What is this?

no this is a serious competitive new game mode that’s here to stay!
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Guess I should have bought AOT Oni skin for this
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can the killer equip skins? Survivors can only do default outfits.
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My first match is just a normal sized Oni on The Game… fun mode
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pretty sure he can’t!
Also any licensed survivor is not available so even if Oni skins were available, it wouldn’t include AoT
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Can't they? Damn
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It's bugged got first normal Oni and then I played it and I was huge Oni so it's real. My only complain is that kills are not counted as sacrifise. It would be much better if they were sacrifised to entity instead. When they're kills I just feel I don't achieve anything in long term (need my sacrifise total to increase). You don't earn enough bp as well.
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How does one get the badge?
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I tried it and first game the Oni just let us pallet stun him and we all escaped. Second game killer was taking it very seriously and I was expecting to get hooked… turns out he just squashes you like a bug and the match is over for you immediately lol
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I got it after the first match was done/back in the lobby
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This even would have more sense with the Armored Titan skin, but can't be used.
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Sacrifises to increase what?
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i would guess for challenges for example. I had a challenge active for sacrifices for example. Glyphs and other stuff are still possible! (Almost got the avoid 3 basic hits just now…)
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If anyone was struggling with "Earn 3 Unbroken emblems of Iridescent quality" from tome 16, this is the mode to get it. I just got 2 in the last half hour.
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how much time do we have to play that? i can´t open the game right now
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Godzilla chapter in the future? Please?
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2 days, I think. No update is required.
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oh thanks😥
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I just had a killer slug us to get the 4k…. on a fun meme game mode.
I don't understand some people.
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When you close the hatch the gates open automatically which is dumb. Understandable why people would slug.
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i mean, Because of the Oni’s sheer size in this there’s a solid chance he doesn’t need to move to keep watch on both gates.
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Really though?
Is this really that necessary in a meme game mode? I guess I just have the wrong attitude or something but to me it seems really mean at petty to do this in what is clearly not a serious game mode in the first place.
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Well when i got 3 kills and closed the hatch the last survivor hid until the last second in egc and then teabagged as they left. So yeah it does seem necessary… and if you think it's not a serious game mode then why do you care about losing anyway?
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yeah but you don’t actually win anything. The BP in this mode is minimal and you can’t pip. Only depip. So what’s the point in being sweaty for a silly mode? 🤣🤣
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Well yes, if the survivors had to open the gates then the oni could most likely just easily spot them doing it and get them but the way it's designed right now, closing the hatch as a killer/killing the 3rd survivor is severely decreasing the chances of getting the 4th one. So you are incentivised to slug the 3rd one. That's bad design. In my opinion the hatch should have been removed.
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Meg had a hairstyle resembling insect antennae, and it was adorable. It was so ridiculously cute that I couldn't help but laugh. I love her so much that I feel like teasing her.
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Yeah one down then your killed. Only three Gens to do but that still seems kind of too quick of a match. Also I played three matches of this and gotten under 10,000 blood points each match. Maybe this mode is fun for killer like trying to find little survivors but the giant oni walking around the map makes it not scary. It's interesting. But it's just not as engaging as lights out was. Did someone vote for this in that survey? Or is it just a one day only thing because it's April fool's Day?
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Yeah, there isn't really an incentive to win. But players will humiliate you for losing, so there's a reason to avoid losing. At least for me anyway it's different for everyone i suppose
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it’s really not understandable at all. You don’t need a 4 K in this event. Its really just a silly funny game mode not to be taken seriously.
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That’s silly. How can anyone humiliate you for losing in this ridiculous game mode? Peoples egos really are fragile af in this community 🤣🤣
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Teabagging at exit gates. It's a sign of disrespect. Most people don't want to be disrespected.
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You don't need a 4k ever. But people do it for their own reasons. I don't like to be disrespected by other players for losing, so that's why i try my best to avoid it.
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Xbox count entity sacrifises, escapes, playtime and bp earnings stats so those stats I like to see increased as long time goal. I know not many cares but I love stats so there is that. It's same thing as some grind to get P100 characters to me. I aim for 10K sacrifise total and 1 billion bp earned.
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Seems like all of the female survivors have very large hair, it's pretty funny.
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by disrespecting others (slugging to waste their time, arguably more disrespectful than repeadetyly hitting the crouch button at exit gate which you have complete control over to end)
But yeah. You do you.
