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Pop pain res nerf when 😃



  • Member Posts: 120

    You Saying this just tells me you want survivors to bend over backwards and hand you the win those perks can’t even be paired together like pop and pain res I guess you just want them to be like dh the perk that every killer cried about as if it wasn’t ping dependent and half a second of endurance

  • Member Posts: 338

    I literally just copied your thing, it might not be the best comparison, but it's the closest thing to pop and pain res survivors have besides windows. Besides, id argue they are better, as their is very little requirement to activate sprint burst, windows and lithe( running, equipping it and vaulting respectively) compared to pops requirement of hooking and pain res extra requirement of hooking on a specific hook.

  • Member Posts: 120

    half the time sprint burst users will walk around most the match so they have it in chase instead of just letting exhaustion go down while they work on a gen and lithe users half the time will insta vault if you say that’s better than pop pain res which is basically -50% of gen progress you’re delusional and even after all pain res is gone it’s still -30% per hook from pop in no way shape or form is sprint burst and lithe better than pop and pain res

  • Member Posts: 521

    You think you want this but trust me you don't. If they do the meta just becomes Corrupt/Deadlock/Grim Embrace/DMS and we enter the "you just can't do the objective half the match" meta. Most of the reason Eruption was so obnoxious was because it did the same thing and we'd be returning to that except this time killers can just ignore gens completely and let the entity blockers do all the work.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The thing is that Exhaustion perks are such an important and defining class of perks fĂŒr survivors, they are the closest they got to powers. Old DH was a severe problem, because it was dominating the game and had insane pickrates; DH was suffocating the whole game.

    Lithe and Sprint Burst, while annoying, are just the kind of exhaustion perks that you got to expect. They are strong, but front load their strength and "damge" and don't activate 4 frames before you got your down.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Yeah stacking slowdowns does probably need a nerf. I think the combos of (Corrupt or DMS)/Pain Res/Pop/Grim are very overtuned against your average lobby. No idea what they'd do to fix though.

  • Member Posts: 452
    edited April 2024

    As soon as it becomes clear I need to do 7 gens worth of gen progress in a game I lose the will to continue. Nerf it into the ground. Killers have been abusing gen perks for far too long. They were never intended to be used in combination.

  • Member Posts: 429

    AT this point have to ask, what level of Gen Regression are survivors actually comfortable with?? Because it seems like most think the level we had 18 months ago was too much, and the level we have now is apparently still too much

  • Member Posts: 120

    I definitely do want pop and pain res nerfed I’m sick of any progress I do getting deleted all because of the fact that someone went down something that’s meant to happen in the game I don’t want to play a game where I’m just required to not go down and so is my team if I want any chance at winning 😃

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    I'm all for pop and pr being nerfed if there were other decent perks to use. As it stands, the Killer meta is pretty much made up of the same few perks across the board. Calling for and implementing nerfs would just lead to people doubling down on the un nerfed meta perks and people would complain about those perks eventually.

  • Member Posts: 120

    -50% for four hooks until all scourage are gone and then another -30 just for a hook -200% total when all all scourage and then -240% for the pops after all pain res tokens are used that’s a total 4 gens worth of regression I didn’t know having to do 9 gens per match as a survivor was healthy but go off sis đŸ„°

  • Member Posts: 444

    I agree, Pop and Pain Res can certainly be annoying if you're down to your last two generators and they're part of a 3-gen the killer is aggressively patrolling. But when there a lot of gen progression perks that survivors can stack with one another and can be chosen up to four times, it can certainly feel overwhelming for killers to try and handle. Especially, when you're against a group of survivors who are "cocky/confident" because they've gotten most of the gens complete and have plenty of hook/health states to gamble with.

    More than once I've been on this end of the game as a survivor and killer, rushing the killer or being rushed. It doesn't feel good on either side, because there's nothing fun in the killer giving up or the survivors being little soots because they "won" on their objectives.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    You say this like the killer just presses a button and the perks activate. It's the survivor's fault if the killer gets maximum value out of pop/pain res, it requires multiple people to be going down rapidly in chase.

  • Member Posts: 567

    Bestie, what gen progression perks?

    • Deja Vu - flatline 6% (OP), but you still have to go to red gen for this to have effect
    • Prove Thyself - not worth taking at all, need another person at the same gen
    • Resilience - 9%, but you have to be not healthy which is HUGE drawback
    • Overzealous - 10% (20% if you bring hex), strong, but needs setup, also when you hit someone they lost it till they break next totem (takes time to find, takes time to break, takes time to go back to gen)

    RN I'm mainly doing gens and I stay with just Deja Vu, so I'm doing gens 6% faster (given that I've found and come to that gen).

    So I'm doing that gen in 84.9 seconds instead of 90.

    But even when we get Deja Vu on red generator while being not healthy while destroyed hex totem basic gen time is 66 seconds. Nice, but you don't have other perks, need to activate this perks and meet super harsh conditions while being vulnerable - nobody tooks this combo to real match.

    But killers are bringin PR-Grim in literally every match, often paired with pop on high mobility killers.

  • Member Posts: 120

    you get -25% from pain res and -30% from pop add them up and that’s -55% total until all pain res tokens are used but I guess putting that together is too much work 😃

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Are you expecting to utilize maximum efficiency of pop all the time? that's legit ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 567

    You don't have maximum efficiency every time but gens start regressing further and tapping gens is no more.

