First game on.

I don't understand why people do this, such a waste of time for everyone involved.
To be fair I'd rather that then we all die at 5 gens and get no BP.
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One hook total with one generator left
That killer was presumably getting their teeth kicked in and decided to no longer play
It's irksome if you're the survivors sometimes but if the killer decides they're done playing, there's not a lot you can do about it
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One hook at one gen is crazy. Ive done it when I was new, but they don't have to play that match if they don't want too tbh and they don't want a DC penalty.
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Waste of an 800% bloodpoint bonus, shame. Some killers seem to give up when 1 gen is left with 1 hook, I say never give up because the game can potentially shift in their favor.
I'd just do totems to get as many bloodpoints as possible while she AFKs.
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that’s unfortunate
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At least the killer didn't dced so you can farm more BP, I guess? My guess is that this player had a daily or archive with Skull Merchant and played her the first time and had no clue how to play her and since many player play like a normal M1 killer, the killer was annoyed by all the pallets and decided to go afk so you have no reason to stay in the game more than needed.
Why the killer did this is hard to guess - could be everything.
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Are you in an alternative reality? The Skull Merchant is the one giving up. Huh.
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A Skull Merchant gave up? Usually its the other way around.
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Wait you're complaining about free BP... I understand its not the best, so complaining about everyone bringing BP offerings during a BP event is just ridiculous
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They're complaining about the killer getting just one hook and nobody getting to properly reap the reward 700-800% BP affords them. I'd be upset too if this opportunity of leveling up was passed up.
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Only 1 hook with 1 gen left? What you expect she's losing the match hard and likely barely getting any BPs and the survivors shown they don't care about BPs either other than just gens. So both sides get starved from any potential BPs getting earned. These are the kind of matches you have to intentionally slow down or throw a little bit for the killer for maximum BP gains.
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Look, it’s no secret that I’m a “Killer main”. I play a lot of Survivor too, sometimes more than Killer. But my heart is with the Killer role and I truly believe the Killer should be dangerous enough to make this game as thrilling as possible.
However… I do not agree with this feeling of shame when the Survivors outplay you. Some Survivors WILL be better than you, and that’s completely okay! It’s okay for a Survivor to be the teacher role and for the Killer to be the student role learning things from the Survivor. Some of my best most fun games have been because of Survivors who can loop me the whole game.
Sure, I love my meme games. But I also love it when the Survivors show me my weaknesses and give me practice to improve my gameplay. It’s not personal in a bad way, it’s personal in a good way. I love learning and it’s fun to learn new tactics when you’re up against Survivors that are better than you. Good Survivors realize this and often times are game to help you hone your skills.
Idk, I get that it can be frustrating sometimes when you feel like you can't do anything. I talk about Survivor entitlement here and there but Killer entitlement is also 100% real. Honestly it’s not Survivor or Killer, but more just player entitlement. Survivors are just trying to have fun like everyone else. It’s okay not get any kills in some games. It really is! There’s still a lot of fun that happens.0 -
Weird, survivor players always avocate if you arent having fun you can just quit, this is just someone who was not having fun and went afk. Imo a weak minded and cringe thing to do but a lot people even on the forums say its ok, at least when survivors do it but I think they do not share the same opinion now.
If you ask me jus take the L, accept you need to get better at the game and queue another match.
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I'm a killersided survivor main 😁
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Then maybe I’m a Survivor sided Killer main? Like I’ve mentioned before I am susceptible to Survivor charm as a “status ailment” lol
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The side I'm playing mostly is survivor just like you, but my heart goes to the killer side. 😄
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Just gg go next it happens. If they only have 1 hook they probably should not be in that lobby to start with so I don't really blame them the only thing I would say is they should leave and tank the ban if they really want to get out instead of wasting other players time but thats it.
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Same thing as survivors giving up first hook and making the game end 2-3 minutes later
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Fair point, I suppose I saw the tone of the post and made an assumption based off the screenshot. We don't really know what happened to get the match to that point.
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It sucks, that this happened but at that point the game was about to be over anyway it seems.
So if the killer went afk at 1 gen remaining, that's pretty similar to a survivor that kills themself when the gens are done. At that point, they won't change the results of the match anymore so it's only their attitude that is a problem but less the implications.
They still deserve a penalty.
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Penalty for what?
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They went afk, which is against the rules. It's even listed as a reason for a report. If that's not enough to warrant a penalty, then I don't know what is.
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What else they were to do? Survivors were finishing the game anyways, why watch them taunt them at the exit gate? They didn't disconnect, they just decided not to get subjected to the unnecessary abuse.
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They didn't disconnect or leave the game. What else was left for them to do if survivors were getting to the endgame anyway? Watch them taunt them at the exit gate? If the Killer got blinded, stunned, and trolled into oblivion I don't blame them
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What else was left for them to do if survivors were getting to the endgame anyway?
