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Why Otz says buffing DS is bad

Member Posts: 808
edited April 2024 in General Discussions

in the video provided Otz talks about why buffing the duration of Ds won't solve tunneling especially against meta killers and instead says it should be made a common perk not locked behind a paywall for new players and begiven an additional effect that disables a killers power for 10-20 seconds so it can affect Nurses and blights.


Post edited by Marioneo on

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  • Member Posts: 3,322

    He says a lot in that video, including that DS is more effective at oppressing killers in higher MMR (like him) than killers who are in low and average tiers. He said it won’t be as impactful where it really needs to be—low and average MMR—because it’s locked behind a paywall. So the people who are more susceptible to being tunneled, in his mind, are unlikely to have access to this anti-tunnel tool.

  • Member Posts: 808

    Obviously these times aren't final just a number thrown out there realistically devs would probably just make it 10-20 seconds to be more fair but currently Ds does absolutely nothing against these top killers even if made 5 seconds

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    He didn't say anything about 30-40 seconds, lol, it's some intentional lies from OP. No experienced player would make such suggestion in their right mind, even against a Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 263

    30-40 seconds power disable is absurd. Even 10-20 would be too much. Maybe around 5 second power (when the survivor hits the ground and can run) disable with them being stunned like others aswell. Ideally you wouldnt buff ds to 5 seconds, keep as is now or make it to 4 seconds and add this condition.

  • Member Posts: 808

    5 secs absolutely not a nurse or blight can easily catch up in time with one charge of their power 10-15 secs is a fair punishment for hard tunneling someone or maybe Ds can just give endurance instead of turning killers power off

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited April 2024

    Maybe a 10 sec compromise so Mobility Killers won't be immediately back on you. How does that sound?

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Ah seems the OP has corrected it to 10-20 seconds, but even then that's still way too much for any perk to do.

  • Member Posts: 263

    You can get crazy distance in 5 seconds and get to safe loops. They wouldnt be able to use their power at alI for 5 seconds while you run away. Could see something closer to 10 but anything above that is absurd(10 itself is probaly too high i think).

    Ds shouldnt give endurance after the stun being able to stun a kill and get a ~5 second stun is already crazy powerful and endurance would just hurt weaker killers even more.

    Ds should be a deterrent to tunneling not some all powerful shield that makes you invincible to it.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    I mean, I agree that 30-40 seconds is extreme. But it should be meaningful. Which DS is not, neither at 3 seconds nor at 5 seconds. Because in the end, the Killer can ALWAYS choose to not tunnel. If someone gets hit by DS it is the consequence of their own actions.

    But in general, I like the idea of disabling the Power, because it weakens the strong Killers more than the weak Killers. A Clown who cannot throw Bottles or a Trapper who cannot place a Trap for a few seconds are weaker, but the overall loss of power is way less than a Wesker who cannot dash for a few seconds or a Nurse who cannot blink.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't think the argument that "If we have a good perk for anti-tunnel then we can't add good basegame anti-tunnel" stands. One CA drops all anti-tunnel effects, and a CA is the only way to progress the game, so its fine. Any time a Killer wants to chase a Survivor, they can chase (in normal situations) 75% of the lobby with impunity, or can fake out the last and try to bait out a CA before tunneling. It doesn't matter if they give DS unlimited uses, or give a better DS that gives Survivors a Shotgun to stun the Killer for 15s, because a single CA deletes all of that. By not tunneling, I can deny the Survivors DS+OTR, so I get to play against 8 perks instead of 16.

    That also means you can still 'toggle-tunnel' (or hook Surv A/B/A/B/A/B/C/D) without any issue. Now to be fair, I only consider it 'full-on' tunneling when a Survivor hasn't done a CA post-hook before getting hooked again. If a far superior Killer is winning to the extreme that they have 2 or 3 Survivors with anti-tunnel effects active, I think they are winning enough to chase the rescuer of any given Survivor instead.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    stretches his words a bit with how long it should be disabled he said for killers like blight / nurse it should drain or pause token regen while stunned, so at most it would be ~5-10s

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited April 2024

    lmao 5-10 seconds won't change the decision for a killer to stop tunnelling. The perk has to physically hinder the killer and make them fear it to stop them doing it. Even if OP did throw around the seconds, 30-40s does sound about right in my opinion, especially when a gen takes 120 seconds now, and there are 5 to do. In an ideal lobby this perk would happen somewhere midgame but a lot of games end up with the killer wiping the entire team way before then, so this perk would also create another playstyle in the game during it and would help to promote slugging and not just tunnelling and camping mainly.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    It won't solve tunneling but why does that make the change bad? Should a perk solve a gameplay issue? Wouldn't that be worse?

