn't 4 gen speed perks. Well, that's because survivors have  “DS, OTR, DH, Adrenaline” (as he mentioned straight after). And then he continues with:

    "Now imagine killers have the opposite equivalent of “DS, OTR, DH, Adrenaline” basically 4 perks to ensure you can tunnel out a survivor. Oh ya and now imagine the killer have that times 4, that’s survivor meta for you."

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    They literally argued that Prove was good.

    Survivors aren't running gen speed perks because they need to stop themselves from being deleted out of the game within the first three minutes; and as for the final point, that's literally what we have now.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Tunneling isn't good for the game, it can't be solved via perks.

    I think tunneling isn't good for the game when it's so common. But as a possibility, I think it is good. There should be many different strategies that can work, if done correctly in the right situations. Meaning, if a survivor makes themself vulnerable to tunneling by working on a gen right next to the killer, then it is good that it can be done. But it shouldn't work as the default play style for all killers.

    I very much agree though, that a perk will not fix the issue. Especially not a licensed perk. Not everyone has access to it and even when they do, DS is not enough to stop tunneling as long as it's still the most effective play style, which is often the case. There is no greater pressure and slowdown than killing 1 of the 4 survivors early and changing that takes a lot of work.

    If DS was a 10 seconds stun (think about it for a bit), I'd probably tunnel every game. Because a higher stun duration also means more reason to use it aggressively. And if I have to deal with DS anyway, then I might as well do it on my terms. So buffing DS further is not a solution either.

    There will need to be further base kit adjustments. Incentives for the killer to spread hooks (perks are not enough, though they are a good start) and more base kit protection against tunneling. But please, no more base kit perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    DS with a 3 second stun is still a strong perk but only for top level survivors. They know where to get downed in order to get use out of the short stun even against really good killers.

    For the majority of players though, they just go down wherever they happen to go down, and usually that's in a place where the killer is going to down you right afterwards again. Even worse when it comes to bad loopers, like myself, no matter where they go down, they're likely just gonna get insta-downed afterwards.

    A 5 second stun is much easier to get value out of no matter the player's skill level and no matter where they end up using it.

    Now I will say I don't think the solution to tunnelling should be perks, especially a single perk, and especially a single perk that's locked behind paid DLC. However, if BHVR wants DS to be the big thing everyone should use to actually combat tunnelling, it needs to be usable by all skill levels.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    3 seconds was enough but 5 is too much. Is that really the argument? Or is it that the 3 second stun was just a minor inconvenience while a 5 second stun gives a good opportunity for that survivor to get away?

    I think anyone complaining about this change felt the current DS is laughable and want to keep it as such.

  • Member Posts: 405

    A good method for validating how healthy/unhealthy the revised perk will be will be done in the beta realm. Most likely a lot of people will test it out to its limits. The notable streamers will make content pieces around it most likely. Then further, if needed adjustments could be made. This is just one positive step being made to the game.

  • Member Posts: 335

    DS is still good if used right, against S tiers it’s really not that great. The perk needed a buff regardless.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2024

    I agree with most of this. I would point out however that DS isn’t likely to be a true 5-second stun (similarly to how it isn’t a true 3-second stun now). The new animation duration, if it’s anything like it is now, is going to cleave that 5-seconds in half making the stun around 2.4 seconds long. Gives survivors a bit more to work with but it’s not exactly saving lives.

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