I am a Survivor(except from rituals), but looping needs to leave this game.

I know this is going to get me hate from both sides (killers and survivors) but things need to change. So doing my daily’s and every time run into the same problem. The killers are so underpowered to counter a pallet looping team. It feels like a drag race with survivors in a 90mph vehicle. While the killer has borrowed his toddler daughter tricycle. If everyone in the team can loop games over before it has begun. As before the first hook you will hear Ping,Ping,Ping. And you got one hook within two to four gens already done. I don’t think gen rushing is a thing as our sole objective is to put on gens. But with pallet looping leaves the killer know chance. It annoys me that loopers believe they are winning by skill. When in fact they are winning solely by using a mechanical exploit. We all know the game was not to be designed to be played like it. But sweat players take the game to serious and practically have to cheat to win.

I believe the best cause to solve this problem is to have even less pallets. Know they took some of but take a few more of. And maybe the addition to an extra gen. To help get the killers back into the fight. And I believe this could half the problems with camping. If a killer is having a half decent game won’t need to resort to desperate measures.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Oh boy... I mean sure in the beginning they did not think of it, but they adjusted the game accordingly in consideration of looping. And as the chase is the most fun/only relevant part of the game for probably a big majority of people I don't see the reason to do any of that? I mean... If we had custom game modes that are kept forever sure why not make this one but if not for the looping, on both sides, I would not bother to play this game.

  • StikMC
    StikMC Member Posts: 34

    I disagree. I keep my own stats. In 700 games, the average gens done per game is around 4.2. Sure. Three gens usually get done, but as they get done, tha map shrinks and the resources dwindle. I would even argue this is by design. I play no perks or add ons. Sure, sometimes the gens fly, but ai still win as much as anything else. One perk or even a map offering skews that more to Killer. I’m not even particularly good at looping, and it’s still my favorite part of the game. But the data I have (and I can only offer my data) shows that gens 1-3 fly. Gen 4 takes about 200 seconds, and gen five rarely gets done. I’d pay DBD money to release the gens done per game stat. But that’s my data such as it is.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    your favourite thing about the game is something that doesn’t require any skill. There is no challenge in it. I am a survivor main 99.9% of the time. But it is a boring and gives me the win 90% of the time. The only 10% of the time I die due to camping or by giving myself to the killer as I feel bad. My biggest problem with looping it requires no skill. It is as a mechanical exploit that is practically cheating.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    Seriously what is fun run around in circles using zero skills ? Not trying to be flash or mug you of. But there is zero challenge in it for survivors.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Depends against who you are playing... But I think it would be really rough to win if you don't do anything skillfully... No looking behind, no vaulting the pallet back and forth when the killer approaches you from a specific side, no pre running to safe tiles, no pallet vacuum and so on... It might seem little to you, but all that stuff is already skill you need to aquire, not even talking about all the stuff comp players know...

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    look if you have to loop to win fair enough. But your you are tripping if you think you are winning purely on skill. When in fact your winning on a mechanical exploit.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    There is a difference between survivors who are good at looping, and those who struggle to loop well. It is a skill since it's something you learn through playtime, experience and learning from others. I get that maybe you don't like it but you can't deny the fact that there are people who are very skilled with that aspect of the game

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    Sorry I disagree as something that is learned. Doesn’t automatically make it skill. All that it is research in what works. And then all you have to do is put it on repeat every game. I can loop every game with ease if I choose. But I don’t as I know it is not skill if a mechanical exploit is giving me the edge. It is the equivalent of saying camping is a skill. Both are as bad as each other. And I do not blame the players for using them. I blame the game for not balancing the game out. Like I said I am a survivor main and only be killer as game practically forces me with rituals. But I see killers all the time getting owned. And know it’s not because they are bad. But because the game has made it impossible for survivors to be catched before 3 gens are done. Nurse is my favourite to go against as normally S Tier players playing as her. Also one of a few that killers ability can counter a loop.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    How do you define skill then? Isn't skill something you need to learn and isn't there a difference between knowing something and mechanical skill, but nonetheless both are skills?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean there are many factors, map, killer, team skill difference what not, but your assumption is wild and you have 0 prove to uphold that statement as of now.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    I describe Skill and knowledge as to different things. Skill requires a great deal of knowledge but needs effort. While knowledge does not require skill. You can obtain knowledge from anywhere especially now days. Like go on YouTube and you will see channels dedicated to showing survivors how to loop. And I don’t count looping as a skill as requires zero effort. And your only winning as the killer can’t capture you till it’s to late at no fault of his own. Because the game doesn’t give them the tools to counter it (Nurse/skull merchant only big exception). But look how us survivors moan about skull merchant. Because that is the only killer that can actually make it a challenge without camping.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    You pair game knowledge with learned skills and decision-making and that's what sets apart the great players from the good and the bad. Looping doesn't require zero effort, you have to be mindful of many factors like bloodlust, pallets and windows available, killer powers and more. That's literally the most intense part of the game and where skill expression is shown the most.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 408