  • Member Posts: 531

    This is a great summary of what Otz thoughts on DS being Buffed. I completely agree with otz on this one as well. Also to those who are saying "well this is better than nothing" Shouldn't you want more from the devs? Settling for the bare minimum isn't helping you or the game. Be vocal about how you want more from DBD and want the devs to actually make the anti tunneling experience better for everyone instead of going with the most simple opinion that only going to affect some of the people. As Otz said in that video "I'm sure many other people have told them that they could make some changes to make the anti-tunneling experience better for everyone not just for some players and instead they chose to do the simpler, lazier, more shortsighted option." That exactly what this DS change is, it's the simpler, lazier, and shortsighted option that the devs could had chosen and think none of us should settle for that.

    Devs of DBD please do better…

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    That is very true.

    It's Nurse. She has the chase power to end chases in literally seconds.

    If she decides to tunnel, she and she specifically should be punished accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    2 extra seconds of stun doesn't mean that going after that person isn't still the most efficient play for the game. Being hit with DS means you've already committed to the tunnel and been punished for it, but it also means from now, there's no punishment to tunneling them. Dropping the chase then would just be inefficient.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Saying it's behind a paywall while accurate is also kinda goofy. It's $5, pay $5 level up Laurie and then level up David and while you level up those two you're grinding shards and then drop the 4.5k shards on Zarina congrats you now have access to the DH/DS/OtR combo and you only has to pay $5 for one of the characters and the other two are free. You can fill that 4th slot with one of the many strong free perks in the game (Adren, Balanced Landing, Bond, Prove, Unbreakable, Kindred, etc). I really feel like Otz makes the new player experience out to be so much worse than it actually is.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I don't believe the buff to DS is the wrong buff for the perk, but I agree that the current selection of general perks doesn't offer a decent anti-tunnel perk (currently Lightweight is the closest, and even that is a stretch to call it anti-tunnel!).

    They could make a separate perk for general perks - or at the very least for an original survivor, so it can be bought with Shards and not money - which can disable a killer's power for a brief window once off the hook. That would be better for the newer players to feel they have more of a chance.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I feel this comes from a place of privilege. For some $5 is a lot esp when they just paid the money to buy the game in the first place. It's not like DBD is an f2p game. The thing is it feels like you have to have DS not to be tunnel and it is not right to make ppl feel they have to buy a dlc just so they can enjoy playing the game. You should want to buy a DLC because you like the character or content it has, not buy it out of fear of being tunneled. It's kind of like pay to win in some ways but instead of pay to win, it's pay to stay alive a little longer.

    The problem also comes from the fact the killer can figure out if a player is new and bank on the fact they most likely haven't spent the money for DS and just tunnel them out. Its not hard to figure out if a player is new to dbd or not. Killer can look at play hours on stream(if the person is playing on stream) or just watch the path through the map or how they act. If someone seem kinda lost chances are they are new and the odds of them having DS is pretty low.

  • Member Posts: 521

    I'm gonna be honest, if someone is in a place where $5 is a lot they probably shouldn't be playing DBD in the first place because they have much more important things to be figuring out.

    Also I disagree you have to have DS to not be tunneled, just DH and OtR is more than enough to not be speed run out of the game, DS just makes it even more effective cuz you get to waste the killers time even more and let's you use OtR and DH in the same chase.

