Crouch tech and Pluto tech next?



  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,162
  • BlightAbuser
    BlightAbuser Member Posts: 107
  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,084

    Im confused why this is called a tech when it's literally just body blocking a Blight during a rush.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,784
    edited March 29

    I would say the half of pluto tech where you stand in front of a tree to block it from being bumped is intended. But the other half where you force the blight into a vortex situation… not so much. And by vortex (old blight term for being trapped in first rush) I mean something like the infamous ormond snow traps when it first got reworked. I haven't seen one of those on the recent changed version.

    Hopefully the collision changes coming up fixed that.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,162

    Strong Pluto, the best 250ms Nurse main

    (give him pets from me)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,793

    This particular bug is uncounterable at short loops specifically, as the Blight has time to adjust their swing to hit regardless of Survivor input (in equal Survivor/Killer skilled scenarios, in unequal scenarios the more skilled player usually wins but that should normally be the case). I think many bugs are fun, but I don't think bugs that come at the expense of the opposition are. The locker bug is the perfect example of another unfun 1-sided bug. The Survivor can't progress the game, but they also can't die, thus they have the similar trade-off of win or lose that Bug-tech does. The Locker bug is Unfun for the victim (Killer), just as Bug-tech is unfun for the victim (Survivor).

    Also I'm not sure why the usability of a power should be 100% for any Killer. There should always be power deadzones where you can't make meaningful use of your power, and different Killers should be powerful in those gaps. That keeps the variety of Killers enjoyable. If a Killer can use their power everywhere no matter what, cough Nurse cough, it isn't enjoyable for most players. The small circle loops on Ormond are worthless against Huntress, as she can hatchet over them, at the same time, it is super safe against Demo. That variety is fun.

    My tolerance for bugs is in direct proportion to the strength of who can use it. Can Nurse/Blight use it? Strictly bad. Can Demo/Doctor/Bubba use it? Maybe we can let it slide, but only as a temporary stop-gap until they get a meaningful buff, then remove the bug. Survivor bugs have the problem of the strength is only in relation to their opposition. Can the Survivor use some bug, say the drop-vault no-stagger bug, against Nurse/Blight, maybe we can leave it in until they get nerfed to reasonable levels, but since it can also be used against Doctor/Bubba, it probably would be better gone.

    Bugs are less bad in symmetrical games where both sides can utilize them (eg. Glitching to a sniper spot in an FPS), but I still find the gameplay predominantly unengaging (eg. Wavedashing in Melee). Do some bugs take skill, yes. Do they fail to account for the core design of the gameplay, also yes (but competitive Melee also takes out more than 2/3rds of the game [too few viable characters, maps banned, items banned] so it isn't even Melee anymore IMO). Since the bug fails to account for the core design, that is what makes it particularly bad. If Bug-tech was an add-on, it would be fine. If it was basekit and took all remaining rushes or added an extra 5s buffer to recover rushes, or added an extra 2s on fatigue timer, it would be fine. All of those would show that it was accounted for in the design. Bug-tech, as is, does not show that it was accounted for in the design, and should be removed.