Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The My Little Oni Event. Please improve it much more.

Member Posts: 103
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

It is a funny one. Has a lot potential, but how it is now is not really good.

First of. Why do we die like flies? It is okay that the killer can mori like that but to make it impossible to loop or distract him really wont help. It would have been better that we still can heal us and do not start on second hook stage.

Next is that we can not take any perks or items with. Sure the killer can not do that as well, but it would make the game much more fun.

You can add for example a special place, where the killer can hook the tiny survivors. Like a table with for hooks in the middle of the map. Where the tiny survivors can climb up to over a ramp or so. And also some small holes in walls where you as survivor maybe can run through.

It is just not good again and the killer again is in an extrem advantage. Since he just need to walk up the gens and will find a tiny survivor to just down him and stomp him to death.

Again could have A LOT potential yet how it is done is just not good and more a pain for the survivors.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I remember when LoL added URF as a joke mode for April Fools. The community loved the event, and Riot kept trying to "balance" a joke mode and bring it back and it only made the mode worse imo.

  • Member Posts: 103

    I know it is for the april fools day. Yet this mode was also in the survey a few month ago. Do not know if you ever made the survey, but this mode with tiny survivors and a giant killer was a game mode they asked about in the survey as the lights out mode was as well. Sure they use this april fools day for a bit fun, yet they still wanna see if it will be accepted and people talk about it or not.

    If you ask me the real april fools day trick which was in that here is that you guys do not take it seriously XD

    Why do you even cry about my suggestions to make this mode more fun and maybe to a working mode for the future? If you only come here to complain why I take it serious, WHY DO YOU NOT? If you can not give some creative input or come with some nice ideas as well, it is no use to even write anything please. I do not need some guys here who just do not want to talk about the potential that mode could have but talk with these WHO HAS OWN CREATIVE IDEAS to that mode.

    Feel free to think about own ideas how that mode would have been more fun, but if not just keep quiet and go somewhere else please.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    3 things I want to see changed.

    1 - triple the amount of bloodpoints earned per event. I don't mean an end game modifier either. I mean for each individual event that happens in the game, triple the amount normally received. (if a hit normally gives 300 bloodpoints, give 900 instead). The entire match is really short. Only 3 gens need to be completed and each down is a kill. This results in games with pathetic amount of bloodpoints earned.

    2 - adjust the results of what gives a pip. I played 2 games as killer today and got -1 pip each game. First game I got one kill and second game I got 2. I'm not saying that was an amazing result but I don't feel that I did abysmal either. I have a feeling that even if I got 4 kills, I'd be lucky to break even. You simply cannot use the normal event scoring method here. No hooks means no sacrifices. Each down equals a death and only requiring 3 gens be completed means short games regardless of outcome.

    3 - let us use skins. What difference does it make?

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    On point 3: It likely has to do with the models. Easier to get the mode working with just a single skin rather than trying to get it to work with everything.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    If it breaks the game then keep it as is. But it is hard to see how different skins will make any difference.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited April 2024

    I'd actually say the opposite. This event highlights what top tier survivors can do.

    Survivors only have to finish 3 gens, and you can't vault things and you die instantly. So all you have to do is predrop every pallet, and its an oni which means they basically have 0 power (you can earn it but in this event its really hard to use because you get weird visual glitches).

    So, all a survivor has to do is shift + w to a corner of the map, predrop a god pallet or 2, and the other 3 survivors will finish 3 gens right around the time the survivor you are chasing dies.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    This are all very good suggestions. The BP are an utter joke, I mean it IS a joke mode, but no need to make the BP so painfully low. And I even de-pipped a couple of pips (I am down to zero pips again) before I noticed what was going on. THAT I think is unexectable, like why punish the players who just want a little laugh out of an april fools mode? NGL, I needed a couple of matches so slip into the real mind set, but now its kinda funny to chase this ultra smoll survivors around the map and getting smacked in the face by their pallets, but smash them underfoot or let them all go, it really doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Yea you are right these should absolutley been changed should this event ever will be a game mode.

    And to the 3. thing you mentioned, not only that we can use skins but also the other chars which we can not use there or? And same goes for killer. Imagine a extremly big Nemesis run through the map XD

  • Member Posts: 103

    I still think they will try how the resonance of this mode will be. Sure it is a joke event and yeah but still the developers thought about this mode in the survey already and like the lights out mode it is also a bit of a test to see how the reaction in the game and here in the forum will be.

    That is why I want them to know that I see lots of potential if some adjustments will be done to it. It can be a real fun mode for DBD and I would like to have a mode like that which is much more developed and so on.

    I think we will get more of such events which are about these modes they asked about in the survey back then. They started with these which are easier to make with the current data and so on.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I can understand the desire to pick your killer but there could be some real technical issues with many of the killers. How would deathslinger work for instance. His spear would be bigger than survivors and since the killer is literally taller than many of the objects in the environment he can just shoot over them. The reeling in animation would likely be broken too.

    How big would clowns bottles and gas clouds be? If he can only throw normal range and the bottles/clouds are normal size then it would look really, really weird. On the other hand if his bottles are big and make giant clouds of gas that cover 10% of the map, that would be overpowered. Each and every killer would take real work and time and some still might not be feasible.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Can we just please enjoy something new for once without complaining about balancing for once? We all asked for something new to be excited for and we got it, can we PLEASE just ENJOY???

  • Member Posts: 1

    I thought it was lots of fun. I just wish I didn't lose pips playing it, since there really wasn't potential to earn them.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I found this mode actually very well balanced. Killer can get kills fast yes but survivors can fix the gen very fast too. Most matches were 2 kills to 2 escape so really well balanced. To me the mode felt even slightly survivor sided. Now some improvements could be made in future like encourage hitting multiple survivors before killing one.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Agreed good thing depipping gets removed soon though so in future it will not be problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I tried it once. I got slugged for the 4K and then bled out lmao. It seems like it could be a lot of fun though.

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