  • Member Posts: 531

    What are you saying? That if you are in a bad spot money-wise you shouldn't play video games? Ppl play games to relax and have fun. Maybe they just only had enough money to buy the base game and not any of the dlc. Why do these ppl have to deal with tunneling while ppl who can afford perks don't? A perk like DS should be offered to everyone not to just the ppl who can afford a DLC. Once again why make ppl feel they are forced to buy a DLC they may even want just so they don't have to deal with tunneling? As Otz said there are plenty of free perks that are completely trash that could be made into the new DS. I would love to see This Not Happening be made into a useful aint tunnel perk since it's completely useless as it is now.

    Well based on comments, most of the community would have to disagree with you about OtR and DH is more than enough. If those two perks were good enough to battle tunneling we wouldn't have so many ppl begging for DS to be put back to 5 seconds. We wouldn't be having this discussion now either. The fact is that DS has always been the best anit tunneling perk and I think it sucks that ppl have to feel forced to buy a DLC they may not even want in the first place to get it. Sure there is the shine but let's be honest the shine sucks! It takes 6 months to a year for a actually decent perk to even show up on that thing. For example, I wanted Overcome but I didn't want to buy Jonah since I don't like how he looks and would never play him. I wanted over a year for it to show up in the shine. Luckily I didn't need Overcome since there were plenty of better exhaustion perks. Imagine tho that overcome was the only good exhaustion perk and felt like you needed it to even play the game? It would suck if I had to wait a whole year to even get it or pay money to just get a character I would never play.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It’s clear that you all have decided to alter DS to help ameliorate tunneling. I think it’s a good move. I’m curious, though, if you all have other things you’re working on to help with it. Obviously you don’t want to completely eliminate it as a playstyle, but you all seem keen to at least restrict its potency.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    DS doesn’t actually function well as an anti-tunnel. Unless a very large percentage of the players are using DS, then mathematically, the killer is better off immediately picking up survivors, and risking the DS.

    This is true because if a killer hesitates to pick up a survivor because they might have DS, but it turns out that survivor didn’t have DS, then the killer has just wasted time.

    Therefore, killers should look at “should I immediately pick up a survivor” as a probability over a large number of games. And if the majority of the pickups don’t result in a DS, then the killer is better off just picking survivors up whenever they want.

    The only way DS could actually function as anti-tunnel, is if the killer knew when a survivor had an active DS. This would signal to the killer there is a 100% chance they could eat a DS, and therefore should hesitate to pick up that survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,009
    edited April 2024

    It won't solve tunnelling entirely but i do think previously when DS had a 5 second stun that it basically made the playstyle unviable for a lot of killers when you tried to tunnel a survivor that had it. That made it extremely popular, and i feel like it will be the same thing again.

    I feel like this change is just moving backwards on addressing tunnelling. Before 6.1.0 DS was what a lot people called the band aid fix for tunnelling, and in the same patch basekit BT with haste was added to try and combat it as well as buffing OTR but now the DS stun duration is back to how it was and i feel like it will just be the bandaid fix for tunnelling again. I know it's not the intention, but i do feel like it will be an effect.

    I just don't see how a perk that combats the most effective playstyle won't be meta. And it can't be good for new players that such a perk is behind a paywall.

    I would really appreciate it if you could address my concerns.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I think it’d be a very interesting idea to make BBQ with the double bloodpoint incentive basekit, as IIRC, they removed the incentive because they didn’t want people to feel like they had to run it and to increase build variety. Not only would this just be great QoL for killers, but also help incentivize them to leave the hook and start a chase with someone else.

    Disincentivizing tunneling would also work lore wise as the entity feeds off hope, and getting hard tunneled is about the least hopeful thing as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It is not a bad idea, my friend, but I would prefer BBQ to get reverted, instead of making the effect basekit.

    After all, BBQ = one less gen regression perk.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Fair enough, I just hope a content creator or someone with a more widespread platform in the community picks up on this so that more people can read and understand this because it makes a lot of sense knowing the developer standpoint on this of why it isn't a simple change.

  • Member Posts: 55

    In general, trying to fix tunneling with a perk is a bad idea. You can't guarantee everyone has it and you'll end up making a perk feel mandatory in nearly every build. And they end up nerfing heavily used perks.

    It's going to require core gameplay changes to fix tunneling. Hopefully, they'll do it by incentivizing against tunneling and not just punishments for doing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

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