    looping absolutely requires skill. I couldn’t loop to save my life when I started this game and now I can. Also if we remove looping what do you suggest survivors do? Just go down instantly and give the killer a 4K?

    The reason you get run while 3 gens pop before you get a hook is because you’re being looped by a skilled survivor. If you had a survivor unskilled at looping this wouldn’t happen.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,976

    Its a bold claim Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.

    DBD was a game more about stealth originally, and while I am a horror fan and I enjoy stealth in this game, the stealth elements have been drastically reduced via auras, screams, etc, and it is not the reason the game has climbed to the heights it has. DBD grew up from its original concept, and has a unique identity as a game largely defined by experience and mind games, as well as mechanical skill.

    Positioning and understand of layout and timings at tiles, and experience regarding what powers and perks are in play is what separates good and bad players... Plenty of games have tried to do what DBD does, and all have fallen short because they simply lack the skill expression elements of DBD...

    I you want a game where the killers are dangerous and powerful, that is more about hiding instead of looping, play Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it is pretty goof at that... but DBD is not that, and would kill itself trying to be.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    ”As a survivor main”

    Ok killer

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    No I just know the game is unbalanced. Love how my opinion automatically means I play for the other side. Because I don’t want the game spoon fed to me.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    Took me a lot of time to learn to ride a bike. But could ride one all day effortlessly. Even though have rode one in 10 years. You see where I am going with this ?

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Yeah this guy is mad that he got juiced 1 time and came here to complain

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    I’m not angry you guys are the one trying to get a rise as you don’t like an opinion 😂. I have not once resorted to attempting humiliation tactics. Like every single one of this toxic community. All because I said a suggesting 😂 😂 😂

  • SuperCop
    SuperCop Applicant Posts: 137

    Yeah. A real survivor main would not say looping takes no skill. There are even killer mains that know it takes skill and a lot of learning to pull off.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 709

    Just no: You're right it WAS intended to be played as a "hide and seek"-game but they canceled it basically instantly after people found looping. Since they canceled it the entire game was based around looping and I think that's a good thing. I hate people hiding as killer and survivor (I'm playing mostly killer btw), it's just a very unfun way to play for me.

    Besides that you're wrong if you think looping is no skill: it's a lot of guessing, prediction and knowledge: you have to learn the things the killer can do and you have to guess or predict what he will do. This game can't be played without it and you have to learn it to not go down in seconds.

    As killer the same, if you struggle to down people you're just not good enough at anti-looping or you're using your ability poorly.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    I don’t deny I am bad as the killer hence why I am never them (except for rituals). But looping is not a skill it’s something I can do with my eyes closed. Its repetitive and stale and one of the two big things that ruined the game. it is just running around in a circle. That is not skill that is doing the same thing over and over. There is no tactical thinking as you already know how to get the V before the game starts. The reason this game has not grown is because the community is so toxic (not including you). It’s why a lot of veterans of the game left and then the children took over this game.

