buff ds all the way you want, make it 10 seconds.

but before that please prevent its abuse and that's mostly through bodyblocking. either
- make bodyblocking for somebody else interfere with the perk
- remove bt bodyblocking altogether
- make locker pulls not trigger ds
with current ds or even without the perk, i'm already so tired and disgusted of bt bodyblock nonsense and i'm not built to endure that bs with buffed ds. thank you.
Decisive Strike has been confirmed to be having the stun duration increased to 5 seconds again, but this doesn't address the issue with the perk. With smart positioning of where you choose to die, this perk is already in a great spot as an anti-tunnel tool/nuisance hit-tank tool against the weaker half of the roster. The issue is against the S/A tiers and this change doesn't address that discrepency.
Keeping the stun duration at 3 seconds but adding an additional affect of a killer incapicated status effect (essentially no m2s for a few extra seconds, but m1s still work) would better bridge this gap. This would make the perk do more against the killers able to just blink/rush/hatchet etc immediately after the stun, but not unnecessarily make the weaker tiers weaker.
2 -
OTR's in a way better spot
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
It is used, I use it all the time, I see it all the time. By nightlight's stats, it is the 17th most used survivor perk out of 137 perks. Also, did you miss the spot where I said it was in a great spot against most, but not all killers?
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
I still think DS should disable Killer powers for 10 seconds, even if it stuns for 5 seconds.
The reason being that ranged and fast Killers can still close that 3 second cap, Otz proved that in a video.DS is in a greater spot than most perks.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
they wont. DS is back on the menu and its going to be painful to play against 4 DS just like the old days.
6 -
If bodyblock doesn’t get changed, the OLD BT, DS, Unbreakable Meta is literally back.
Along with Buckle-up, FTP combo, it’s basically old Instaheal LMAO
FK I absolutely hate that🤬
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They should remove conspicuous actions with this update and make it work in endgame again.
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It should be either or. Both the increased stun duration and the killer power disabled would be busted and really easy to use aggressively. Already with 3s that is how I use the perk and against most of the roster it is very solid. Also, the incapacitated shouldn't be as long as 10 seconds imo, just like 3-5s after the stun ends.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
What stops that now? Can’t survivors use these perks (including current DS) to relive that meta?
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They can, but most won’t actively bodyblock you and get downed since Killer has the option to just tunnel you out. But now it’s 5s stun, who cares, it’s a free escape. :(
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This seems nonsensical. DS is currently at 3 seconds (1.4 after animation). With a 5-second stun duration, survivors now have 2.8 seconds of actual stun duration. No other perks have changed. What is a difference or 1.4 seconds doing for survivors..? I’m totally confused.
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they also should bring back MFT while at it
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thats not my experience. i usually see 1-2 DS every match. most cocky survivors will bring it alongside with OTR.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Agree with old DH (and MTF and COH with 50%.) I don‘t know what old object did.
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it used to show killers aura in 64m if you looked towards them
so it was literally having wallhack cheats on killer
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All the time?
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There's no sense to be found here. DS is literally a perk the killer has to deliberately play into to give it value, and it only works once per game.
We're just seeing the doom posting from people who don't want to have to think about literally anything during gameplay. They're afraid they're going to blunder into a perk and maybe, possibly have consequences for just mindlessly tunneling the first survivor they found. The horror.
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Loads of people use it in my experience recently. I've gone against some lobbies recently where all 4 survivors had it (they were most likely SWF but still.)
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
you had to be outside of terror radius.
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Almost all the time. There were a few instances where it didn't.
Being inside the killer's Terror Radius disabled the perk. Old Freddy was immune to it if the survivor wasn't asleep.
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I guess you didn’t play this game before DS nerf… it’s so painfully long that every killer respects it back then for a reason.
I guess I’ll just hard-core tunnel now if I see this 😢
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I played it then.
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Then you should know there's no reason for DS user be able to bodyblock you.
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*I can't tell if your being serious or not with a name like that lol.
But should most if not all killers be good at high mmr? It gets really stale playing the same killer to win.
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outa curiosity, if they body block you whats forcing you to pick them up?
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There is no point in changing meta when it means simply replacing few good perks.
You need more alternatives, not just different same build over and over again..
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sources that prevent them from going down like basekit bt and otr. you either eat it up and move on or commit to them instead since the other option is another healthy survivor and eat ds. you can slug them but slug pressure isn't as big as a second hook state (since you already had to commit to a chase) if there is no opportunity to snowball, putting killer in an almost lose lose situation. not to mention they can just hop locker after tanking the hit even denying the slug pressure unless you want to wait at the locker for 20s.
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Definitely wouldn't be me running wicked, otr, ds and dh.😶
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
funny enough for about a month ive been playing the old meta (Iron Will, DS, Unbreakable, Balanced land cause I dislike DH) as a joke, but guess its back on the menu
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So what we heard was "Nothing is forcing you to pick up a survivor".
