Problem with lifting

A story as old as time.

SWF,offering and genrush,but there's nothing to be done about it.

When I was about to make my 2nd hook, I fell into a trap from which there is no escape for the killers.The survivor was lying under the pallet and the other two from different sides were simply waiting for the moment when I would pick it up, three gens alredy done and i cant start another chase vs full surv, soooo nothing what i can do in this situation.

bhvr are struggling with all these camp and tunnels, but if you think about it, there is absolutely nothing that prevents the surv from simply not letting them raise.

This is why the question was created: what do you propose to do in such situations?

I immediately apologize for my English.

Best Answers

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,345
    Answer ✓

    Recommending perks as a band aid solution isn't a good idea, but if it legitimately bothers you I would implore you to check out the Singularitys Forced Hesitation.

    That perk is basically the only way to give yourself a chance, unfortunately.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    Here's a few genuine problems influencing the background player meta right now:
    1. Wiggle meter never regresses. This is the core issue with fighting a SWF at the moment and it creates a lot of situations where the survivor is unhookable. It often ends up that the only solution is to let that guy die on the floor.

    2. Background Player is overtuned. This point has been talked about a billion times and it's pretty obvious that 200% is too generous of a movement speed. Flashbang saves can reliably be done every time someone gets downed starting from the very edge of the TR.

    3. Survivors have no surrender button. The survivor side of this issue is that it leads to 4-minute bleedouts. Sometimes it's done out of toxicity and others because the killer is wary of flip flop/boil over/power struggle. If a button popped up that just said "[Space] Die" after 45 seconds, people could get on with their day much easier without taking a DC penalty.


  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited April 2024

    You could also just go for someone else which makes another survivor get off a gen to go pick someone up unless the person has UB which only works once. Youre probably even going to get a hit if that is the survivors game plan which also means they probably havent been doing gens for the whole chase.

  • Training_bag_for_pro
    Training_bag_for_pro Member Posts: 15

    the problem is that if there is a SFW against you, then they simply do not leave you a chance for even one Kill

    m1 the killer simply does not have time to do anything before the game ends, even if suddenly you were able to hook one person and decided to tunnel him, they simply will not allow you to do this, of course, when you knock out one, you can run after the other, but during the chase the first one will be completely restored, and when you finally knock out this one, you have the same problem, only the generators are being repaired all this time

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    Do you even lift bro?

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    I dont know i dont tunnel and i never have a problem even when im playing scrims with no perk restrictions

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    1. Swf isn't going anywhere and no matter what you do its always going to be stronger. As for the wiggle meter just hook the survivor people play sabo squads all the time and still win.
    2. Even before the buff I was still doing the exact same amount of saving I am now nerfing it doesn't make it any harder.
    3. 3.You dont need a surrender button there's perks to counter slugging and playing well counters it also. People already kill themselves on hook imagine the out cry when people do it on the floor.

    This is my favorite type of response complaining about things that arent even broken. Im sorry youre struggling in the game but these "issues" wont result in anything changing in the game.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    1. I didn't say I wanted SWF to go anywhere
    2. Yeah I get it, you're the king. Background Player is still overtuned
    3. I'm far from the only person asking for a surrender button, that's a survivor complaint
  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Thanks for calling me the king. A surrender button wont fix anything anyways.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,345

    You clearly don't play survivor if you say this.

    The amount of trolls who get off on power trips by bleeding people out is insane. The other night I had 3 in a row.

    Pre drop pallets on an Oni? That's a bleedout. Emp a singularity? Yup, bleedout.

    Dare to loop Nurse on a fire barrel? That's a bleedout.