Decisive Strike Buff Is Better Than People Give It Credit For

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
edited March 31 in General Discussions

Ive seen a lot of people say "Decisive Strike is not going to do much after the buff to 5 seconds" and how everything is doom and gloom.


Decisive Strike was never meant to make tunneling outright impossible, in fact literally all anti-tunnel perks are like that… in fact, all perks that are meant to counter a playstyle or strategy are quite literally meant to have limited usage to not outright prevent players from playing in a given way.


Unbreakable, for example, is meant to counter slugging, but it does not outright remove it as an option since it has a limit to how much it can be used. Killers can still slug, but Unbreakable, if used right, can undo all of the pressure the Killer has built and bring them back to square zero.

But Unbreakable has counters, since not slugging, or hooking the Survivor with Unbreakable makes it useless. It has counterplay, and it acts as counterplay.

For Decisive Strike, it's core design is not to outright prevent tunneling, it's job is to make tunneling harder, to punish the Killer with a long stun and letting the Survivor have an effective restart to a chase; it's a sudo fourth hook state if used correctly.

But Decisive Strike has counters as well, you can slug the Survivor with Decisive Strike to wait it out, or just outright avoid tunneling to give the perk zero value.

According to DBD's core design, at least earlier perk design if you want to be more nuanced, Decisive Strike is designed well. It's not an "end all, be all" perk, nor was is ever meant to be one.


This was my main gripe with old Decisive Strike, and it will still persist now…

Meta perks for either side should not be locked behind a paywall, since it leads players to feel more inclined to spend money on the game to gain a clear advantage over those who dont (P2W).

For Survivors specifically, this is a major issue since all Survivors fundamentally work the same and their perks define them more than anything; so perks hold more importance, thus P2W becomes more of an issue when it comes to what perks licensed characters come with.