    So realistically killer can use pop and start chase nearby survivor while gen effectively regresses to 0.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2024

    Uh in that case it's literally infinite % regression and you don't even need pop at all, you are seriously giving too little credit for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Ok let’s ask this who has a higher chance of winning a bad killer with pop and pain res or a bad survivor with any of those perks you mentioned I’ve had matches where my killer has won only because of those perks I could throw on each of those perks you mentioned and it’s not gonna guarantee me an escape and I could almost guarantee I’d find it way easier to win killer matches with pop pain res than winning with windows adren or lithe

  • Member Posts: 567

    Are you even playing dbd as survivor with randoms? I can't count how many times I even told my SWF that gen in shack has 80% and killer starts to chase me, when someone arrives to shack to """finish""" the gen, it already have like ~30%.

    Yes, it is due to basekit regression, but pop already took large amount of progress.

    And no, "boo hoo it is because of weak killers!!", I only see constant Nurse, Blight, Wesker or Skull Merchant, killers that don't need 4 gen perks to pressurize survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    That's nowhere near "effectively zero" though.

    I just don't get your point, there is four survivors and having one gen regress to 30% is hardly a problem.

  • Member Posts: 567

    And when exactly 4 survivors are going to do 4 separate gens? What is killer doing in this time?

    Realistically one gen at a time is being done by survivors, one survivor is hooked, one is chased by the killer and one survivor have to go for unhook.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    "going for unhook" shouldn't take as long as chase, so effectively three survivors should work on gen most of time.

    If killer can constantly pressure survivor to the point there can only be one survivor on a gen all the time, he will win whether pop or anything.

    And since killer has regression perks, it's not like they are zoom zoom super vaulting coup-de-last 9001 or something, it shouldn't really be that hard to chase enough time.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Except you said 50% not 55% so that's clearly not what you meant and that's not how that works Pain Res is -25% of total progress and Pop is 30% of current progress meaning Pop never actually does -30% regression for example if a gen is 50% Pain Res will put it to 25% and let's say you got it back to 35% before they come over and Pop it would only do roughly 10.5% regression for a total of 35.5% regression, far from it actually being 55% regression.

    Perhaps you should learn what the perks you complain about actually do before you complain about them.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Why would you want to nerf two healthy perks?

    Pain Res, when used correctly, ensures that the killer doesn't tunnel and it only works 4 times in a match.

    POP, makes it so that the killer has to actively leave hooks and so on to go over and kick a gen. You can even use Repressed Alliance to prevent such if killers in your games equip POP that often.

  • Member Posts: 120

    you literally said that one side could win because of adren, lithe, windows, or sprint burst though so how is arguing that this or that side could win because of them nonsense, not to mention I’m convinced mmr genuinely isn’t a thing I’ve been losing more and more matches because of tunneling and pop pain res and even people killing themselves on hook because they don’t want to continue playing in the match we’re in cuz the tunneling meta killer is so fun to play against and I still consistently getting comp blights 😃 and I’ve been talking about the killer meta in most my posts for quite a while now not a chance my mmr wouldn’t have been affected throughout this time and if it has been that would just make things worse because it would mean even with my mmr lowering I’m losing my matches because of pop pain res

  • Member Posts: 120

    Answer me this question how often do you think you’ll see killers kicking a low progressed gen with pop a gen two high progressed gens can get depleted from pop pain res all from a single hook or you could have a gen that you almost completed get hit with pain res stop the regression killer comes over and kicks it with pop and all that progress is now gone because more than likely you’ll be in chase so that gen will continue regressing until someone stops it 😐

  • Member Posts: 120

    didn’t know comp blights we’re all casually chilling in low tier mmr especially since all of them wanna do win streaks and even if that were the case “low tier mmr” since we’re convince it exists it still wouldn’t be something that should stay if people in “low tier mmr” can’t do anything against it and constantly lose matches because of it 😐

  • Member Posts: 16

    Pain Res encourages hooking every survivor once. It's a killer encouraging themselves to not tunnel, which is what survivors have been asking for for ages. This is good design, and it should stay powerful to encourage killers to not tunnel.

    Pop only regresses a generator by 30% of its current progression.

    That means if a generator is progressed by 30 seconds out of 90, and a killer uses Pop on it, the generator regresses by 30% of the 28.5 seconds of progression left after the basekit 5% is taken off (8.55 seconds lost to Pop) not 30% of the 90 seconds required to complete the generator (27 seconds lost to OP's non-existent hypothetical version of Pop).

    Also, Pop only hits one generator per hook, and there's a time limit, and the killer has to actively find a generator to smack.

    Surge can make multiple generators explode automatically per down, which is arguably more powerful depending on how many generators go boom and how many survivors get saved per hook stage obtained. Basically, Surge is a better counter to SWF 4x flashlight squads than Pop is.

    In other words, Pop is a lot less powerful than OP thinks it is and needs to be actively used compared to the other "meta" gen regression perk, which means it's perfectly fine.

  • Member Posts: 226

    I agree, the amount of gen regression in this game is absolutely disgusting.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I called it.

    3-gen feature nerfed basically every other alternative for gen regression and it's going to lead to survivors crying for pop/pain res nerfs, because that's basically what is left.

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited April 2024

    Not sure where you're getting these numbers from. Yes in the perfect scenario you could PR a 99% gen and get there in time after a surv worked on it back to 99% more to pop for a total ~50%. Pop + PR is never providing that much total regression in a match. Pop on a 75% gen removes 25% and on a 50% gen 15%.

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