Pressure is pressure. Your free to eat it up while chasing the unhooker as it only buys so much time (with an adition of the unhooked will have to mend). If your insisting on chasing the unhooked after watching them eat a hit, you should probably be aware that DS has always been a thing (and is probably going to see a increase) and thats your conscious choice so if they hop in a locker then you got the choice to (most likely) eat DS now so they wont have it later or leave em be (it does still deactivate when the survivor does anything and in endgame). We used to just swat the bodyblockers who made it obvious and keep after the unhooker.
"To play the game your to try to make the best of a bad situation." - paraphrased of some smart player we forgot the name of
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I agree with the OP. I've actually suggested this multiple times. DS being at 3 seconds stun is worthless against killers like Nurse of Huntress. DS being at 5 seconds stun is too punishing for weaker killers (in case they were not trying to be toxic by tunneling). Neither of the options is good globally. 3 seconds stun + disabling killer's power for x seconds is a much healthier solution. Yes, it requires additional coding, but I feel like it would help the game a lot.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
them hopping locker is what prevents me from slugging them. the entire point of the post is "only the so much time" bodyblocking with FREE, basekit bt buys while killer can't do much about it.
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Yet the question we asked was "outa curiosity, if they body block you whats forcing you to pick them up?"
Gonna be honest here, we're unsure as to what the complaining is about so we're going to do this piece by piece.
"them hopping locker is what prevents me from slugging them." Then grab them and eat DS if they have it. They wont have it later then. Survivors can already do this currently. Did we miss something here cause neither the comment we first asked nor the responses we're getting is changing much?
"the entire point of the post is "only the so much time" bodyblocking with FREE, basekit bt buys while killer can't do much about it." Yes survivors can buy a little bit of time. Is this realy that much of a problem? Your not fine with it, thats fair, we're ok with it, thats fair. Survivors can also do this simply by equipping OTR as you've pointed "sources that prevent them from going down like basekit bt and otr".
From what we see of the original post, you just don't want DS to work with body blocking. Thats fair, but we ultimately don't care as we only asked the question above which we'll restate: "outa curiosity, if they body block you whats forcing you to pick them up?" If they down the body block, they can slug, if they go into a locker you can eat the DS now or leave them to try something else (mindgame the punk in the locker, go harass the others, yada yada), hell you can simply swat the bodyblock and still go to the unhooker.
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I agree with this suggestion but what would that mean for Myers, Freddy, Cenobite, Dredge, Nemesis, Wesker, Skull Merchant, Knight and Singularity? They all have some passive powers or in case of Myers and Knight a power that is activated for a limited duration. Would these effects be paused (and would Nemesis' zombies freeze in place?) or would that still work?
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i'm so sorry but can't go through every point. i'll have to assume this quick little response explains a good chunk of my concerns though: they still can bodyblock with their stuff currently but they aren't protected by a 5 seconds stun and can be punished more easily for going into deep wounds for no reason (like wasting their otr just to bodyblock, giving the endurance hit for free).
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Honestly yeah, I don't tunnel but the OTR DS combo with body blocking forces you to. It's going to be a huge problem. Yes, you can do it already, and it's still OP and annoying, but with the 5 second stun it's going to be crazy.
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Correct. They are currently protected by a 3 second stun. While every second does count, 5 seconds isn't that much larger than 3. They can be punished a smidge more easily currently and a smidge less at 5. Its not back to the point of the previous DS+Ubreakable combo level of stupid.
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It’s pretty funny how they accidentally reversed it and he went from being basically immune to OoO to being the worst killer to play against it with his rework.
(For those that don’t know current Freddy causes Oblivious when asleep so everyone with OoO could see your aura at all times, even mid chase, making it near impossible to chase them)0 -
Exactly. All these knee-jerk scenarios they're running through their heads can easily be done today, with current DS. Only difference is current DS can't guarantee reaching a resource (ie it's useless unless used in the right spot) to now maybe allowing a survivor to reach a resource. And people claiming it's the same as old DS are plain wrong. Old DS didn't cancel on conspicuous actions and was allowed in endgame to pretty much guarantee an escape.
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Just remove collision post-hook until a CA. EZPZ. Also You can't really bodyblock for someone while slugged on the floor. Locker grabs still need the Killer to intentionally tunnel to occur in the majority of circumstances, so the Killer should still get the effects of anti-tunnel discouragements.
Garsh darn I love getting hit off hook and denied my anti-tunnel perk. /s
And that's the perk in a 'good' spot.I agree with the concept of disabling power, but I think it should be 5s per gen remaining. That way it heavily punishes tunneling at 5 gens, and doesn't hurt as much at 1 gen remaining. People in general agree (even if I don't agree with this specific common sentiment) that the later in the game, the more 'acceptable' tunneling becomes. This would hurt more when it 'should', and hurt less when it 'shouldn't'.
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Getting hit off hook is better than if they waited out BT, gives more distance. OTR forces that to happen. Would be nice if the killer didnt know you had it though.
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Yeah, I'd arguably say delay the silence until after the basekit BT runs out if there isn't a penalty for hitting anti-tunnel Endurance.