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I don't see it as disrespecting, only doing what the game tasks you to do. The intent is important. It wouldn't be slugging to waste others time for me, it would be slugging to prevent the hatch from spawning. Survivors that teabag at exit gates always do it to disrespect killers, there's no other plausible reason. If i was a survivor getting slugged in this game mode i would target my frustrations at the game and not the player.
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it’s only disrespectful if you let it be. They’re pressing a button in a video game. I’m not condoning being intentionally disrespectful to others but this is something I see brought up all the time and if you take a step back for a second, it’s a rather silly thing to let yourself get upset over. Laughing at things like this will improve your experience so much more than getting mad over it or taking it as a sign of disrespect.
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maybe the survivors ‚teabagging‘ at exit gates also don’t mean it disrespectful but as a way to say ‚ggs‘ or ‚thanks For the game‘
It’s just a game, the intent of the game is not to waste the time of the other players just so your score gets a little better. Again, it’s just a game.
seems like you are just way too deep into ‚us vs them‘4 -
I really liked Lights Out, I had not really played DBD for many months (maybe 1-2 matches every few weeks) but I loved that mode as it was fresh and made me want to play DBD again.
I still like that they are trying stuff like this mode though even if it isn't something I think any of us would keep playing long term. I have played with some funny gamers so its all been a bit of harmless fun and a break from the usual sweat of DBD :)
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Well i've tried this before but it doesn't work for me. I don't feel comfortable deluding (for lack of a better word) myself like that. So i just choose to work with that the intent is to be disrespectful, which i truly believe, and that it does make me feel bad.
But i appreciate the sentiment1 -
I've gotten to play a little bit of the event so far, here's my tier list on how good each of the killers are in this game mode:
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still shocked Spirit isn’t available, as she is barefooted, we literally have the killer step on the survivors and the other Yamaoka killer is available. Like… are you okay BHVR? No giant women feet from you??
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I just find it very unlikely. Teabagging in video games is commonly used to disrespect people. It's why people started doing it i believe. If people use it to express otherwise, i think that's a bad way to do it (though i understand this game has extremely limited ways to express yourself, which i think causes people to commonly misread other people's intention which is what it is unfortunately)
I believe the game is supposed to be fun, i go into it with the intention of having fun. When i encounter something that makes me feel bad, get in the way of my fun, i will want to avoid it.
I don't mean for this to be an us vs them thing, i despise those kind of posts on these forums, i find them to be unfriendly and not constructive.
To clear any confusion, i don't think survivors are the only ones who can be disrespectful, killers absolutely can and they do.1 -
If they are crouching then standing in the exit gates they are not bagging. They are dancing clearly.
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yeah they can and they do. For example when they slug for the 4 K even though they don’t know where the last survivor might be. Then they have the audacity of finding excuses to do it even in a goofy game mode like this one.
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They can slug the 3rd survivor to find the last survivor without the risk of them getting hatch?
Disrespectful for me is when killers do things like slug the LAST survivor under a hook. Or close the hatch at the last second or let them leave but then mori them just before they reach the escape line. I can't think of any other reason why players would do this other than to torment survivors.
I don't see the point of thinking of players reasoning as "excuses" when you don't need other players approval to play the game, you only need to follow the game rules to keep playing.
I'm explaining this all to say. I think there is no changing the player in these situations with this game. But the game can be changed. I made a suggestion to potentially make the modifier feel fairer, to reduce frustration with playing the killer in the mode to make it more fun. I am trying to be constructive. Are you?0 -
It has nothing do to with "losing" as I was already slugged so I had already 'lost' this match, though I never went into this ridiculous game mode thinking about winning as such. I thought the idea was just a bit of stupid fun that nobody is taking seriously.
It is the fact that this person was more than willing to waste up to 4 minutes of my time in a supposedly fun and obviously ridiculous game mode, when they had already technically won.
But some people are just so petty they just cannot stand the thought of a single survivor escaping… in a casual ridiculous and not at all serious game mode.
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I don’t see how it’s constructive to accuse every survivor that crouches at exit gate to be disrespectful when they could mean it as a gg. And you already said you assume everyone does so you slug for the 4 K no matter what. Also not very constructive imo.
I don’t expect you to change your behaviour in this, though you gotta admit this is not very reasonable.
normally I think I am giving constructive feedback on this game on these forums., yeah. In this discussion? No. I didn’t even see the starting of this discussion as actual game feedback. But if you want my constructive take: give unlimited unbreakable for this game mode to avoid slugging for the 4 K as it’s really completely unnecessary for this game mode and there is no way a killer player would slug here excessively without being intentionally disrespectful.4