Exactly why did the entity or whoever put Generators down?

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035




  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Easy, because The Entity wanted them to feel as if there would be some way to escape. Generators are a power source to something, so the survivors are thinking that the generators could power their way out or something.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    @Detective_Jonathan So it gives them hope?

    That actually makes sense thanks

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Think of it this way, The survivors are nothing but food for The Entity, and since it was recently confirmed that she feeds on all emotions, emotions are like a type of seasoning for her, but she tends to like hope the best, since it is easy to take away someones hope. So when you plant something positive in a realm filled with negative energy, some begin to think positive and they begin to get to work towards that something.

  • Snikers
    Snikers Member Posts: 64

    I think the devs have said or implied that the trials haven't always looked or behaved the way they do now. The earliest trials (from the Entity's perspective) were probably just a killer and some survivors dropped in a forest to run around and die, but probably didn't provide as rich an emotional feast for the Entity. The generators and doors were probably pulled from a victim's memories and incorporated into a trial, and provided a more complex mix of emotions as a result, so the Entity incorporated it into future trials.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    Actually if I remember correctly the devs said a long time ago in their dev live stream that the owner of "Alex's Toolbox" made the hatch so maybe he made the exit gate panels and the generators to power it.