    On the game not growing bigger we actually have proof on this site. When they released several ideas and put it to a vote. They come up with a lot of original ideas to make the game fresh and with different game modes. The whole community but about 10% votes for the modes where the game never changed. As they would rather sweat out a win then something fresh. This is the biggest problem with the game. Both sides use mechanical exploits in the game’s weaknesses in development. And mistake it for skill.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    Get over yourself. It’s a mechanical exploit not skill. If I can do it (which I am a terrible gamer) anyone can.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well then why do you even care anymore? The game has been like this for ages and nobody came up and said I don't like looping, go play something else then instead of expecting the game to do a 180° turn back to how it was 7 years ago xD

    Also hard disagree on the looping not being a skill part... It is very much a mechanical skill to learn, not only when to do what but also being precise enough on your input... Let me give you a comparison... When solving a rubicks cube you usually learn an algorithm to solve it in a specific order... This in itself is somewhat always doing the same thing however it would be ridiculous to not call it a skill... Especially people who learn to do them extremely fast and quickly reacting to what they see. Or first aid for example, you learn what to do in what situation, and then you follow the steps you learned depending on the situation you are in, both things are undeniably skills and if you disagree on that then your definition just does not match the textbook one... "the ability to do something well is a skill", and if that is the case then so be it, because then it is you against the English language itself, good luck dude xD

  • Dumbtecher
    Dumbtecher Member Posts: 33

    Why do people fall for these bait posts?

    Thats it. Good day.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I wish you good luck in playing the 1v1 ladder then and fighting the meaning of words in the English language...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess it is easier to believe that people just don't know better instead of thinking about them only having malicious intent... Basically not expecting people to be at there worst ^^ Well in the end it is still in vain isn't it ^^

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 709
    edited April 5

    You won't loop a good killer with any form of usefull ability at loops with your eyes closed, you have to react or you'll die.

    If we're talking about myers yeah maybe, he has literally nothing he can do, so as long as you know his range you can loop him pretty easy. But even against him there's a big difference of chase-time between players, if you predict or guess his moves well you can get MUCH more time, so there are factors I call skill that make the difference.

    It's getting more aparent against strong killers like blight or nurse, they are both hated because you can't loop them like a myers, you have to know what you're doing to get a good chase-time against them. With chucky I can tell that I'll probably 180 you because it doesn't sound like you react, guess or predict very much, and that's the thing I call skill: reacting, predicting and guessing, all 3 are things you can't do very well without obtaining the skill to do that first.

    Of course all of the things above is more theory than praxis so it's very case-dependent.

    Like I already said, you're right it was meant as hide and seek, but they canceled that plan long ago. They could have deleted the loops and made the maps better for hiding, but they didn't and that's why it's not an exploit.

    To the game-modes:

    I'm gonna be honest: I didn't like any of the modes very much so far, so I can't say I'm very surprised they want a more normal mode. I'd rather have a perkless-, addonless-mode without offerings than any other weird mode that just isn't dbd.

    Maybe you're better than you think or your mmr is just worse than it should because of your mates, fact is that looping is a skill. I have a few friends that started to play the game as survivor, and not a single one of them would nearly beat me at an 1vs1 even if they played nurse or blight and I something like myers xD

    I'm sorry btw if some sentences are hard or weird to read. I'm from germany and many sentences are formated differently in german than in english

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    understand everything fine 🙂. And thank you for challenging my views while being respectful. Actually a nice change and even though I disagree with most what you said. Respect that you broke my argument down where you think I am wrong. So fair play your a true gent.

    with the new game modes I think we need something fresh a party mode. Problem with DBD players play like it’s life and death. And be toxic to one another. Why we lost a lot of old players. A fun chilled mode would bring the fun back. That’s just my opinion though.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    New permanent custom game modes will always attract players, being it new or old ones... The point is they would need to stay not temporary and they would need to have some sort of lobby system... So you could exclude people that have proven to be not in your mind...

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596
    edited April 5

    Honestly, as a killer main, I don't want this opinion associated with me. 😂

    Looping is the most fun part about playing survivor in my opinion and playing killer against someone, who refuses to loop is mind numbingly boring even if they go down relatively quick. Both sides should be on edge in chase and looping (in theory) is exactly that. There are some extremes where a survivor will always get hit or a killer will always have to brute force through the pallet but as long as these aren't the norm, it's looping all the way for me.

    Also, looping does require skill. Around many structures the killer can hide their red light to confuse survivors and around many pallet loops they can fake movements or even using their power to get a reaction out of the survivor and a hit right after, if play wrong. I'd say it's the most skill expression survivors have.

    The less pallets there are on a map, the more important it becomes for the survivors to actually loop. Because if they don't, then they'll burn through their resources pretty quickly and die.

  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    I started only playing anti loop killers, more killers need reworked