Change to Daily Rituals

People likely have brought this up before, but the daily ritual system needs to be reworked.

  1. They should replace the current system of three varying rituals with two different sets of dailies, one for Survivors and one for Killers (with a max of three rituals each). Since I feel that most people tend to main one side or the other, this makes more sense (and as a survivor main myself it is rather inconvenient having all killer rituals, and then still getting a killer-based ritual upon rerolling). Maybe also then being able to reroll a ritual once per day for each set.
  2. Other ideas (that most likely have been mentioned before but I agree with them): Improving the rewards for completing rituals, such as receiving more bloodpoints or even a somewhat minor amount of iridescent shards (which would definitely encourage more people to attempt the rituals I feel).
  3. Adding weekly/monthly challenges potentially?

I can't think of anything else right now, but I guess that's why this is a discussion.


  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Personally you should get shards for completing them. It‘s just not worth doing them for bloodpoints!

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,238

    Since I feel that most people tend to main one side or the other

    They shouldn't, and that's the point of daily rituals, to encourage players to use all options.

    The worst people in this fanbase are almost always the "mains". Who seem to believe the other side are less than human and are convinced the game is "sided" against them.

    Personally I would just increase the rewards for doing them, providing they remain restricted to encourage playing both sides.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,026
    edited January 29

    I agree with that notion of encouraging people to play both, though I do feel like both points above achieve that goal.

    I know I myself play both sides, but I had a stint where I could only play survivor for a couple of months, and I got mostly killer rituals... I've since been able to play both again, and been on a bit of a killer binge for the past months (trying to catch my killers up to my survivors)... but for some reason I'm still constantly being given Killer rituals. I don't care cause I play both, but I was expecting the rituals to flip... but it never has...

    Having 2 separate tracks means you will always have rituals to do on either side, if you only play one, you only get back 1 ritual per day, whereas the other side will have 3, at all times. You boost that to have greater rewards, that's free money you're turning down by not doing them, and they sit winking in the face the whole time... especially if they get the double reward amounts. 60k bloodpoints for example is a pretty hefty incentive, especially for a new player. Put 100 iri shards on that, and I'd do them every time... hell even 50, I'd do them evne if I cba.

    So I would think the suggestion in the OP would achieve the goal nicely.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    I agree with the setup of having rewards for both sides of the coin. Is playing both sides beneficial? I think so, but forcing someone to play them is not the best for each individual. Giving those extra incentives I think would help the most.

  • Kaejer
    Kaejer Member Posts: 2

    I think having a set of killer and survivor dailies is a good idea. It would allow killer only or survivor only players to at least get one ritual a day. People who want to do all the daily rituals would need to play both survivor and killer. So, the incentive to play both killer and survivor, as it is now, would still be around. The change would only include more people to benefit from rituals.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Yep. These QOL changes are simple and overdue.

    Make them worth doing, especially for veteran players who don't need BP as much.