Play until the game ends. It really is that simple.
They don't need to watch the survivors teabag. There are other things to do. Like trying to catch someone before they make it out, defending the last gen, just chasing and hooking survivors to the best of their ability or even walk across the map and kick pallets / gens / breakable walls.
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But the game IS over in that case. And I've seen enough games to know that survivors don't stop at just crouching at the gates — they would spam noise notifications ceaselessly to get the killer's attention or run loops around them to mock them into chasing them till exit. If they completed all but one gen, it's not likely the killer would be able to defend the last gen. So they just wanted this bad game to be over. All survivors have to do is finish the gens and go next
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The game isn't over until all 4 survivors are either dead or have escaped. This was not the case here.
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It's pretty much over if there is one gen left and only one survivor has been hooked so far.
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Pretty much over = / = over.
For example: If you try to kobe 100 times, then you are pretty much guaranteed to successfully kobe at least once. But (assuming the 4% chance is completely accurate) you still have a roughly 1.7% chance to fail each time. So it's not actually guaranteed.
The expression "pretty much" is used as a relative, so it has no quantitive value. One could say that a game in which the killer gets 3 hooks at 5 gens is "pretty much" over. 1 second later, it could be 3 hooks at 1 gen remaining though.
You could also say that a match against a Starstruck Nurse on Midwich (back when that still worked) was "pretty much" unwinnable. But there were cases in which the Nurse still lost.
Even if they hadn't completely turned the game around, they could have gotten another hook or more.
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Oh wow I didn't expect a random vent post to actually get replies.
You guys can sigh in relief knowing that she did come out from the corner and we all gave her our items and everyone said gg wp in EGC and moved on.
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The problem isn't survivors being better than you. The game is designed in such a way that if the survivor doesn't make mistakes the killer can never catch them. The killer can try to force the survivor to make a mistake, but if survivors don't they will never be caught.
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I did after I took the screenshot of offerings but I didn't think people would assume she was mistreated just cause I was annoyed she went afk.
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Killers don't have the equivalent to letting go on hook. I think if they're done and in the corner then just finish up and leave. They don't want to play with you guys anymore. We all know what matchmaking is like in this game.
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since survs are very loud on the right to not play a match they deem to not be fun killers should 100% get a legal way to leave the game early just like survs have
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Maybe because you only showed part of the screenshot, hiding your builds, items and chat.
So, if I have to bet, from my own experience, I would say that you are a full SWF that was doing all gens while the killer only got to make one hook. Not saying it is the case, but I don't know when you are not giving the full context of the situation.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
People 100% focus on how bp offerings and events can turn great games into fantastic ones bp wise, while they can also actually turn bad games into good ones. With the sheer amount of stacking +100%s in play right now it's at the point where even a truly terrible game outside of extreme edge cases like grabbed off a gen and then left to die on first hook.. will be as much as a solid game normally at LEAST, lmao.
This just seems like someone giving up not because of BP reasons though. I don't do it myself as I have advanced "never give up!" syndrome but it's whatever, their decision. Just go next as fast as possible to get back to earning more points.
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Oh wow I didn’t know that. I suspected that the game was survivor sided but I just figured it was just my own anecdotal experience.
Wow… so then why are there calls to nerf killers and buff survivors then if survivors are the more powerful role?
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my guess they gave up I would too if I only got 1 hook there was only 1 gen left.
I mean what the OP want?
funny how op don't show what other survivors bring to the match just the offerings and he got good flashlight and perk which the other could have too.
killer could of been bully to much couldn't take it.
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your buddy refuses to play killer for some reason. (look at screenshot) wonder why?
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M1 killer in The Game, a map filled with pallets and most of them being safe or god pallets, only one gen left and one hook.
At least she didn't dc and let you farm more blood points by breaking totems, finishing the last gen and escaping.
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"Some Survivors WILL be better than you, and that's completely okay!"
The problem is that in The Game (the map, not the game itself haha) if you are playing an M1 killer even if you are better than them they still can win you unless they're utterly bad. A lot of pallets and most of them being safe or god pallets, you can drop pallets mindlessly, waste a lot of time and there will be still plenty of (safe or god) pallets remaining. It is one of the most frustrating maps for killers and lame for survivors. Not in vain is one of the most popular survivor map offerings.
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Closing the thread here; as comments were getting out of hand, but also because the OP updated the thread:
Please remember to keep posts & discussions civil, respectful, and constructive here on the Forum; toward those here, and other players in general.
And a reminder that going AFK for a small window of time in a match is not reportable. Life happens, and sometimes things need to be responded to whether you are in the middle of an online video game, watching TV, etc. Even last night I experienced a Killer that went afk at the end of a match, was worried they were upset (though they were really good and had us on the ropes), and when we all got to the post-game chat, they clarified they were called into the kitchen to help with something, but appreciated the concern we had for them.